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Most Painful bite


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I think that I experienced the most painful bite possible today. I was playing with tank, he got tired of being held and just bit me right where the nail joins the skin on my right index finger:( . It took all I had not to pull away or yell at him but he chomped down good on it. I calmly picked him up put him back in his cage walked in the other room and let loose with a stream of very nice words about him :laugh: I do have to say short of being kicked in the crotch it is the most painful experience I have ever had.

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Awe, that's terrible!! As many bird owners here have experienced - welcome to the "my bird bit me club." You did the right thing though in not having a huge reaction to it, and simply just putting him back in his cage. I know that must have been difficult - but good job! B) :)

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I may have topped you! Klaus pulled a "band" type hoop earring back through the piercing hole in my ear. It was stuck there. I had to have my brother in law get it out for me. When we finally got it out it was bent into the strangest oval shape (it had started out a perfect circle). I can't believe how strong these birds are!

Anyway, sorry about the bite - I feel your pain. And good job keeping your composure!

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OMG, I got that same bite a couple of weeks ago!! Except it was my thumb... he dug into my finger right at the cuticle and went through the nail!! It was sooooo painful and bleeding everywhere. Little buggahs!! Why can't they at least give us some warning?!?!?


I feel your pain :pinch: :pinch: :pinch:

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OH, she'll bite you soon enough. She'll bite you using the mild bite method upon which she'll graduate to puncture bite method and when she lusts for more, she'll bite you using the deeper penetration bite. She will see the drops of blood and lust after your juicy flesh so she'll use the peeling method of biting and she'll peel off the outer layer of skin where the softer red pink flesh lined with the tiny veins are located. She'll bite those veins so that blood will ooze out onto the pink flesh and she'll enjoy the bird version of Filet Mignon done very rare with cuticle rings as an appetiser.


Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/11/09 23:59<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/11/10 00:33

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MrSpock wrote:

OH, she'll bite you soon enough. She'll bite you using the mild bite method upon which she'll graduate to puncture bite method and when she lusts for more, she'll bite you using the deeper penetration bite. She will see the drops of blood and lust after your juicy flesh so she'll use the peeling method of biting and she'll peel off the outer layer of skin where the softer red pink flesh lined with the tiny veins are located. She'll bite those veins so that blood will ooze out onto the pink flesh and she'll enjoy the bird version of Filet Mignon done very rare with cuticle rings as an appetiser.



That was a little more graphic than I needed to hear but what a description, you certainly do come up with some good ones. Living with you must be a real treat.:laugh:

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I agree tank has been moody today so he sits on his perch preening himself. Watching me waiting for me to make a move to pick him up so he can eat my hand.


Well you have two hands so what's losing one of them Tank only needs one to perch on. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Cyard, at: 2007/11/10 06:52

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Clay, he needs to know you are not afraid of him, for if he does he will bite you all the more, so when you go to have him step up on your hand, just do it without hesitation, he may go to bite but stand firm and let him know you are not going to back away, be fearless.

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And next time pick him up with great confidence (that's what I find hard to do with dogs after they bite, to show you're not afraid it will happen again) :blush:

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Welcome to the "Parrot Bite Me Club" Clay. You can find that string here in this room. You should log your entry there as well and read of others experiences. :-)


MrSpock - I loved your post!! HA!!


Nose Bites - They sting and will bring tears to your eyes.....Kim has had a few "Love" bites...I had one, but I think Dayo was just really into the "Moment" B) No piercings.......YET :P

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So yeah on a side note my apartment building caught on fire and I am displaced with tank. At the moment in a hotel room. My apartment is fine but there is heavy smoke damage, and I don't want to put tank back in the apartment until it is able to be cleaned.:( I'm so pissed at the idiot that caused the fire.:angry:

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ClayRP - Wow, I am sorry to hear of the fire in your building. Thank God the both of you got out unscathed and in good health. Hopefully you two will not be in the Hotel too long and you both fair well while living out of a suitcase.


Please keep us posted on the process of cleaning. I would imagine everything in the apartment will need to be thoroughly cleaned of any residual chemicals left over from the smoke that filled your apartment.


Take care my friend. :-)

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The cleaning is going well I hired a company through my insurance company to come in and clean everything I should be back in there with in a couple days. I will say that tank is not happy having to live in his travel cage. He misses his home already, but he doesn't seem stressed out and is actually acting fairly normal.

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