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How your Amazon responds;

Ray P

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As I sit back and think of Cricket the one of many things I remember the most is how she would respond in a loving way, is when I would talk to her in a very soft voice.

It seamed to relax her and she would fall all over her self trying to get as close to me as she could.

She had this beautiful Amazon purring and cooing sound that made you understand just how happy she was.

I know that if you have a zon that there are things that your zon dose that lets you know when they are happy and content

The head tucked down and under my chin was another thing she would do when happy.

What are some of the things that you do that makes your Amazon happy and content.

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Wonderful thread!!


Nilah LOVES to be cuddled and loved. She sits on my shoulder and rubs her head back and forth against my cheek and coos...sometimes I rub her head back and forth with my cheek as we both coo together, other times I bury my lips into her feathers as she's rubbing her head as I kiss her non stop into her neck , lots of little kisses and kissing sounds. She loves it. Those happy moments are the best feeling ever!

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Chacho purrs. I tried to get him out to the living room yesterday, first sight of Pat and he tried to fly to get him and eat him. I had his foot so he ended up doing a summersault. After he bit my finger slightly (yeah) and uprighted himself, I got the kissy noises and a purr. He was so happy and proud.

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