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What a cute little bottom!!


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So, I was sent the pictures of the last of the eggs hatching last week. They are awesome! My phone, of course, is out of memory so I can't move them to post on here. ( I can't even open them on my phone, just a small thumbnail dang it! Even out of space on photobucket. Do you think this means I take to many pictures? lol I have got to be missing something though, when I try to upload to my computer I get every picture that is on my phone which includes every book cover and every album cover from that amazon app that is preloaded and I can't remove! Last time I uploaded I had 1000 pictures and in the end over 4000 pictures went on my computer. lol) I think I will be going to Sprint today, they never are very helpful, but I keep trying!

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Hope you get squared away soon. I've apparently come to depend on you to get my baby bird fix. It's been a while & I was actually a little disappointed when I opened the new post but no pics. lol


What did you mean when you said the birds had been trained to stay away from people? Why?

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Because when they free fly, you don't want them going to just anyone who is around when they are out. She has special calls for each of them she uses to call them in and if they don't hear it as her voice, they ignore it. It is pretty awesome how they are trained, I couldn't do it.


Not sure if this will work, trying a photo storage and not sure how to post them. Fingers crossed I don't have to go in and edit this. lol

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Because when they free fly, you don't want them going to just anyone who is around when they are out. She has special calls for each of them she uses to call them in and if they don't hear it as her voice, they ignore it. It is pretty awesome how they are trained, I couldn't do it.


Not sure if this will work, trying a photo storage and not sure how to post them. Fingers crossed I don't have to go in and edit this. lol

Woohoo, it worked! So this picture is of 2 of the 4 scarlet babies, the last one is just hatching. The 2 mama bird has I have been told are fat and happy. It will be a few weeks before I can go back out and by then they will have grown up a lot. Man, it stinks how working gets in the way of playing!

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This was last Saturday, these two are growing up quick! There were also 3 more eggs found the night before, Blue Throats. lol These were not expected but what else is there to do when the weather is cold in Texas?? lol

Edited by murfchck
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