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Welcome to our expanded nest. There's always lots of spare perches here. Lots of people here that have different kinds of parrots. Looking forward to some nice chats. Lots of spoiled dogs and cats here too. Hope you enjoy yourself here.

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Thanks Dave! Glad to be here! Onyeka is due to arrive within a few days, he was hatched in December and just weaned!!


Well, we have loads of rooms here that cover just about everything. We even have a nursery room for people who wanna discuss things about their baby birds. That room covers all sorts of baby species. We also have Other Birds room if you wanna talk about other species. You'll see that loads of people here have loads of different of species besides greys. If you get a chance check out all the different roms and I'm positive that you'll see things that appeal to you. Good luck with your family member that's ready to arrive. Everyone is always happy when we see that people wait until a bird is weaned before buying. Safer that way

Edited by Dave007
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Thank you all, Onyeka is the diminutive of Onyekachi, a west African Igbo name which I've read translates to "who is greater than God"? We picked it back in December when he was still an egg. It can be used in either feminine or masculine application and has a nice sound to it, pronounced: Awhneekaw. I will post more pics when he arrives home, we are very excited and are told that he is very outgoing, huge, and beautiful! We have a great home waiting for him with new super big cage, lots of new toys, a new large playstand complete with more new toys, a vet lined up and plenty of food!

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Welcome! I can't wait to hear more about your new addiction...er..... addition--oops (I accidentally wrote "addiction" first and was about to edit it when I realized that Greys do become a sort of addiction! Freudian slip I guess). I don't know if this is your first grey, or if you have experience with them, but all I can say is that it is a wild, wonderful and unexpected ride. I can't even begin to imagine my life without my little CAG Gracie. It is just the absolute best!

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Ha!! I think you had it right the first time. Addiction. I spared no expense on toys, stand, cage, ect.. to the point that I may have to panhandle near the business district! This is our first Grey and have been planning for his arrival since November. He is expected to arrive tomorrow evening. I have butterflies in my gut and can't think of anything else. I find myself doing relaxed meditation frequently. I am already in love with him and have been since he was an egg in the nest. He was a Christmas baby and an Easter arrival. I know whats gonna be in my basket this year!!! No eggs but a fully weaned big eyed silver feathered fluff.

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He got in late last night so we got him to his cage to rest. He decided exploring was more fun. He is huge and such a tiny baby all at the same time. Not frightened or shy, he wants to be near me honking like a canadian goose. He is georgeous, light silver, clumbsy, observant, and cautious whike also bold and strong!!

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He has been exploring this morning, he has "inspected" all the toys and favors the rope perch. He is still getting used to the height of the cage but seems comfortable and preens. i can tell hes tired. we'll have a relaxed day maybe Gibby the conure will do some training sessions with me while Onyeka warches from his palace.

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Amazing! LOVE that cage! Glad he seems to be settling in ok. I second Acapella's suggestion of lining the bottom of the cage with towels. They'll get a little messy, but will prevent him from hurting himself if he has a fall. I had to do this with Alfie as he was very clumsy! (Still is, at times!)

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