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Feathers for DNA test


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My baby Pookie will turn 2 years on March 9 and I was thinking of getting it sexed. Here in france, there are 2 ways, either they gaz the bird to withdraw some blood, which I dont want to put him through. Or to pluck 2-3 live feathers and send to the lab for testing.


I feel bad and Im not sure I have the heart to pluck feathers.

Has anyone done it? Which are could be less painful? how did you do it.




4 Assaad.jpg

8 Assaad.jpg

Edited by ranaz
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  ranaz said:
My baby Pookie will turn 2 years on March 9 and I was thinking of getting it sexed. Here in france, there are 2 ways, either they gaz the bird to withdraw some blood, which I dont want to put him through. Or to pluck 2-3 live feathers and send to the lab for testing.


I feel bad and Im not sure I have the heart to pluck feathers.

Has anyone done it? Which are could be less painful? how did you do it.





Using sedation for any reason unless absolutely neccessay ( serious health issues) is a very bad idea. There's 2 common ways that sexing is done-----

1--as you mentioned, removal of a few feathers which won't bother a bird at all. It's the person who's more frightened. The feathers are sent in by mail or the vet or vet tech does the sexing.

2---the other method is to clip a claw a bit shorter so that a very little bit of blood comes out. The bolood is stored in a tiny container after being put on a Quik Tip or a cotton swab. That too can be mailed in or a vet tech can do it. Neigther method is done by a vet. A vet tech is usually the one that does it. If the claw is clipped, the only thing a person has to is put some cornstarch or Quick Stop in the claw area and press it in for about 2 minutes. The area immediately clots. Be brave. Your bird won't even know you're doing either method. At the end of either method, give your bird a little treat that he/she likes.

PS--you asked if others have done plucking----loads of people have done it.

Edited by Dave007
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  Dave007 said:
Using sedation for any reason unless absolutely neccessay ( serious health issues) is a very bad idea. There's 2 common ways that sexing is done-----

1--as you mentioned, removal of a few feathers which won't bother a bird at all. It's the person who's more frightened. The feathers are sent in by mail or the vet or vet tech does the sexing.


Dave can you give me few more details on the feather method? How to choose the feathers, to pluck each separately, any advise of how to do it? I can post them to the lab tp get it sexed but its the plucking Im not sure how to do. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you

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  ranaz said:
Dave can you give me few more details on the feather method? How to choose the feathers, to pluck each separately, any advise of how to do it? I can post them to the lab tp get it sexed but its the plucking Im not sure how to do. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you


Look at the black circle----put you hand around the bird leaving the breast exposed. Keep the bird horosontal. Grab 2 or 3 feathers from the breast area. Keep your fingers next to his skin. Give a quick pull and the feathers are out. These are the same feathers that a bird molts 1 or 2x a year.



if you're more brave, have a person hold the bird, go to the tail feathers, focus in on one feather. Put your fingers around that one feather, keep finger next to the skin, pull quickly and the feather will come out. There may be a little blood which isn't unusual. Put a little cornstarch or talcum powder on the area, press for 30 seconds and clotting will happen.



get a person to hold the bird. Have a tiny nailclipper there. Take the clipper and clip a bit of nail off. If there's no blood, repeat until you see a little blood. Have a baggy there. Put blood on a q--tip or cotton ball and put it in a baggy. Bring it to the vet or mail it out to get the test done. Just remember one major thing


No matter what method you use, your bird will squawk. That's not unusual and the only thing that's happening is that the bird is not in pain, just irritated. The squawking stops immediately. Put him/her in the cage on a perch. Give a treat, tell him that he's a good boy/girl.




Edited by Dave007
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