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Daytime cageless parrots?

Echo's Mom

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Hello all,


So after many years of cleaning Echo's cage, I decided that I was done with it! I'm VERY fortunate in that Echo is not overly destructive of her environment, so she gets A LOT more freedom that some parrots do.


I took down the cage, and lined the 15 foot wall with tables, layered the tables with newspaper, put her two perches up there, and she has a night cage - 3x3x3 for sleeping in.


I hung two hooks from the ceiling, bought a large wooden dowel (we'll see how long that lasts LOL) and hooked that up to the hooks, hung her perches on the dowel - which is OVER the tables that are covered in newspaper!


Cleaning now takes about 5 minutes - pick up a layer of newspaper and dump in the compost! Change water bowls (2) and life is good!


Does anyone else have parrots that aren't in their cages during the day and only have sleep cages?



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I am retired and live alone. However, I do not let my parrots roam free all day. I do not like poop throughout my home. My parrots are fully flighted and their favorite room is my kitchen. I have tried laying newpaper on the floors but all they have to do is lift a wing and the newspaper goes bye bye.

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Mine roam free in their bird room when the weather is not good enough for outdoor aviary. I do have to lock up mister thug pants Toby (Caique) when he gets in a mood to chase everybirdy around and show them who's boss bird.


I change their configuration around a lot so they don't get bored with the same toys/ropes/orbits/swings/ etc. The cages are their sleeping cages but they will put themselves in a cage (not necessarily their own) during nappy time.


Here's a shot of our bird room with garage floor paint to make it easy to clean (no birds - they're in the aviary):





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For me it wasn't that hard to arrange. My cat and dog would likely eat Echo if they got the chance, so her room is completely shut off from the predators LOL


I was already leaving her out all day while I'm at work, and she wasn't getting into any trouble. So I figured, what the heck, let's try no big cage and see how that goes.


It's been awesome!

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I had a Tiel that never saw a cage the last eight years of her life, but, my Grey and Sun are cage-free only if I am home. My Sun would surely get into some trouble - he does even with me watching him! LOL My Grey, maybe not trouble too much, but he would let my Sun out! LOL

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Ollie ( dog), and Sophie ( bird), are always " plotting", how to be together, since our animal kingdom has decreased past few years, when I am at work. I am thinking of a rehomed bird, then I think, get Ollie a new friend! I am torn back and forth... either decision, will not be the best one for the opposite species! Nancy

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