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Hello African Grey Lovers!

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I am new to the Forum! I just joined today. I have an African grey, who's name is Zazu. he is about 3-4 yrs old. I had bought a multi-colored, bendable rope perch and Zazu is still afraid of it. Initially, when I bought it, I put it inside his cage and needless to say, he was afraid of it. So I took it out and left it on the outside of the cage for about a month now. He is still very afraid of it. I will get him on the perch and walk around the house with him on it, just to get him used to it. He is frantically breathing fast and flapping his wings the whole time. I only leave him on the perch for a few minutes and then put him back in his cage. Do you think I messed it up by putting the perch inside his cage right away or do you think there is still hope that he will learn to like it. it's a good size, as I thought it would be great exercised for his feet. Any suggestions will be much appreciated! thank you for your time! :)

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Hi & welcome to GF Ladydove1966. Short version - yes it's probably something to stick in the closet for now. :( If you want some exercise for Zazu, use natural branches &/or various sized perches.


Greys aren't known to be accepting of new things. Even the comparably few who are can get freaked about specific things, though. They all really need to be allowed to adjust in their own time. Even if that means they never do. You did good right up to the point where you put him on the perch, though. Next time, he'll probably do better if you wait him out.

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I hung a long boing (rope perch) from the ceiling next to Timber's cage. He totally ignored it for 6 months. Then one day I walked into the room and he was sitting on it. Now, I have to replace it regularly (he chews on it all the time) and he uses it a lot. It can take a long time for them to accept a new item but don't give up! If it was inside his cage and making him fearful then it should definitely come out. If Timber seems afraid of a new toy, I put it on the counter where he can see it but isn't afraid of it. Then I periodically move it closer. That said, there have been many toys he has never "taken to." He gets over his fear but still isn't interested. Just like my children, I see things I think he will just love and he has no interest. Hold up a straw from the convenience store however, and he goes nuts for it. Go figure ;)


Also, welcome to you and Zazu! Tell us more about your life together and post some pics when you have a chance.

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Hi & welcome to GF Ladydove1966. Short version - yes it's probably something to stick in the closet for now. :( If you want some exercise for Zazu, use natural branches &/or various sized perches.


Greys aren't known to be accepting of new things. Even the comparably few who are can get freaked about specific things, though. They all really need to be allowed to adjust in their own time. Even if that means they never do. You did good right up to the point where you put him on the perch, though. Next time, he'll probably do better if you wait him out.


Thank you, Birdhouse! That's what I thought. but how long do you think I should let it sit out of sight until I reintroduce it to Zazu again?

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I hung a long boing (rope perch) from the ceiling next to Timber's cage. He totally ignored it for 6 months. Then one day I walked into the room and he was sitting on it. Now, I have to replace it regularly (he chews on it all the time) and he uses it a lot. It can take a long time for them to accept a new item but don't give up! If it was inside his cage and making him fearful then it should definitely come out. If Timber seems afraid of a new toy, I put it on the counter where he can see it but isn't afraid of it. Then I periodically move it closer. That said, there have been many toys he has never "taken to." He gets over his fear but still isn't interested. Just like my children, I see things I think he will just love and he has no interest. Hold up a straw from the convenience store however, and he goes nuts for it. Go figure ;)


Also, welcome to you and Zazu! Tell us more about your life together and post some pics when you have a chance.


Thank you very much for the Welcome. I'm glad there is a place where I can get some insight and much needed "expert" advice, which is more on the personal level. I can actually speak with other Grey owners who can appreciate and understand what I am going through. thank you again!

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Hi ladydove1966, has Zazu been with you since she was weaned? As it does matter how well a grey knows you as to the trust developed.


With my TAG and CAG I just put a new whatever in a good spot that they like and wait for them to explore and trust it. My TAG, Ana Grey, 6, is a brave lady and loves window and kitchen views anywhere she can see me. My CAG, 4, Sterling Gris is a fraidy cat and a little slow to trust new things. As with everything you have to let your grey figure out when it it "safe". What we call Grey Time.


Welcome to the Grey Family.

Edited by luvparrots
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Because Zazu was forced to actually touch TheScaryNewThing, it could take a long time. If it was *just* hung in my guy's cage, I'd give it 6 mos because Phenix is really tough. I'd actually need to give that perch to Kura under those same circumstances.


It really all depends on how well adjusted Zazu normally is. Then it depends on if he's got some kind of specific insanity where it comes to this particular ScaryNewThing. Something about the smell, color, it's snake-like charm...??


You never know. Some days it's pretty much all trail & error. Sometimes, you've just got to accept that the answer is "Absolutely no *^%$! way!!!" & move on, too. Sorry, I wish I had a better answer.

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Just move on and forget about the perch for now, perhaps leave it lying out in the open on the other side of the room and ignore it. I think you may have learned a valuable lesson in not ever forcing Zazu into a situation where he is uncomfortable. These birds need to trust us in order to have a great relationship so understanding that will help get that trust building started.

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Another thing you could do is "dress" it up a bit with things that Zazu likes.


After you have hidden it for a couple of weeks / months ... add some fun stuff to it - balls, etc. whatever Zazu likes to destroy and then hang it somewhere away from his cage.


My TAG, Echo, loves her boings. BUT, they have to be the multi-coloured ones. I bought the plain boring coloured ones and she freaked at it. I remember looking at her and thinking SERIOUSLY? You're attacking it? It looks just like the one you destroyed.


AH, but NOPE! It wasn't exact - there were NO colours on it. So, I bought shoe laces and tied a bunch of them around the boing ... she LOVED it ... and then she took all the shoe laces off ... and I had to buy more!!!!! The cost of the boing is still more expensive than the cost of shoelaces I've had to buy and replace!


Good luck,



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I would not hide it and then reintroduce it because that will only be a reminder to be fearful. Put it in another room perhaps laying someplace low on its side like a chair or table. You may have to leave it there for a couple of months or so...let him get used to it and learn that it's not going to "murder" him.... Over time he will see it's harmless and slowly you can move it into the same room, do the same, and eventually have him step from your hand onto it and give lots of praise if he stands on it, make a fuss over how great it is that's he's there....he will get used to it, and he probably will love it eventually. All my 3 have them and love them now. Patience...they usually come around

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