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Parrot Poop Vs Kitchen Sponge


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Thought some here might be interested to know that, as per my microbiology experiment, there is far less bacteria in Parrot poop than is on your kitchen sponge. In fact last week I took samples from Parrot Poop, Kitchen Sponge, Bottom of my shoe and under my finger nail as well as nose and throat cultures, and this week after a week in the incubator the culture which showed the least growth was Parrot Poop :) Hurray for Parrot Poop! So you would do better to wash your dished with poop than with an old kitchen sponge.


I can post a pic of the petri dish next week if anyone is interested to see :)


Here's an enviro friendly method to kill those pesky bacteria on your kitchen sponge:

Soak your sponge for at least 5 minutes in full-strength white vinegar — overnight is even better. Then, let the sponge air-dry — in the sun, if possible.


The vinegar method kills 99.6% of bacteria from sponges.

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This is so good to know. You must be a scientist too!


I stopped using a microwave in 2010. Initially, it was tough, but I am totally used to it now. It just takes a few more minutes to heat up dinner in the oven.

I wash all my dishes by hand using a sponge-topped soap wand. It is just me in the house and I tend to use the same dishes over and over, so I never have enough to run the dishwasher. I have never have sterilized the sponge, and i would hate to think what is growing on it! I use vinegar (organic) in my laundry to allow for better cleaning with my alkaline water. I guess i will start soaking my dish wand sponge in it too. It is truly a wonder cleaner. I clean my white sinks with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and a little vinegar too. They are SO white! I have never had whiter sinks since I switched from toxic cleaners to simple ingredients.

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Chezron... Found this article http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/ChemTech/Volume/2009/03/solar_power_kills_bacteria.asp Looks like the Sun does kill bacteria. I am glad you are using glass though - Those people in developing countries leaving plastic bottles of water out in direct sun for hours have a whole different group of contaminants to worry about.

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Thought some here might be interested to know that, as per my microbiology experiment, there is far less bacteria in Parrot poop than is on your kitchen sponge. In fact last week I took samples from Parrot Poop, Kitchen Sponge, Bottom of my shoe and under my finger nail as well as nose and throat cultures, and this week after a week in the incubator the culture which showed the least growth was Parrot Poop :) Hurray for Parrot Poop! So you would do better to wash your dished with poop than with an old kitchen sponge.


I can post a pic of the petri dish next week if anyone is interested to see :)


Here's an enviro friendly method to kill those pesky bacteria on your kitchen sponge:

Soak your sponge for at least 5 minutes in full-strength white vinegar — overnight is even better. Then, let the sponge air-dry — in the sun, if possible.


The vinegar method kills 99.6% of bacteria from sponges.


::Hurray for Parrot Poop! So you would do better to wash your dished with poop than with an old kitchen sponge.:::



Oh gee, this is so exciting!!!!!! hmmm lets see, tonight we''ll have lasagna with a side dish of parrot poop plus a white vinegar dipping sauce for the organic garlic bread. My mouth is watering. I simply can't wait.:rolleyes:

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All those who voted to see the pics... take it back before you see something you can't un-see. Trust me! :P


And once it's too late, & you can never again look at a sponge w/o cringing a little, my humble suggestion is to use a dish cloth/rag from then on. They rinse & dry very well, so they aren't the little germ incubators that sponges are. You almost wash them clean by hand after each use. Periodic soak in a little vinegar & a bit of time in the sun to disinfect. No poop to settle in the bottom of the washing machine. No poop in the dishwasher. And no cross contamination w/human food clean up if you use a different one for the birdie clean up & another for the people food.

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You all must go through a ton of paper towels. I HATE going to Costco and buying their mega-size paper towel and toilet paper bundles and they're gone in a couple of weeks. Reusable is the way for me. I'll nuke my sponges/dish cloths, which is what I've been doing for years. Wife otoh plows through enough paper products for a family of 10.

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