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What Toys Do You Get....


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For a Grey that wants to play with everything but bird toys. He wants bottles filled with whatever, my shoes, anything but a bird toy. What do you do? I am desperately seeking a strategy as I am telling him what not to get at more than anything lately and running out of ideas to keep him entertained. He often never plays with his toys in his cage either. Anyone have a strategy? Just got done spending more money on toys that will never get touched.


I will settle for knowing what it is I am doing to screw my birds development up at every turn...LOL. He's a plucker for life now...I am sure of that. All I am trying to do is give this bird a great life, but I cannot figure out why he is taking on more ill behavior.

Edited by Elvenking
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My greys like cowbells or other bells, as well as wooden toys. Chewing and making noise makes them happy. Perches that let them swing are also a hit. Being able to fly from room to room is also something them truly enjoy. Flying to my recliner and bugging me for my snacks are another must for them.

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Offer him things as if they were for you, not him. They all want what they cannot have. I put my Bailey's new things in my pocket (while he sees), and under cushions on my chair, etc. As if hiding them from him. That's what he goes after. Also, maybe the big, colorful toys scare him. Nothing else in his world is as bright & colorful as them. Give him things that are cheap, and you find all over, like paper cups, plastic drinking straws, cat balls with bells in them, wooden clothespins, wooden spoons from the dollar store, etc. Once you start, everything COULD be a bird toy. Also, if he is a plucker, give him things that he can "preen", and shred, and tear apart.

Edited by BaileysPapa
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Isaac loves, loves, loves his cup, right? At least he did. Or has he out grown that? If not, maybe start w/the known commodity. A plastic cup w/a handle, zip tied to the side of the cage somewhere, filled w/a Qtips, a nut in its shell, plastic beads & wood pieces. Get some raffia & use it to tie a coffee filter over the top. Most if not all of this should be found at WallyWorld, Michael's or any craft store




Works better if you let Isaac watch while you construct this the first couple of times. Birds are great at figuring out how to get into everything you don't want them to. Which is probably why people are often surprised to learn that many of them need to be taught to play & forage.


If it makes you feel any better, Phenix isn't generally a store bought kind of fid, either. Wood is good. Bells are good. Wood toys w/bells are very good. He's got 3 store bought foraging toys, now, too. But the rest of the time, it's strawbursts or adding machine rolls or a slice of phone book, etc. The kind of activities found in the free ebooks that I'm always recommending.






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Isaac loves, loves, loves his cup, right? At least he did. Or has he out grown that? If not, maybe start w/the known commodity. A plastic cup w/a handle, zip tied to the side of the cage somewhere, filled w/a Qtips, a nut in its shell, plastic beads & wood pieces. Get some raffia & use it to tie a coffee filter over the top. Most if not all of this should be found at WallyWorld, Michael's or any craft store




Works better if you let Isaac watch while you construct this the first couple of times. Birds are great at figuring out how to get into everything you don't want them to. Which is probably why people are often surprised to learn that many of them need to be taught to play & forage.


If it makes you feel any better, Phenix isn't generally a store bought kind of fid, either. Wood is good. Bells are good. Wood toys w/bells are very good. He's got 3 store bought foraging toys, now, too. But the rest of the time, it's strawbursts or adding machine rolls or a slice of phone book, etc. The kind of activities found in the free ebooks that I'm always recommending.








Ohh yes...he still loves his cups and plays for hours with them. Sometimes....it's just not the thing though. I'll have to look at these activity books...thank you so much! He loves to fly around too...hangs upside-down like a bat from my door moldings...he gets around like nothing. I do all I can for the little guy. He eats meals with me...he's a total side kick....I just wish I had more he was interested in....so hopefully I can find something for him. I am thnking maybe I should wrap some plastic bottle in paper and give him that...he just loves all containers....but only for a little bit...unless it is his coveted cup....or any new cup freshly filled with liquid.

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Offer him things as if they were for you, not him. They all want what they cannot have. I put my Bailey's new things in my pocket (while he sees), and under cushions on my chair, etc. As if hiding them from him. That's what he goes after. Also, maybe the big, colorful toys scare him. Nothing else in his world is as bright & colorful as them. Give him things that are cheap, and you find all over, like paper cups, plastic drinking straws, cat balls with bells in them, wooden clothespins, wooden spoons from the dollar store, etc. Once you start, everything COULD be a bird toy. Also, if he is a plucker, give him things that he can "preen", and shred, and tear apart.


Yeah....I will have to try that trick with Isaac. He likes all the stuff he can't have a lot. So I will try to pretend some of his toys are mine. We'll see how it goes.

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Phone books work for almost every bird here and the beloved bells. I am going to try the Felix one of a toilet paper roll stuffed with paper, just waiting to get 10 rolls. (funny that you can go through toilet paper so fast, but when you want to finish it, it become the endless roll) With Bongos plucking, we were told to offer him coconut shell and fiber, we also found that he loves sisal rope. I got a cheap coconut toy at Petsmart years ago, I put it in his cage and he loves it, preens that a lot.

Edited by murfchck
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Dorian loves paper muffin cups strung on cotton, alternating with beads, and a bell at the bottom. He recently had a big party demolishing an IKEA catalogue. He really seemed to relish the mess he made. I'm still finding bite size pieces of paper all over the house. I always have some supreme cotton made into a big fluffy tassel hanging somewhere in his cage so he can chew it when something is making him nervous. You just have to be careful to comb through it for knots on a regular basis so their talons can't get caught in it.

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I get second hand or used paperback books & stuff them through the cage bars, pine cones with a little Almond or peanut butter between the scales, adding machine paper rolls on a smaller diameter perch or just threaded through the roof of the cage. Try wrapping a woven straw or bamboo placemat through the cage bars or hang some fresh wet Kale leaves inside the cage or again through the bars.

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All have such GREAT ideas! Sophie hasnt played with toys for years! You sound like you are in the same situation! I continue to buy them, she continues to ignore them. WE are her toys, and your bird thinks the same I am sure. Of course we cant always be there, so think " shredding". Pinatas, phone books. As others have suggested leave something to shred, when they shouldn't shred or destroy. I've tricked Sophie many times!

As my kids LOVE popsicles, I save the sticks for her. One of her favorites! Always be careful, that as tempting as it would be, don't use glue to create your own bird toy.

I know it is dishartening, that your bird continues to chew, but is happy and well adjusted, difficult to understand. I believe your bird IS happy and well adjusted! Plucking.... is a habit, and you can have a bird that is happy loves his mama and daddy, well cared for.... and they still pluck. Don't feel guilty... its not your fault.I wish I had the answer, but their are others that can help you more with plucking. Nancy

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Marco has several "play areas" that are hers. From her cage playtop, to her "toy box" to her tree stand to her boing. Each area has different toys for her. There are so many things round the house you can use as many have suggested or are relatively cheap to buy from coffee filters to egg crates to corn husks to make toys for Isaac. Some of Marco's first toys were bottle caps of various sizes and not just hung in her cage but used as foot toys as well. Sometimes she just likes to toss them out of her toybox BUT it keeps her busy for quite some time. One of Marco's alltime favorite chew toy was a tiny shoe (key chain with the chain part removed) it looked like a little converse hightop shoe .. .she would destroy that thing and not stop until it was done. Just ideas :)

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All have such GREAT ideas! Sophie hasnt played with toys for years! You sound like you are in the same situation! I continue to buy them, she continues to ignore them. WE are her toys, and your bird thinks the same I am sure. Of course we cant always be there, so think " shredding". Pinatas, phone books. As others have suggested leave something to shred, when they shouldn't shred or destroy. I've tricked Sophie many times!

As my kids LOVE popsicles, I save the sticks for her. One of her favorites! Always be careful, that as tempting as it would be, don't use glue to create your own bird toy.

I know it is dishartening, that your bird continues to chew, but is happy and well adjusted, difficult to understand. I believe your bird IS happy and well adjusted! Plucking.... is a habit, and you can have a bird that is happy loves his mama and daddy, well cared for.... and they still pluck. Don't feel guilty... its not your fault.I wish I had the answer, but their are others that can help you more with plucking. Nancy


Yeah...regarding the lucking...I have realized it's kind of like "the cat is out of the bag" kind of thing where...once they are aware of the benefits (what ever those might be) of this habit...they just do not unlearn it. It will always be triggerable. Otherwise...he is one hilarious bird filled with tons of love. I always have to keep him from sharing his food with me. I guess I am doing a good job keeping him fed...otherwise I don't think he would be so emphatic about feeding me. "I'm good boy...it's okay...you can keep those noodles." Always perking me up with a 'peek-a-boo' no matter what's going on...there is just no not melting to a passive state of awe when he does that. So I am pretty much going to have a fluffy bird.


So what I have been doing for toys is just overwhelming him with choices. He's like a baby...so I just do like we used to do with my daughter.....I place him somewhere and then put lots of choices around for him...ice trays, cups, bowls, empty water jugs (one of his latest favorites...loves to chew that nozzle off)...stuff like that. and he finds something. He loves to flap and play on the table or the ground. He's really good at balancing and standing on the side of a cup.


Just look at this guy...flies up to the door...grabs on...and that....





..here he is with his goofball dad hooting in his cup...




..hope that works..



anyway....he is a happy bird. I just want to give him lots of choices. Thanks for the suggestions and thoughts. :)


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AWWWWWW... absolutely adorable! I would suggest limiting choice of toys to three.They ARE just like kids, and in my opinion, follow the same age group to a tee! I would just give my baby limited choices so they don't "stress", over too many choices.Sophie thrived more with routine, and a few choices. Our greys are all different and I find this amazing! Nancy

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For a Grey that wants to play with everything but bird toys. He wants bottles filled with whatever, my shoes, anything but a bird toy. What do you do? I am desperately seeking a strategy as I am telling him what not to get at more than anything lately and running out of ideas to keep him entertained. He often never plays with his toys in his cage either. Anyone have a strategy? Just got done spending more money on toys that will never get touched.


I will settle for knowing what it is I am doing to screw my birds development up at every turn...LOL. He's a plucker for life now...I am sure of that. All I am trying to do is give this bird a great life, but I cannot figure out why he is taking on more ill behavior.


Meggie's our little "bare-breasted grey chicken" as I lovingly call her. She continues to pluck sporadically, usually when I have to go somewhere. We've tried Sock Buddy (she stopped eating and lost > 8g and so we stopped that at least for now), showers, herbal remedies - stopping short of psychiatric medications which I won't put her on (I'm a psych nurse and am not even a big fan of SSRIs in human use). I feel your pain. But remember, to them it may not be "ill"... it may be more akin to someone in a habit of chewing their hair, or picking their nose, or squeezing pimples - things they know they shouldn't do but can't seem to help themselves.


I really don't think you are doing anything wrong. I suspect that the "wrong" starts in the beginning - with them being pulled away from parents in a critical development stage and bonded to humans that cannot be to them what a bird-mate would be. In the bird world, they'd be in sight range mostly all the time and certainly within earshot all the time. This does not happen with humans. We can't possibly do for them what another bird can on any level. Megan was fine until Marden died. Even though she now has Rasa, their relationship is not the same as hers and Marden's and I think she truly is missing that piece of her life.


As for toys, it sounds like he's interested in things he sees YOU interested in. Maybe if you played with some of his toys he'd decide they might be worth a try? I know I've done crazier things. Peck and I have a flapping game for exercise that I am absolutely sure would land me in an asylum if someone who didn't know me saw the behavior. LOL. It's very obvious that you love him very much, and I suspect he knows that. Have you tried giving him a 5 oz Dixie cup? Megan goes nuts for those. something about the way the wax coated cup 'snaps' under pressure from her beak. We buy boxes of them at a time. Good luck and give your sweet fellow some scritches from me and the flock here.

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I'd always read it was just better to avoid waxed cups all around. Among other things, the wax contains BPA & is petroleum based. Human studies suggest food from these types of containers may also contribute to heart & digestive among other types of disorders just from the small amount of chemicals they leach into our food & drinks.





And that little vid is much too cute! :D

Edited by birdhouse
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