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Its been awhile / Need some advice "Caique"


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I edited this first post with some pics, though they come up small on this forum for some reason, I also attached a few pics to the last post of this thread. All in all, its been over a month since we've gotten the Caique and I can say that he is the sweetest bird I've ever seen. He spends all day on my shoulder, is willing to try anything new, loves to play, goes to bed every night at 8PM on the dot, watches TV with the kids and rides around on the Labs back a few times a day.


I've tried to keep the two birds separate for the most part, but honestly the Caique just wants to play where as Charlie can tend to be a bully at times. They will get close, usually by Charlie flying in to take whatever the Caique is playing with or if the Caique is getting some personal attention in the form of scritches or rubs then Charlie will swoop overhead for a few "close" fly byes.


No signs of aggression from either bird yet, Charlie has knocked him off the table twice, with a precision blow I might add, but it back fired on him as I then pay attention to the Caique while Charlie sulks on his boing.


I'd have to say, getting this little guy is one of the best things I've ever done, and I am extremely happy to have him in our home.



Original post.


Hey, its been awhile since I posted but I do check out the posts/threads weekly to see what's going on. Charlie and I are still going strong and he's now entering what I have discovered to be the terrible two's at 18 months of age. No mood/attitude changes with me, but he's a little standoffish with the rest of the family and will simply fly back to me wherever I may be hiding for a 1 minute break. As of late he has gotten a bit nippy with the wife which was once his Main Squeeze so she has learned to deal with it by wearing a snow suit in the house w/a full hoodie. <Just Kidding, sort of...


Charlie and I have really grown in tune with one another and he helps make the beds in the morning, refold clothes in the afternoon and I can always count on him to be there for one of his mandatory taste tests before I serve the kids a meal. Boy what a guy.:rolleyes:


All in all I am thankful for the experience but I feel that I want more, hence the real meaning of this thread.


I've been looking at getting a Caique for about a year or so. Their personality and energy is very refreshing to me so I am thinking about adding one to our family.


First I'd like to say that I've done some research on them, I've checked out 2-3 this year that for one reason or another they were just not a good fit for the family so I didn't follow through with them. Having said that I don't want to buy one retail, but rather adopt which I've found one that is 18 months, well socialized (people wise), gets along great with my kids, but he to has been an only Bird like Charlie. He's from a single Male owner, routine well bird check ups and basically an all around stable bird IMHO.


My concern is, I've read that Caiques can be down right mean to the point of trying to kill larger species of birds. In speaking with my Avian Vet, she asked that I adhere to at least a 30 day quarantine in separate rooms to allow time for the presence of any illness to manifest itself, but she didn't seem to bat an eye when I said I wanted to add a lively Caique to my Laid Back Grey's House.


I know there is no guarantee, and being that both birds are trying to find themselves right now at the age they are at, could simply adding a Caique be a recipe for disaster or worse for my Grey.


The last thing I'd want to do is jeopardize my sweet relationship with Charlie or cause him to acquire a bad habit as a result of this acquisition. Now Charlie can fly, I'd actually rank him right up there with the best dog fighters in WW2. We've got a small house, but the corners he cuts, the objects he avoids/flies over simply astounds me. I don't want him to always be on the run though.


Thanks in advance for your help I just want to do what's for all of us!


R/Mr. Mom




"Charlie" & "Peanut" the first day or two.



"Peanut" next to his really funny looking lazy cockatoo.



"Peanut" relaxing watching some TV.



His favorite hiding spot besides the inside of the fridge.



Charlie with a before bed time snack "cheezy rice"


Edited by tankaray
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I've been looking at getting a Caique for about a year or so. Their personality and energy is very refreshing to me so I am thinking about adding one to our family.


My concern is, I've read that Caiques can be down right mean to the point of trying to kill larger species of birds. In speaking with my Avian Vet, she asked that I adhere to at least a 30 day quarantine in separate rooms to allow time for the presence of any illness to manifest itself, but she didn't seem to bat an eye when I said I wanted to add a lively Caique to my Laid Back Grey's House.


I know there is no guarantee, and being that both birds are trying to find themselves right now at the age they are at, could simply adding a Caique be a recipe for disaster or worse for my Grey.


The last thing I'd want to do is jeopardize my sweet relationship with Charlie or cause him to acquire a bad habit as a result of this acquisition. Now Charlie can fly, I'd actually rank him right up there with the best dog fighters in WW2. We've got a small house, but the corners he cuts, the objects he avoids/flies over simply astounds me. I don't want him to always be on the run though.


R/Mr. Mom



I have a Grey and a Caique. Caique personalities are very peculiar and I describe them as Amazon's that won't take their ADHD meds. They have more energy than you will know what to do with. If I had it to do over again, I would have 2-4 Caiques or just my Grey. I've found Caiques are the only bird that can safely play with Caiques. They are just too rough and tumble. Their mood can be extremely sweet and playful one minute and then Satan's Spawn the next - each bird has their peculiar triggers. They just have a lightning-quick nasty temper, some are worse than others. Our Toby seems to have a mild temper compared to what I've seen in others.


What you've read about trying to kill is correct - if that's what they get in their little heads. Once that sets in, I know of no way to get it out. They are persistent little ******s. Our Grey is always plotting against the Caique. And once he gets wind of her intentions, his feelings get hurt and he's hell-bent on finding his way to her and making sure he's in her spot. He will relentlessly persue her but she brings it on herself.


I personally believe adding a Caique has a huge potential for being a 'recipe for disaster'. I 100% guarantee the birdy dynamics in your house will change and the Grey will have to adjust. It could lead to plucking, jealousy (our case), anger etc. I highly doubt they'll be best buds.


Also, if you plan to have a Caique that can fly - they can fly circles around a Grey in tight quarters. Caiques are zippy little flyers and make tight fast, almost reckless, maneuvers. We've had to slightly trim our Caiques flights to just take the edge off his speed for his own safety. However, the air is the only place our Grey has an advantage mainly due to her weight.


That's the bad news. The good news is we've managed to find a way to deal with it.


- I'm not allowed to play with the Caique. Those are GreycieMae's rules. So I play with him in secret but that's not much. Fortunately my wife is Toby's favorite so she plays with him some.

- Our Jardines has fallen in love with our Caique. They like each other but again, the Caique is constantly making the Jardines squeal and pulling feathers out of his forehead. So they get supervised playtime and my wife will absorb some of the rough behaviors from the Caique.

- They all seem to get along in our outdoor aviary. There are just too many distractions and they have far different interests out there. Caiques like being on the ground whereas our Grey likes being in the rafters. I have never witnessed them fighting out there.

- Over time we've managed to find some peace in the house and they can actually sit on a bowl and eat together - as long as I'm not involved. GreycieMae does not like sharing me.


That's my experience. I'm sure others with better bird whispering abilities have made it work but I feel it has more potential for disaster due to personality traits of both birds: Greys and their jealousy and Caiques with their hyper-activity disorder.

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I have a Grey and a Caique. Caique personalities are very peculiar and I describe them as Amazon's that won't take their ADHD meds. They have more energy than you will know what to do with. If I had it to do over again, I would have 2-4 Caiques or just my Grey. I've found Caiques are the only bird that can safely play with Caiques. They are just too rough and tumble. Their mood can be extremely sweet and playful one minute and then Satan's Spawn the next - each bird has their peculiar triggers. They just have a lightning-quick nasty temper, some are worse than others. Our Toby seems to have a mild temper compared to what I've seen in others.


What you've read about trying to kill is correct - if that's what they get in their little heads. Once that sets in, I know of no way to get it out. They are persistent little ******s. Our Grey is always plotting against the Caique. And once he gets wind of her intentions, his feelings get hurt and he's hell-bent on finding his way to her and making sure he's in her spot. He will relentlessly persue her but she brings it on herself.


I personally believe adding a Caique has a huge potential for being a 'recipe for disaster'. I 100% guarantee the birdy dynamics in your house will change and the Grey will have to adjust. It could lead to plucking, jealousy (our case), anger etc. I highly doubt they'll be best buds.


Also, if you plan to have a Caique that can fly - they can fly circles around a Grey in tight quarters. Caiques are zippy little flyers and make tight fast, almost reckless, maneuvers. We've had to slightly trim our Caiques flights to just take the edge off his speed for his own safety. However, the air is the only place our Grey has an advantage mainly due to her weight.


That's the bad news. The good news is we've managed to find a way to deal with it.


- I'm not allowed to play with the Caique. Those are GreycieMae's rules. So I play with him in secret but that's not much. Fortunately my wife is Toby's favorite so she plays with him some.

- Our Jardines has fallen in love with our Caique. They like each other but again, the Caique is constantly making the Jardines squeal and pulling feathers out of his forehead. So they get supervised playtime and my wife will absorb some of the rough behaviors from the Caique.

- They all seem to get along in our outdoor aviary. There are just too many distractions and they have far different interests out there. Caiques like being on the ground whereas our Grey likes being in the rafters. I have never witnessed them fighting out there.

- Over time we've managed to find some peace in the house and they can actually sit on a bowl and eat together - as long as I'm not involved. GreycieMae does not like sharing me.


That's my experience. I'm sure others with better bird whispering abilities have made it work but I feel it has more potential for disaster due to personality traits of both birds: Greys and their jealousy and Caiques with their hyper-activity disorder.


I was hoping you would chime in. I remember seeing your Grey & Caique during the installation of your outside Aviary, which BTW thanks to that whole thread I have one in the garage ready to assemble this upcoming spring. Thanks for the detailed pics etc.


On the Caique as far as flying, it doesn't appear to be a skilled flyer, more clumsy or reckless like you said. I noticed that in the hour or so we spent with him he would simply fly from counter to counter which was about 3 feet and it seemed like a chore. The rest of the time it was hopping around or chasing the cat. That's the one thing that got my attention in that if something out of the ordinary were to approach Charlie, he'd instantly take to the sky, this Caique decided it was game on.


Again, he was in his own environment and played well with us so its not a fair idea of how he would react over here. I will say that if/when I do this, the owner is really taking his time as well. His biggest concern is the Caique going to right person as I am looking for the right fit. The owner did offer to bring the Caique over here kept in his travel cage just to get a feel for the whole situation, should that be something I should accept if you were in the same spot.


Appreciate the advice as I am still 50/50 on the whole idea.

Edited by tankaray
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If you have the opportunity to introduce them and have a trial period, that would be best. However I don't think a short trial period will divulge all the long term problems that may arise. If you have the opportunity to give the bird back sometime down the road that would work best. I'm only talking around a month or so. Bringing the bird over in a cage for an afternoon won't tell you anything. Both birds will behave differently down the road over time.


When I mentioned Toby's flying being reckless, I meant in a more daredevil type of way. He's in no way clumsy. He will cut corners and go around and through things that would kill him if he made a mistake and misjudged. I'm just waiting to see him do a barrel-roll as he comes out of the bird room and down the hallway. Like I mentioned we trimmed him to slow him down because he has made a couple mistakes and one time I thought he was dead for sure. That was the day the scissors came out. I have the feeling that's how they expire in the wild - too many close calls and their number was up. Our Caique prefers to fly but I know most prefer to walk/hop. Ours has never hopped.


You mentioned chasing the cat. I forgot to mention that our Caique is the only bird in our home that picks strangers to hate on. He does not like children or short people. He will go after cats/dogs/bunny you name it. They are fearless. Toby has attacked a painter we had in our house, my niece, my nephew but he likes everyone that passes his height requirement, or if you have lovely long hair. They are funny little creatures.



Here's Toby trying to stall me as I'm headed to work this morning. I heard him knocking on the door so I had a peek and this is what I got:



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  • 2 weeks later...

My friend has a caique and he is exhausted because the bird does not have an off-switch. He will never sit quietly on his shoulder. He would love to write his dissertation with Cricket on his shoulder, but that is never going to happen.


I dunno about getting one if Charlie might get jealous? I have another friend who ruined her relationship with her grey when she got an Amazon. The Amazon is very clingy. I think that is why my friend's grey is not getting any better with the amazon in the house.

I have an Amazon too but he doesn't like women so I can't pick him up very often. I think if I could handle him a lot it may make Brutus jealous.


Now my quaker, Jimpster, is usually so busy harrassing the other two that he doesn't spend a lot of time with me, but this time of year, he is like velcro on my shoulder when i am at my desk, and I can sense Brutus is a little jealous. I reassure him and he seems to be fine. I always tell Brutus he is my favorite. Brutus and Jimpster follow me all over the house and fight to get the closest perching spot to wherever I am. I just call one of them and both of them come because either of them can't stand that one will get more attention. I do think Brutus is much more laid back and less sensitive to change and other greys are not like this. Brutus LOVES Jimpster though for all of the fun he provides. Once Jimpster got out and was missing for a couple of days and Brutus was SO depressed. Also, I had Jimpster first and that may make a difference. Jimpster is a quaker and about the same size as a caique. He also thinks he is King Kong, sort of like a caique. I don't think Quakers are as manic.


My two pennies.

Edited by chezron
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If you want birds of different origins, get them all young! They can grow up together! Sophie was two when we got her, but we only had her a month, when we got a new baby Amazon. They DID compliment each other, but it doesn't always work. Our rescue sunconure was here before Sophie and Kiki, but kiki and Sunny bonded immediately! We were lucky that sunny and kiki bonded. Nancy

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Thanks for the advice guys & gals. I am still taking it slowly and we are waiting on a clean bill of health from the Caiques vet visit Thurs evening. I get the feeling from the owner that if it is so obvious that it is not meant to be then I am sure that he will work with us to do what is right. He's still open to once the clean checkup comes back to brining the Caique over first for a meet and greet with our Grey prior to lugging his cages over etc.


I'll update if/when we do get it.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Its been a few weeks so I thought I'd give a little update. All the Caique's tests came back clean, he got a beak trimming as well as a nail job. The owner decided to have him DNA sexed for us which we are still waiting on the results so as far as all that goes we are straight.


We decided to wait until after the holidays to introduce the new potential friends/foes together. Having said that Charlie had his first play date today at our house. The owner brought the Caique over and he was the sweetest little guy. Charlie immediately wanted to fly over to him but I kept a hold on his foot so he just hung upside down and made microwave noises. Once the Caique had a chance to introduce himself to my wife and kids along with our Lab, I let Charlie get closer to him which he took advantage of. On his own he got about 6-12 inches from the Caique at which time the Caique began to simulate throwing up. Seeing this, Charlie's eyes peened and he flew back to his boing for a better aerial view. Charlie pretty much kept to himself the entire time no matter what the Caique did, and eventually went back to eating his veggies finishing off with a nice preen job for about 20 minutes. Charlie never acted nervous and his body language was really relaxed with plenty of beak grinding.


The Caique on the other hand was a hoot to watch as he played for a solid hour on the floor with my kids finally taking a break to sit on my wife's lap for about 15 minutes.


The birds were together for about 2 hours and I'd say it went really well, Charlie kept an eye on him the whole time but didn't seem to interested and went about his normal routine with only one difference, he was extremely quite, normally he whistles all day.


I know 2 hours doesn't mean much but IMHO it was a good start. I talked it over with the family and the current owner feels very comfortable with whole situation so we are going to go ahead with getting him.


I hope to have him here by Thursday/Friday this week and I'll try to post a pic or two once that happens.


Thanks to all who replied.


Mr. Mom

Edited by tankaray
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Well congrats on your new addition to the flock, the visit seems to have gone well but only time will tell whats really in store for you all but I wish you the best and you will just have to deal with any problems that arise, who knows it may just become one happy family, keep us updated.

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  • 1 month later...

Candy corn pants. That's confidence. Charlie will give your family many hours of entertainment even if he keeps you on your toes. Seeing both of them together eating sure gives a lot of hope they will coexist with a minimum of strife. Long may this teamwork last.

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