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HELP!!! African grey vomiting.


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Hi. My african grey was his usual self until about two hours ago. He threw up a wad of food and is now very puffy and looks like he has vertigo. He is kind of swaying back and forth as he sits. He has been eating normally and ate about an hour ago (his usual pellets).

It is 10PM here and we live in a VERY rural area so no avian vets within three hours of here. I've called a few but no one has returned my call yet.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


He is 2 and 1/2 years old.

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Hi. Thanks for the responses and concern. About thirty minutes after I posted this he started coming around. We put him in his sleep cage and kept an eye on him. He continued to eat which was a good sign. The next morning he greeted us with his usual sounds and was talking up a storm an hour after he got up. He has been fine since.


Not sure what caused it but glad it passed uneventfully.

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