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URGENT situation


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I hate to sound desperate, but I recently found out about some birds that were at a 'breeder' (a small in-home 'operation' - the parrot equivalent of a BYB) in NJ. Project Perry committed to the African Greys, and took all of them, even though they found out the eight 'couples' also came with five older offspring with varying 'disabilities' (missing toes, etc.) I committed to the cockatiels, because... well... we have kind of become the "Littles" rescue. We have a walk-in aviary in the house, and plans in the works to connect it to an enclosed flight on our front porch (when the tax refund comes) so we have plenty of room for them. Sadly, this left behind a "crazy wild" Amazon, and three terrified cockatoos. All are un-handle-able, so this means I cannot utilize fosters due to high risk both to the fosters and to the birds.


I am attaching their pictures. These pictures are of their current "home" - the conditions they've lived in for possibly decades (I only know the details of the Greys - they were there for 25 years).


I am desperately trying to figure out some way to save them. They are to be euthanized if the owner cannot place them.


I have thought about carving out a TEMPORARY space in the garage but am worried about the weather. We still could potentially have some colder weather. If anyone has converted this type of space to usable parrot housing, I would appreciate ANY tips or suggestions on how they did it.


Anyone else here have tips on squeezing extra area out of existing space? We are going to try to set up a fundraiser of some type to help with this rescue but for right now I am only counting on what we have available from our own resources. I'd like to find a way to squeeze them in here, even just for a couple of months, while we work on acceptable housing for them. I don't think they'd fit in my guest bathroom but that may be where we have to go. Or possibly the master bath as well. It just breaks my heart to think they may die because no one will take them. We originally said we couldn't but now to find out they will die for lack of a rescue, I am rethinking that decision. Maybe it's not meant to happen. Maybe my heart is just too tender and too big. But I am praying that somehow a solution will be found.


The donated aviary is coming (in pieces) Monday and Tuesday but there is much work (and expense) needed before it goes "live" so that is not an option at this time.



The Amazon - he was reportedly a "honeymoon present" until he got to be about five years old and the hormones kicked in, and has been relegated to this cage as "crazy mean and wild" every since.



One of the cockatoos.



This cockatoo has plucking issues and doesn't look healthy. Not sure what the 'bump' is around the vent area.



Another of the cockatoos.



This picture is not of the birds that still need rescued, but this was the previous home of the African Greys that have already been rescued. They spent 25 years of their lives in these cages. I don't see a single toy. :( They will be taken good care of at Project Perry.

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My apologies in advance to TL's, but desperate times & all...


The smaller birds are "shelve-able". Maybe put them back into temporary, smaller containment? This would only be for a couple of months vs euthanasia is forever. For that matter, no matter how harsh it may sound, the bigger guys are used to something a lot less than wonderful. Can you put them up in something smaller than ideal for the time being? Again, it's only for the short term. Once you get the big aviary in place, everyone will be all set.

Edited by birdhouse
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I have become the queen of squeezing out extra space. And an unutilized garage is just fine. You can tarp the doors when it does get cold and put in good lights and a heater. On the nicer days, open the garage doors and let them get that fresh air! Like was said, they are use to less than perfect so anything would be an improvement until upgrades can be made for them. Gee death or a little more time in the cages, I choose cage time. You can do it! I have 12 now, soon to be 15 big birds in a 1700 sq ft house and they each have their own areas to play in when not in the cages, it can be done!

The amazon looks just like Chacho who also was labeled a mean wild bird. He needs to fine the right person to love as did Chacho. He loves me and will protect me to the end but no one else better come near. There is someone out there for each of them! I would take him in a snap if I were closer and if Chacho allowed it. He needs one of his own, he is my only odd ball! lol

Best wishes to you all!

Edited by murfchck
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Been thinking about this since I read it. Wish I knew a ref in that area. And the way things are in New England, people that might drive surprisingly far just can't because of the extreme situation w/the snow (brutal!).


This also reminded me of when I first got Kura. Among their other offenses, they'd had her in that size cage. I set her up in a big bird cage & she just couldn't handle it. Ekkies are admittedly clumsy & she had apparently been there for most of her first year which no doubt helped stunt her coordination. But she initially took some super scary falls until I had brains enough to switch to a cage that was way too small by conventional standards. It took several cages & the better part of a year for her develop adequate strength & coordination for a normal cage for a bird of her size.


Wondering if any of these guys are going to have similar issues?

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Definitely. We are looking at putting cages in both bathrooms at the moment. The garage is very very cold. One bathroom has already been a quarantine which was recently vacated when the birds were moved to permanent isolation in what used to be our guest room. (Out of town guests will be bunking at the Marriott from here on out, lol). There's loads of space in that room, but sadly, the birds that inhabit it could potentially be carrying avian bornavirus, so it must remain a closed isolation. :(

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I am not even sure if the bird is male or female. None have been DNA tested. My dear husband has been working in the DC area which is halfway between here and where they are. He's volunteered to drive up there, SOLO and take on the task of bringing back the birds. I explained the "wild", "mean" and "vicious" reports but he feels he's up to it. Marden used to nail him pretty bad when he was hormonal, and Peck's giving him a couple nice scars, so I guess he can handle it. We have 2300 sq ft but 56 (soon to be 65) birds. Wow. That just hit me when I typed that. Growing pains, kind of like labor, but it will all be worth it and I have faith that God won't give me more job to do than resources provided. We talked over bunking them in the guest bath and our bath. At least until the weather warms up here. It's bitterly cold tonight. I agree small cages are okay for short term. I really just need to get them vetted so they can live in the "bird" room. I can make the cages all fit. I do wish you were closer. I think he/she'd fit right in with your group.

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I believe she'd already contacted the rescue in NJ. She said she contacted several before someone gave her Matt Smith's contact information. I am currently going through the GFAS "Caring for Exotic Birds in the Shelter" webinar series. I am very happy to say a good portion of what I have heard so far validates current practice and the parts that don't are just going to have to be points of disagreement. Did a search and Project Perry is the only GFAS anywhere near me that isn't related to horses! WOW, I did not realize there were so many horse sanctuaries.

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I spoke to the woman who has the birds today. Marden's Ark has committed to picking them up. It's really a very sad story. Grab a tissue....


The man, her husband, bred Congo African Grey parrots. He did this for many years. Several years ago, they both had an attack of conscience and decided that they were no longer going to breed the birds, and haven't for some time. They also did the right thing by not selling them off to other breeders, but instead kept them - unfortunately in the only way they knew how. Her exact words were "They took care of us, and we felt we had to take care of them." These other birds were not breeders. She stated the Amazon was given up by a couple who wanted to "get rid of" the bird, because they were expecting a baby (this makes sense after having heard the bird became aggressive when sexually mature as many people 'fear' aggressive birds and having a baby makes a great excuse to look like a cautious, protective parent rather than an irresponsible pet owner). The Goffin was brought to her by a wildlife refuge who received it as a "lost bird" but could not keep it themselves. I am not sure how she got the other two, but both are sulfur-crested, one a medium and the other a lesser (the plucker).


About a year ago, the husband fell seriously ill, and in December, he died. She has been the sole caretaker of the birds during this past year, and tried to do her best despite having said she really knows very little about birds. Now that her husband has died, she's being forced to part with everything and leave her home. That includes the birds. This is why she had mentioned euthanizing them. Not because she wanted to. But because the only other option appeared to be moving out and leaving them there and she said she could never do that.


She said every day she cried, after her husband died, wondering what she was going to do with the birds. She said "I prayed to God for a miracle, someone to save them. Matt Smith was my first miracle. You (Marden's Ark) are my second."


I was just very glad we were able to assure her we could take care of the birds. I think it lifted a very heavy weight off her mind.


I don't think they meant to neglect the birds. She said her husband, before he fell ill, spent lots of time with them and had them out of the cages. However she could not do that. She's living on only social security yet still managed to keep the birds, and care for them, maybe not to the best of standards but she did what she could do. I had tears in my eyes when I hung up the phone.

Edited by Muse
fixing typo
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How did this work out? Did you get them all home & figure out where to put them for the time being?


The cockatoos should be picked up possibly next Friday. Hubby has been working in the DC area and he plans to drive up Friday night after getting off work (it's only another 4 hours north), stay at a hotel, pick up the birds on Saturday morning, and drive back home. They will go in the guest bathroom, which will be VERY crowded for a while.


We have the four cockatiels picked up by Matt and Kirah (Project Perry). They went to the vet today. Besides being in poor health due to diet the vet said they should recover once they get the proper diet and some probiotics. Gram stains were not concerning enough to warrant antibiotics, though I do have one whose poop appearance concerns me and I am keeping a close eye on. They are in quarantine in the master bathroom.


Here's some pictures:



This is the little pearl female. We think the male has plucked her head.



This is the male. He wasn't holding still for a picture so it's blurry, but you can see his wings. He's plucked them and chewed it slightly raw in places.



This is a VERY sweet little female. She had some fecal matter stuck around her vent so she got a warm bath last night. She settled right into it and let me give her head rubs and a nice massage.



The other female. She's a bit less trusting but still sweet and gentle.



Their temporary quarantine cage. Full of millet, bowls of good food (Goldenfeast mixed with hulled millet saturated with Booster), a nice bath bowl, water with an echinacea supplement to boost their immune systems, cuttlebone and toys. Dr. Dan also told me ACV in the water every other day and I am going to offer them some kefir and see if they like that (the big birds do). It is a milk product but it's 99% lactose free. I also got some Harrison's Birdie Bread mixes. They all have a great appetite, so that's a plus!

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Thankful for the update not knowing is the hardest thing for me. Wishing I was close enough to help with all the cleaning and the running back and forth. My heart goes out to this woman you can feel her pain through your words. Hugs to all involved from Texas.


Thanks for the hugs. I really need those sometimes. It hurts my heart because I see situations all the time where ex-owners are attacked because they aren't living up to "standards" that we impose. Not that I don't have standards of care, here. It is hard, but I try not to judge people who are trying to improve their birds lives, even if it means giving them up. I realize not everyone can or will provide the level of care many of us do for our own birds. We have no fosters yet because my standards are ridiculously high but I put the welfare of these birds as the top priority here. I don't want to take them from one bad situation and send them into another where we have no idea of what happens next (a good example being the whole "Bring Mealy Home" fiasco). It's very hard to make that decision, because you know you can "do more" if you utilize adoption and foster, however is that really saving them if you are just shuffling them around like a deck of cards? I don't want to bring them here, then send them to a foster or adopter only to have them eaten by an unsupervised cat, killed by Teflon fumes, sat on by a child, fly into a ceiling fan, or be let escape by a careless roommate.


I truly feel for the woman who gave up these birds. I have spoken to her several times on the phone and can feel the pain and sincerity in her voice. They did the best they knew how, and could afford. They didn't "craigslist" or auction the birds when they stopped breeding. They kept them and supported them. Granted, not in the manner we have come to accept but they did what they thought was the right thing at the time. I try to remind myself that the improvements in pet care are a recent movement in our collective conscience and that some folks may not have changed how they view pets and pet care - either because they won't or haven't reached that point in awareness, yet. She told me yesterday that she was the one who realized what they were doing was wrong and started to worry about the fate of the babies she was helping to raise. Her husband said "We can't think about that. Just don't think about it." She told me "There was no way I could NOT think about it!" It's the same way farmer's have been raised, for centuries. They did what they had to do to feed their families and tried not to think about the animals they were raising.


Enlightenment comes differently for each of us. And with it, often pain -- when we realize there is often no way we can *REALLY* do justice to the animals we hold prisoner. Why do birds escape? Why do cats and dogs run away from home? Because they were meant to roam. We take that from them. Under the pretense of providing them comfort and safety. But I put myself in the same position and ask myself to answer honestly if that's what I'd choose for myself if I were in their shoes. The answer breaks my heart.


That's really where it all started. When Mar and Meg were babies, I'd go to YouTube and show them what wild African Greys looked and sounded like. But watching those videos to connect them to their roots was a double edged sword. It made me cry that I could not give them that flock and freedom to fly. I knew then what I'd stolen from them and vowed to move heaven and earth to give them a safe place to fly. The search for the biggest aviary we could provide led me to Project Perry. Sadly, Marden did not live to see the results, but as they say, the rest is history. Now we want to help as many as we can realize the blessing of flight and flock. Not an easy road, but the one I feel compelled to travel.

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Muse... let me know how I can help you! I would be glad to travel and help with transport! It KILLS me... that I can't foster. My open cage concept makes my living arrangement limited. I promised Sophies owner, that she would have a good life and would always be first.I have a GREAT gym that Kiki loved and Sophie doesn't care about. Would be happy to donate,,, let me know how I can help Nancy

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Muse... let me know how I can help you! I would be glad to travel and help with transport! It KILLS me... that I can't foster. My open cage concept makes my living arrangement limited. I promised Sophies owner, that she would have a good life and would always be first.I have a GREAT gym that Kiki loved and Sophie doesn't care about. Would be happy to donate,,, let me know how I can help Nancy


Nancy - you are such a kind-hearted person! Let me know where you are (via PM if you prefer) and I will let you know if we need any transport help near where you are. Thank you!

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All four birds are in quarantine in the guest bathroom. All are doing surprisingly well. Indeed, at least three have bands indicating they are wild caught, however these birds are not as 'wild' as previously thought. They actually have all been very good. The amazon was getting a bit cage possessive with me, but only after I'd changed several things (added new bowls, added a toy) AND got the goffin upset by hanging a toy outside her (his?) cage to acclimate her (him?) to it. I suspect the amazon is a female because there is a definite attraction to my husband, which seems to work on every single female bird here. But I was hand feeding her apple and she was taking them very nicely from my fingertips, and so far all ten fingers are intact.


The cockatoos are all afraid, but no more than any other bird on their first day here. They've been very good about letting me swap out perches and put in toys with the exception of the goffin. Here are some updated pictures:



This is Honey, the amazon, sleeping very contentedly, on a perch right at the front of the cage. I was in a chair directly in front of the cage. You can see she's fluffed, got one foot up, and eyes closed. She was also beak grinding.



This is Molly. She's a Lesser Sulfur-crested Cockatoo. She's very shy and moved to the opposite side of the cage when I put a toy in, but a few minutes later went over to check it out and chew on it. I think she's going to warm up quickly.



This is Casper, the goffin. She was found as a lost pet and brought to a wildlife refuge that could not keep her, so the lady who surrendered her took her in and cared for her. She likes music and loves to dance but wanted nothing to do with the toy I offered her tonight.



This is Jojo. She's afraid, but was not aggressive. She did act aggressive when I added a bowl for water (we are putting the 'locking crocks' in all the cages) but it turned out she wasn't trying to bite, she was trying to drink. She loves food, especially the dried papaya and banana chips in the mix. She dove right in her breakfast bowl as soon as I moved my hand away and cleaned it out!


I was expecting much worse. Jojo has a vet appointment on Wednesday. We will see how that goes. I am praying that the protrusion below her abdomen is nothing serious.

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For the Goffin you might try some largish beads, they love to roll them down their backs and catch them under their wings. They do enjoy taking things apart as well. Great start with them all and will be awaiting the results from Jojo's vet visit.

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  • 1 month later...

I am sorry I don't get here more than I do. My online time is short these days, caring for 64 birds.


Here's a quick update.


Jojo died the night before his vet appointment. He'd been very sweet and curious with me that day, and ate every bit of his breakfast and most of his dry food. At this time I was calling him a "she", and I hope he forgave me. The 'bump' was a hernia and it strangulated. He died while I was at work Tuesday night 3/3/15. We had a necropsy done because of risk to the other birds, and it was conclusive as to that being the cause of death. I bawled my eyes out. I hadn't known him long but we'd already started to make friends and he overcame his fear of me in just a couple days. We had him cremated and sent him back home to his momma.


Honey, the Amazon is a sweetie. She has her moments, becoming violently vocal if she doesn't want to step up. She's hilarious. No bites yet. She does strike the cage bars when agitated but is much calmer when out. She was the first to come out of her cage. She loves the playroom and I get "cussed out" in Amazon upon trying to get her to go back.


Molly is sweet and very skittish. She had some elevated BUN and creatnine on the first round of blood work but the recheck showed everything normalizing so I (and the vet) suspect dehydration and stress from the trip. She's doing very well.


Casper is a little less skittish but still shy.


Casper and Molly wouldn't touch toys at first but both are playing now, and both have finally come out of their cages in the playroom. And now - I found them in the playroom allopreening! I truly believe this is very good for them to have this kind of bond with each other! They are a REAL challenge to get back. Unlike Honey, they DO NOT step up at all so getting them back often involves lots of chasing around the room and eventual gentle toweling. I always make sure I mix being in the towel with some gentle touch and soothing words. They are beginning to calm down but last night it was over 2 hours getting them back. I won't give up, though. I went through this with Anya, and with Ariel the lovebird. Eventually they will learn to respond to a simple request to 'go back' and all will be well. Until then, I will be getting a little extra exercise. Molly had a great opportunity to bite last night and passed it up.


I am very glad we made the decision to take them in. It means longer days and a lot more work but moments like this are the big payoff:


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I am so sorry for your loss of Jojo, you were so very close to getting him to the vet. I know that his time with you he knew you were helping him and your voice and your gentleness was a comfort to him. You are doing a world of good for these parrots and they know you have a good heart and you are kind and caring. Thank you for the update. The video was ever so sweet with Casper and Molly.

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