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Toys toys toys!


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Every so often I decide to cycle Alfie's toys round to give him some variety. He's very good and not as change adverse as some parrots, so he's used to this process.


When I feel that his current toys are getting a little stale/boring for him, I splash out and spoil him rotten with some new toys.


I always let him watch me take everything out and show him what I'm putting in and where I'm putting it. If there's anything he doesn't like the look of before it goes in the cage, then it doesn't go in. I leave it out but in the room so he can look at it from a distance. It then gradually gets moved closer to the cage, then hung on the side of the cage and then finally, when he's happy, it goes in the cage. This kind of reaction doesn't happen often though- it's usually only for larger toys or toys made form materials he hasn't seen before. In fact I can't remember the last time I had to do this. I'm lucky that he's quite tolerant of new toys.


New toy time came around recently and I spend a couple of hours browsing my favourite parrot website: Northern Parrots http://www.northernparrots.com


I found loads of great toys (and also got some that were on sale) so I picked a few out (and put some on my list for another time) and Alfie has had a great time with them.


Alfie now has a new Activity Wall (he's had one before and had oodles of fun pulling it apart bit by bit. I promised him I'd buy him another.



He also has a coconut filled with lots of paper and things to chew on:


I have been hiding dried fruit, palm nuts and other assorted treats in there for him. He LOVES climbing in it and having a good rummage round.


He has a bucket of toys which he likes to throw all over his cage:



And finally... probably the least popular one (at the moment):


He's had a bit of a go at this one, but it's probably his least favourite of the new toys at the moment. I think the others are much more entertaining for him!


Has anyone else been spoiling their parrots recently? What did you/they get?

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AWESOME! GREAT ideas and thanks for the link to the websites....I am going to take some time and review each site. Sophie doesn't really like toys, but she MAY like that coconut filled with paper.

I HAVE been spoiling Sophie lately! ( I mean this seriously), I brought her home two college kids... she is in heaven, and I got put on the " back burner". I was thrilled she had soooo much fun with them. Sean got a new guitar that he wanted, and while he sucks.... Sophie thought he was awesome and was welcomed into his room, as she would sing and dance and act like he was the best! LOL!

Sophie's human toys didn't let her down this Christmas! Sigh.... I REALLY wish she would play with toys...It is tough to entertain her all the time. I know she will shred anything and everything, but it gets hard to think of new things Nancy

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Greycie had a seagrass mat at one point but she shreds that thing in two days. She does the same with wicker baskets (easier for us to get).


Her favorite toy is a plastic chain hanging from a hook with a bell at the top and a cow bell at the bottom. However it requires a daddy standing there and giving a good push while she swings.


She also LOVES LOVES LOVES to ride the ceiling fan. We have one of those large props that turns very slow but pushes a ton of air. She flies up there and fully expects me to go hit the switch. I swear I can see her grinning as she goes round and round...

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Isn't it fun! So awesome for both of you that Alfie actually enjoys getting new toys! You must have done something very right w/him. ")


Like those grass mats. Nice that whoever markets bird toys has finally realized they like all the different colors, textures & shapes. It wasn't so long ago that everything was wood blocks & plastic links.



We just got a pretty huge bunch from Amazon over the holidays. They were on sale & I was using them to pad orders up for free freight. Now, everything I got practically is ridiculous prices. But they made out while it lasted!



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AWESOME! GREAT ideas and thanks for the link to the websites....I am going to take some time and review each site. Sophie doesn't really like toys, but she MAY like that coconut filled with paper.

I HAVE been spoiling Sophie lately! ( I mean this seriously), I brought her home two college kids... she is in heaven, and I got put on the " back burner". I was thrilled she had soooo much fun with them. Sean got a new guitar that he wanted, and while he sucks.... Sophie thought he was awesome and was welcomed into his room, as she would sing and dance and act like he was the best! LOL!

Sophie's human toys didn't let her down this Christmas! Sigh.... I REALLY wish she would play with toys...It is tough to entertain her all the time. I know she will shred anything and everything, but it gets hard to think of new things Nancy


Haha I love the idea of human toys! But I can appreciate how tricky it could be to entertain a parrot 24/7!

Alfie loves his toys. Especially ones which he can pull apart or throw around. He gets really into his toys and flings them around. The more noise the better. He also loves hanging on them. When he's feeling a little sleepy he grabs a toy, gets it to swing back and fourth then sticks his neck under it so it scratches/strokes him as it goes past. It's really cute to watch.

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Isn't it fun! So awesome for both of you that Alfie actually enjoys getting new toys! You must have done something very right w/him. ")


Like those grass mats. Nice that whoever markets bird toys has finally realized they like all the different colors, textures & shapes. It wasn't so long ago that everything was wood blocks & plastic links.



We just got a pretty huge bunch from Amazon over the holidays. They were on sale & I was using them to pad orders up for free freight. Now, everything I got practically is ridiculous prices. But they made out while it lasted!




Ah I'm not sure if it was me doing something right or him just being tolerant of change. He's pretty good and takes most of it in his stride. He likes to take some time to look at all his toys from a distance before the curiosity gets too much and he starts playing with them. I make a big deal of opening the box nearby and showing him each toy as its unpacked. I tell him how much fun the new toy will be and what it's got on it. If he reacts negatively then it doesn't go in the cage straight away. But generally he likes to have a look whilst I'm unpacking and sometimes will come over to poke at it before it even gets put in his cage.

I think I'm super lucky that he adjust pretty quickly to things like that. :)

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