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Happy New Year from Miss Dayo


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Hi SterlingSL - Thanks! Your Gracie Videos inspired me to try to get Ms. Dayo more used to my hands - If I did what you do with Gracie while she's playing I'd loose a finger.... But I just might need to be braver and trust that she doesn't want to hurt me - I started saying to her "It doesn't have to get like that" after watching your video and she responds by loosening up and looking at me like "what?"! I also started playing with a small ball with her (Like you guys did on top of the refrigerator) and she does love that. She also screams and flies away if I bounce the ball higher than her... much the same reaction as if she's seen a bug which I thought she learned from me but I guess they all do it :). I got that PVC Foraging Toy here : http://nalanitoys.com/Puzzlebirdtoys.htm it's pretty cool. You unscrew the bottom and fill with whatever and she seams to love it.

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Hi SterlingSL - Thanks! Your Gracie Videos inspired me to try to get Ms. Dayo more used to my hands - If I did what you do with Gracie while she's playing I'd loose a finger.... But I just might need to be braver and trust that she doesn't want to hurt me - I started saying to her "It doesn't have to get like that" after watching your video and she responds by loosening up and looking at me like "what?"! I also started playing with a small ball with her (Like you guys did on top of the refrigerator) and she does love that. She also screams and flies away if I bounce the ball higher than her... much the same reaction as if she's seen a bug which I thought she learned from me but I guess they all do it :). I got that PVC Foraging Toy here : http://nalanitoys.com/Puzzlebirdtoys.htm it's pretty cool. You unscrew the bottom and fill with whatever and she seams to love it.


Now that I have a better look at that foraging toy, I'm 100% positive I have all those pvc parts sitting in my garage. Time to bust out the spade bits and make a couple for the aviary!



GreycieMae will get bitey with me sometimes and give me a good reminder of what they're capable of. She's a pee-wee though compared to a nice bike crash or getting thrown from a horse so I'm not too scared of her. She got my upper lip the other day and peeled a nice 1.5 inch long gash from the side of my nostril all the way down to my lip - it was totally an accident and was caused by her getting way over-excited.


The flying away and pterrordactyl screams are a pretty normal occurrence around here. She always does it when she has extra jet-fuel to burn off, usually in the mornings and evenings. We have to be careful now because she has learned that it will startle the other two and send them into the air and then she chases them still screaming. VERY NAUGHTY trick she has learned. The funniest thing she does is the fly and scream then hits the end of her play chain hanging from the roof and continues with the hard flapping. She really gets going into a spiral when she does that. I'll have to get some of her chain antics on film, they're very entertaining.

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