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Clara at Week 12


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Hi There,


I figured it is time for an update on my Clara situation.






So Clara is quite the bundle of love. She is very attached to me, bite those that scared her previously(Two girls decided that it was a good idea to let a 20kg steel plate fall next to her cage. It was an accident of course, but Clara is now appears to be scared of them, biting them, as in lounging and attacking in self defence) and she allows the neutral people to touch and stroke her(My father and other friends that aren't falling in the "They scared me" category). Giving the circumstances, this is acceptible behouviour for me.


She absolutely loves cuddling, and is extremely curious. She became a very capable climber, now that she can use her wings to help her stay afloat while she jumps or while she needs to keep her balance while covering a big gap.


Her pastimes includes exploring the room, nipping on a pair of shoes, nipping my feet(which includes leaving one or two for me to step in, when I get up to take a break). She is starting to learn how to fly, so there is an extreme amount of flapping.


She doesn't make those ear piercing baby "feed me" cries any more. Instead, it seems, she is starting to learn to vocalize properly.


She also seems to understand the meaning and the emotion behind me saying "No" to something, stopping what ever she is busy with, looking disappointed, and moving on to what ever was next on her agenda. Sometimes she gets more upset than necesary, but I just ignore that.


She seems to be fully weaned. When I give her formula, she'll have two or three bites, then move on to something else. Her treat for her at the moment is either cucumber, or peanuts, that is still in their shells.


She also already had her first bath. She looked like a prize winner after that.


So all in all, everything is looking good.


Thank You to everybody that responded when I had questions. I doubt I would have gotten far without it.

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Thank you for the update! I got Alfie around 11-12 weeks old so this was a blast of nostalgia for me as to what he was like at that age!

Alfie was mostly weaned when I got him but still had some formula alongside his food. So I remember those screams very well!


It's great to see that Clara is adapting well to her new surroundings and looks happy and confident too! :)

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