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Perfect Word Choices


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Sometimes Sully just rants about anything and everything, sometimes he will say words on cue, and then, sometimes Sully will have the perfect timing, pick the perfect word choice and my goodness is it ever hilarious. For example, we were watching television the other night, Sully is sitting quietly on his perch when suddenly, "HEY!" Sully hollers out as we turn shocked towards him. At this point all eyes are on him and he pipes up with "Oh I'm watching you!" (with his one eye still closed from his injury). We were laughing so much. My husband will walk into my office for something and every time without fail when he leaves Sully will call out "Hey Bud, peace out!" So cute! Love to hear some of your funny/cute/perfect moments where your bird picks the perfect words!

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I was doing the home-mini-spa thing; hair piled w/conditoner, face covered in a green clay mask. I had to go into the living room where the birds are to grab something near Phenix's cage.


The way he looked me up & down was funny enough. Then he popped out with, "What are you!?!"



But I think my favorite will always be the first time he did anything like that. We were at the vet & he was running late. We were hanging in the examining room, so I could at least let Phenix out. But he was on edge, of course.


I swiped him a wooden tongue depressor & it worked surprisingly well. By the time the vet came in, he was very focused on tearing it apart.


He totally ignored the vet until he came over to stand beside us & observe. Phenix finally looked over his shoulder w/very obvious attitude & said, "What...?" Perfectly delivered in a tone of voice that was beyond disgusted.


Phenix had seen that vet frequently for over a year. But he hadn't been talking by his last appointment. The vet's eyes flew open & he literally gasped. He laughed so hard for so long I thought he was half collapsed into the corner. That was the first time Phenix realized he could use language for its shock value & there was no putting that Genie back into the bottle from then on.

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My Bailey was chattering on about, "I love you", saying it different ways with different emphasis and tones. I looked over and asked, "Who loves you?" He looked right at me, and said, "You!". Another time he was chattering in his "parrot talk", and not making much sense. I said, "Tell me that you love me again." He looked at me and said, "I love you!" We've taught him things that when strung together make sense. So he changes the order around, and is always asking for a kiss, or telling us what a good boy he is, or what a good boy that I am. His new thing is "C'mon!". He'll say, "C'mon, give me a kiss. I love you!" Or some similar grouping. We've only taught him the individual phrases. He puts the sentences together himself.

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Miss Gilbert just loves her number one naughty word "sh%!". My brother-in-law, Mike has the sweetest disposition and I have seldom heard him raise his voice. While we were staying there he started to toss a ball and their young German shepherd got too excited and grabbed it while it was still in his hand. He was startled and he yelled at her. My sister chided him and Gil piped up with an incredulous "Sheeeit Mike!" When all the young kids gathered for the holidays someone made a loud fart sound and Gilbert again with disdain asked "Who sheeit on the floor". It's her favorite go-to but the timing and emphasis is too perfect to get mad at her for it. ... And she knows it.

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Sterling Gris likes to say: "Feed me, feed me, I'm a starving Birdie" or "Open the door, I want to come out"


Of course his best is supposed to be "Sheshe wants a cocktail" But for the longest time it was "Sheshe wants a cock". My youngest daughter (Sheila) had a great time telling her friends about her Mom's parrot's new phrase.


It took a long time but he now says "Sheshe wants a cock.. tail. With the word tail being drawn out real long.

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We made the mistake a couple of times making a huge ruckus about her well-timed *fart* noise and now she tries to use it to great effect. She's somehow learned to use it when she wants to say "I know you're flapping your gums at me but I don't really care" *fart*....


I think she figured it out in a situation similar to "blah blah blah blah...blah blah" *FART* "OH MY GAWD GREYCIEMAE" ensuing huge laughter....

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On many occasions my Congo says Quiet, Shut Up or Bad Dogs when all 3 dogs start barking all at once. He won't say those words at all when it's quiet in the house.


Here's a funny story from the past with Congo. My wife and I were going away on a 2 week vacation so we left Congo with my mom and dad. I told my parents be careful of what they say around him cause he picks up things quickly. Since Congo was in unfamiliar territory he clammed up as most African Greys do in new places. He was put in the front room where plenty of people walk by everyday to go to and from work. My mom has these see thru drapes that you can see out but it's hard to see in. So my dad decides to whistle and the whistle sound taught Congo is the one most young guys would do when a pretty girl walks by, you know what I mean. Well Congo picked that whistle up real fast. Now Congo was whistling at just about everyone walking by the house which is on a busy walking street. My dad is 60 years old. Can you imagine what people were thinking walking by the house and being whistled at by someone behind the drapes? LMAO I warned my dad to watch out what he teaches Congo and he didn't know how to keep him quiet after that.

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When I drop something, which I do all the time, I always say oops. Well, then Dorian started saying along with me. Now, when he tosses something onto the floor it's followed by a big Ooops! I try to tell him, that isn't an oops, it's an on purpose, but he chooses not to hear me.

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