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Drink Of Water?


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Phoenix does not talk much at all. He says Peekaboo, Come Here and Here Kitty Kitty. The other day he came out with "Drink Of Water". lol Now he says it Nonstop! I keep talking to him about other things but he is hooked on that drink of water. I Love my thirsty little guy! :)

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It's sometimes surprising what they choose to say. When I first got Bailey, I said, "Hello", at least 1,000 times a day. His first words were, "Give me a kiss". I only said that a few times when I would put him on his playtop. He finally started saying "Hello" weeks later. They also say things over & over to practice. Bailey will say the same phrase over & over, using different inflections and emphasize different syllables.

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They are ALL adorable! I'm now saying " morning " twenty times a day! LOL! As this is a new word for Sophie, and she REALLY likes it, we have decided NOT to teach her what it means in context. She knows it is some form of greeting between us humans. She wags her tail when she says it, is quite proud of herself, so we are too! Morning to you all even if it is 8pm! Nancy

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Around here we call it "Inara's thing of the week." When she figures out some new word or puts together a new phrase, she love to use it -- over and over. One week it was, "Hey girl," to the point that we started referring to her as Justin Beaker. What I find fascinating, is how they will put together an entire phrase, like "Drink of water," all at once, like your adorable Phoenix just did. I know that when I am practicing a foreign language, I try on new phrases and word combinations, too. :D

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Alfie scared the heck out of my dad once (which takes a lot of doing). My dad went downstairs in the early hours to grab a drink and suddenly heard a really deep voice say "Morning" (as a greeting). He thought someone was in the house and rushed to turn the light on to see who it was... only to discover he was alone in the room with Alfie in his cage. It was his latest word and he wanted to try it out!

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