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If you are having troubles getting your grey to eat veggies, try organic veggies. I don't always buy organic (Sometimes it's not available) and without fail Dayo doesn't like the non-organic veggies. She never liked zuccini, Tonight I stopped at the health food store on the way home. Picked up an organic sweet potatoe, a zuccini, an organic mango and an organic pear. Along with her regular mash I chopped up some of each and she just couldn't get enough. It's such a wonderful feeling when they chow down like that :)


Also thought of a great parrot bowl idea. A beautiful, heavy handmade, stoneware bowl divided into four sections so when you want to add some chopped up various and sundry you can fill up the different sections like a buffet. I make pottery so it's on my to do list though I havn't made anything in a while.

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GREAT idea bluedawg! How come we haven't seen your pottery? I am sure many of us would be interested! No lead I'm sure?

Sophie likes her veggies as bread or on the grill.She will only eat veggies when we do it at dinner.If we eat it, she tries it.I have always struggled to get the kids to eat veggies, so for years I am use to grilling them. What a spoiled lot! Nancy

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Thank you Nancy. I can spin a bowl or a cup or a vase as well as the next guy but I got stuck on making these cups that I designed where I pinched around my hand so your hand fits right into the cup then I fired them in an Anagama kiln... long story short, nobody likes them but me :) I started selling them at $65.00... sold three, now I'm down to $10.00 but nobody's buying so I think only I like them. I love making them though! And I use one every day - it's my favorite coffee mug. –Mary


Here's a link to my Etsy shop...



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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a great addition and it has no nutritional value. I take a piece of celery, cut it down to 3 in. pieces. Each piece is the thickness of a Sharpie pen. All of my greys love them. There's never a problem and they're all happy and look forward to getting them. Sometimes, I give one of my greys 2 pieces because he loves them.

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One thing I recently learned, is to pull the string off of the celery, it has been known in quite a few cases to get stuck in the crop and cause blockage. Just to be safe, I do it now.


Good suggesdtion. Luckily, I haven't had any problems but I''ll try it out. Thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll try grilling some zucchini and peppers soon and see how he takes to it. Thanks for the tip! Onyeka does usually try most veggies I've offered, he likes corn, carrots and green beans, loves banana and apple chunks, & seems willing to at least try anything as long as I try it too. Yes, he usually waits till I've "tested" it first He's only been with us just over a week and has me trained. I don't know if that means I'm a good student or he is a good teacher. Probably the latter.

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Alfie prefers cooked veggies. He likes peas especially. And mashed potato (he only gets that on a VERY rare occasion as I'm not very good as mashed potatos and rarely eat them)

He doesn't eat carrots unless cooked (boiled is fine). He chucks them if they're raw.


I did blend up a load of veggies for him recently with some mango in it to see if I could trick him into eat more veggies... he barely touched it. They HAVE to be cooked!

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I'm gonna try some squash/sweet potato mash maybe with banana. I think I will experiment slowly offering each separately and then start to combine ratios. Sounds fun anyway. I read somewhere (can't remember if it was here or somewhere else on the interweb) about sprinkling cinnamon on sweet potatoes or winetr squash. Is there any health risk or benefit to this? I know this is a veggie thread so I may start another on spice/herbs to get some thoughts there. Thanks!!!

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