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Finally Home For Good!!!


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After a year of begging my wife and getting our place and kids ready, I have FINALLY been able to bring Garcia home with me to her new forever home!!!! Some of you may know our story and some may not. Here is a link to my very 1st post. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?201304-New-To-Bird-Care-and-Have-lots-of-Questions!!!

I want to thank everyone who has reached out with their suggestions and kind support. This is an awesome forum with a lot of extreamly knowledgeable people and breeders.



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Great to see she has a good home now and that the collar is gone too. Did you ever check into trying out a sock buddy or just leave her as is?


So far I have just left her as is, but we will be taking her to the vet next week to get a check up. I am going to ask about the sock buddy then. The only thing that i will have trouble with is getting it back on if she gets it off or tears it up, she not big on being touched anywhere on her body.

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Congratulations! This may make no difference in Garcia's plucking, but then again, it might. I know it positively affects my Grey's mood when I take him outside (in a cage) into the sunshine a few minutes every day. It is like birdy valium. You might try it? It helps them make Vitamin D and assimilate calcium.

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Congratulations on your homecoming. It may not seem to be a big difference between coming and going from work or home but I think it will be an improvement for you and Garcia. At work its natural to be mor preoccupied, have more strangers for her to consider as potential predators etc. At home is the fun and laughter and relaxed family and flock atmosphere. You might notice her eating with you at mealtime and once she knows the routine she will be announcing what comes next. For Garcia, the predictability and family bonding will be good medicine. When you go to the vet ask about Rescue Remedy. A change in our schedule taking us away from home to a place Gilbert loves was a source of good stress and she has been chewing her feathers a little. I hung a roll of paper adding machine tape, a sisal ball and other chew substitutes and that has made a big difference.

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PS I scrolled through your photos from the link on this thread. When I saw your finger and lip, I understand your wife's reluctance. It will be an adjustment and I'm glad you won her heart for Garcia. You have already come to appreciate her and I believe the rest of your family will as well.

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PS I scrolled through your photos from the link on this thread. When I saw your finger and lip, I understand your wife's reluctance. It will be an adjustment and I'm glad you won her heart for Garcia. You have already come to appreciate her and I believe the rest of your family will as well.


Thank you for your input. Garcia seems to be WAY more comfortable at home than she was at work with me. The kids talk to her non stop and she is talking a lot more than she ever has. My wife says she can tell she gets a little stressed when I leave for work but eventually she clams down and returns to her old self. We are going to be getting more things for her to chew on and play with. Just found out how Expensive some of the store bought things are so we are looking into the homemade avenue.

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Cereal boxes are a big hit around here. Ask neighbours with kids to save theirs. I pop one over a toy hook, or put a hole through the top, thread a chain through the hole, then something big at the end of the chain inside the box to keep it on the chain. Keeps Dorian busy for hours.

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Refillable toys are cost effective too. Gilbert has a large round rubber dog toy with lots of holes in it. I wrap pistachios, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, etc. in bits of newspaper and stuff it. Then shredded paper fills the ball along with bottle corks and other interesting little tidbits. I'm so glad for Garcia and your family to be together. Parrots make a lot of mess and tie us down a bit but once she captures the heart of everyone in your life they will have many laughs and amazing moments with her.

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Don't go crazy with toys ....yet! Sophie is a destructive machine, but really doesn't like toys that cost a fortune. She LOVES destroying paper towels, my bills, hardwood like Cherry that Sean will give her from his discarded pile after doing woodwork. She LOVES a good pinata that I buy her. If it shreds.... she is your girl! LOL Nancy

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