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Bluedawg, you appear to have a nearly identical strain to the one I have. Right down to the very talented 'hang from my toenails and do my best yoga twist'.


I was also eyeball'ing that cargo net. Looks like something I need for my aviary now that we've moved back in during the warm days.


Looked at the price - I believe I'll be making one. whoaaa....

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Does yours pluck Keys? Re: Cargo net, yes... I thought the same thing and bought a long thick rope from http://www.knotandrope.com/ Which was too stiff and thick to tie into the necessary knots so it is now draped around my basement making cool parrot pathways down there. Make sure you call them and let them know what you are going to do with it and they can probably suggest a non-toxic rope that you can tie in knots. Their cotton rope might be even better to use.

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Mine will pop the keys if I do not take the appropriate anti-virus countermeasures (tickle-tickles work best). So far I have not lost a key. However, my wife's laptop has been struck by the St. Patricks lil green gobblin version of this virus and has 10-15 keys missing in various spots.

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Oh, that's too funny - Mine had a few missing too so I brought it in for cosmetic "fixes". Now again the f12 and the tab are gone. If I used those counter measures I am afraid I would get bit. All in good fun but my skin is not made for such play. I am working on the braveness issue.

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Sophie can pop off the keys in seconds and my computer is stripped! I've had to print out " placement" of keys several times. When I needed a new computer, my son made me buy a laptop... it was tough for me to get use to, but he showed me how amazing it is too close it! LOL! ( I am computer illiterate, and my kids really make fun of me!). She still stole a key, but as I didn't know what it did, I don't miss it Nancy

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It's a cargo net. Dayo loves to climb around on it. I got it at MySafeBirdstore.com http://www.mysafebirdstore.com/product.cgi?group=18991&product=18994 I think thi sis the size I got...It was a while back.


We are ordering one from here: http://www.estarbird.com/get-a-grip-exercising-foraging-net-cargo-canopy-net/

Megan has pretty much destroyed the old one which was a lucky Craigslist find. She took another corner off it tonight, as a matter of fact.

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I've replaced 3 keyboards because of Echo's mischievousness LOL


The first time, I blamed her hahahaha ... OMG How COULD YOU? You have 8 million toys, and you destroy my keyboard?


The other two times, oh yeah, my fault LOL ... and my current keyboard, has 9 keys missing, so I'm due for a new one soon!


I have an all-in-one touch screen computer, so Echo is NOT allowed on my monitor! She doesn't like the cat's flirt pole, so that sits on top of my monitor to keep her from landing on it!

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Bluedawg - I was told that My Safe Bird Store = My Bird Store = Bird Paradise = A&E Cage company. Bird Paradise either owns or sources their birds from a breeding mill. Even if it meant paying a hundred dollars more, I don't shop there.


This is the one we have here: https://www.windycityparrot.com/Parrot-Climbing-Net--Medium-Short-Includes-Shipping_p_2477.html We didn't buy it from WCP, though, we got it off Craigslist (for $50).

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A cat flirt pole is a piece of wood (or handle of some kind) with a rope attached to the end and a big feather for the cat to chase.


Echo doesn't like the feather, so I rest the handle across the top of my computer, and the feather dangles .. serves its purpose beautifully! However, it's obviously not enough of a deterrent for my keyboard (which is only about 8 inches away from the feather LOL)!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Or just a mommy who doesn't take potty breaks! LOL! Just wait... BUT I'm hoping you can stay one step ahead of our beasts! Sophie sometimes beats me...( okay... she beats me alot!)

I have a package for Ryan I need to mail out... its hiding on the kitchen table underneath my bathrobe.Sophie knows its there and has been watching it like a hawk! She's thinking... ROM is gonna put on that robe, sooner than later.... I'll just wait patiently! HA! NOT going to happen! LOL

Sophie and I play this game all the time,and we both respect each other for the effort we both put in to win! She is loosing lately with the computer! So glad Sean encouraged a laptop! ( Sophie... NOT so happy!) Nancy

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