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Hello Bird Lovers !


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Thank you all for the warm welcome, his name is NuNu. Its only a month and 10 days with me so, he isn't much comfortable yet but yes he has stopped biting me while I try to lift him from his cage and take him around the house. For now I am only feeding him the sunflower seeds as a friend told me not to give him anything else till he is around 10 months old, Is it true? If not, what should I start with?


When he is happy he flaps his wings continuously and copies our whistle, also he is trying to speak some works but not clear enough.


Will post some new pictures soon.

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Thank you all for the warm welcome, his name is NuNu. Its only a month and 10 days with me so, he isn't much comfortable yet but yes he has stopped biting me while I try to lift him from his cage and take him around the house. For now I am only feeding him the sunflower seeds as a friend told me not to give him anything else till he is around 10 months old, Is it true? If not, what should I start with?


When he is happy he flaps his wings continuously and copies our whistle, also he is trying to speak some works but not clear enough.


Will post some new pictures soon.


Hi. Nice to have you here.


As far as the food, what you're doing is very bad for your bird. Feeding a sunflower diet has nothing to do with friendliness or the bird's comfort or discomvert aroung it's new house. Parrots eat a large variety of seeds, vegetables and fruits. That's their natural diet. If your bird is extremely young, starting off with veggies, a small bit of fruit and a small anmount of seed is what the bird needs. If he gets too used to that sunflower seed, it's gonna be very hard to make him eat other things. Giving sunflower won't make him friendlier, easier to handler or more used to it's surrounding. Time and nature does that plus your kindness to him. You're the one that introduces him to these things. Food has nothing to do with it. Knowing that all phases of grey ownership will take a while is important for you to learn about. Ask questions, you'll get varieties of answers.

Edited by Dave007
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Thank you Dave for the valuable info. I didn't mean I am feeding him only seeds to get friendly, but I just mentioned so someone would correct me if I am doing it wrong and there u did. Thanks for that again :) I will start feeding him vegs and fruits mentioned in other thread on the forum.

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Thank you Dave for the valuable info. I didn't mean I am feeding him only seeds to get friendly, but I just mentioned so someone would correct me if I am doing it wrong and there u did. Thanks for that again :) I will start feeding him vegs and fruits mentioned in other thread on the forum.


That's an exceelent idea. It's a great way to start off your relationship with your bird. It will also guarantee a very healthy bird. Just remember that at times, a grey will nip. It's all part of owning a parrot. Everyone here has ben nipped so matter how long they've had their bird and no matter what the age of the bird is. Eventually, a person starts to realize what type of bites mean. After a long period of time, a person actually starts to laugh at it and also learns that the bird is communicating with the owner. A suggestion---read up things in the NURSERY Room and the Bird food Room. For furure use, there's a thread about Bird Language. All of these things will help you in many things. Another thing about food, you'll soon be learning how to be a good chef, salad maker and treat creater. You'll eventually see that a parrot will eat safe things that you won't believe and these things are safe. Always ask if a certain item is unsafe. Although there aren't many toxic things out there, they do exist. So ask, ask ,ask. Have a great time with NuNu.

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Welcome to being owned by a grey. Lol. The best thing to do is take a look through the various forum rooms for info. Start with the 'stickies' threads at the top of each forum room. If there's some question you don't see answered ask away, we love helping out new and old members alike. A good way to introduce new food to a grey is to let them see you eating it. They usually and immediately want whatever we have, so you might as well use that to improve their diet. Get to the point where sunflower seed are only for treats and possibly training. Loved the pictures.

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Hello all,


NuNu has become relatively quite since 2 days and today when i took him away from the cage, instead of as usual walking back to his cage quickly, he lied down below his stairs with his chest down. Is something wrong with him? Also, he kept closing his eyes as if he was sleeping.


Here is a picture of him lying: 20150217_212944.jpg

Edited by ABZ
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Hello all,


NuNu has become relatively quite since 2 days and today when i took him away from the cage, instead of as usual walking back to his cage quickly, he lied down below his stairs with his chest down. Is something wrong with him? Also, he kept closing his eyes as if he was sleeping.


Here is a picture of him lying: attachment.php?attachmentid=25970&stc=1


I think it's time to bring your bird to an avian vet. On this board, there are no vets and none of us would want to give out opinions as to what the problem might be. You should do this quickly because a bird who is showing signs of illness needs to be looked at immediately. Good luck.

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Bad luck ! they were all closed. Will take him tomorrow morning. Any precautions i should take through the night?


Keep him out of drafts, put him back in the cage with the tray and perches lower in the cage. Don't make any sudden moves that will startle him . Check his droppings to see if they're turning very watery. Don't turn him upside down. Pet him, talk to him, leave a few favorite treats nearby and get to the vet as soon as you can. Make sure you do whatever tests the vets recommend. If you find that the tests a bit expensive, ask him/her if they will make up a payment plan. Most vets do that with all types of pets.

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Keep him out of drafts, put him back in the cage with the tray and perches lower in the cage. Don't make any sudden moves that will startle him . Check his droppings to see if they're turning very watery. Don't turn him upside down. Pet him, talk to him, leave a few favorite treats nearby and get to the vet as soon as you can. Make sure you do whatever tests the vets recommend. If you find that the tests a bit expensive, ask him/her if they will make up a payment plan. Most vets do that with all types of pets.


settled him down at the bottom of the cage. Droppings are slightly watery not much. Will check with the vet first thing tomorrow morning.

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Hi all, NuNu is better now. The vet gave me 2 different capsules to give him mixed with water, twice a day. Also, i bought some Exact hand feeding powder for him as he lost a lot of weight and is not eating on his own. now i will schedule his meals with proper diet as required.


Thank you all for your support and suggestion. Will update all with his status again soon:)

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