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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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That's a tough one. I don't think any breed naturally matches up. Even if the individual dog followed the script, which they don't necessarily. And yes, it's a whole nother thing when those wings start flapping!


You've gotten your little dogs to co-exist w/some "help" from the birds no doubt. But you (all) should be able to teach the right big dog, in theory. The only thing I would suggest that is a major advantage, is the dog be soft mouthed so any fid who "accidentally" gets in will be more likely to get out alive.


...she said remembering a wet, bedraggled budgie sitting on her shoulder & scolding one of the dogs together. A minute before he'd been an inch of tail feather hanging out of a guilty face. But in fairness to the oh-so-patient dog, the budgie had been teasing him, doing fly-by's and I didn't realize what was going on quite fast enough. It shouldn't, but it still surprises me how often the fid is actually the culprit in these circumstances. But the poor dog still has to catch hell because it's a zero tolerance thing.

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Sorry all, been sick in bed going on 2 days now pretty much.


This is the full view. Notice all the branches still leaning and not mounted yet?? Gesh, will this ever get done? Still don't have the roof/shade areas on either.


This is where the greys will go. Not sure why the picture looks so narrow but trust me, the cage is huge.


This is the door between the existing flights and the grey's cage. Had to put one there because our hose is behind there and we use that almost daily with the pond and new plants.


I am standing in front of the greys cage to take this picture of Kanes new area. It isn't huge, tall yes, but she doesn't fly so...



Left side, right side of big macaw flight.


Still decorating also. Going to put bamboo around the back area to hide the shop some. The large stand will be coming off the base it is on and attached to a large stump to keep it out of standing water, this will be for some flightless macaws. Got that pond because it was cracked and couldn't hold water and was going to plant live bamboo in it so it wouldn't spread but was told with the crack it would spread so tossed that plant idea out. I have 2 grapevines that actually have grapes on them and a crepe myrtle and palms and ferns so far.

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:P:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:pI'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!! I'm SO jealous!!!


Okay, got that out of my system ...for the moment!:P


Now then, how about a cheapo irrigation system? Hoses up the outside w/nozzle attachments. All the plants get watered and you can bath the fiddo's any time you'd like.


Also, thought about window boxes for the slanted roof section? The boxes could be on the top of the wall, up high at the corner & outside where the fids can't get in them. Maybe for shade plants like ivy or grape vine to grow up the roof. Throw in some climbing nasturtium & you'll have shade in short order. They have brilliant flowers. And they're also edible. They're also annuals. Makes them good space filler until any other vines got established.






Edited by birdhouse
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I am pretty sure this was your idea!!!!

Those are pretty, hubby wants some type of vine that would be safe, me I worry about attracting bees. lol. We have a corrugated roof going up but will be leaving the very top uncovered, kinda like a skylight. There is also a misting system we will be tapping into for them. Sad part is that by the time we get this thing finished the Texas weather will be hear and it will be to hot!!! I know a lot of people who still take their guys out when it is 100+ outside but my first year my Oliver had a seizure while out in those high temps with us misting him so I now live with that fear and am overly cautious.

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lol Actually, I just suggested tweaking a plan you already had in motion. But it still doesn't change the fact that it's impractical to have an aviary here. So I can be very happy for all of yours & very jealous all at the same time. :P


The thing about corrugated, aside from the carbon footprint, cost, work & permanence, is that it's going to heat up. Leaves are cool shade that give back to the planet & are seasonal. There in the heat & gone in the cooler months. What about shooting Dee (Muse) a PM because this is probably right up her alley. She may have already incorporated some homework like this in their landscape plan. Just a thought.





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The roof came from an old barn, it is the same as we have over the ones off the house. There is a gap between the flight and the roofing so they can't get to it but it has been great for the existing ones with keeping the heat factor down. The misters help a lot though. I am not the best at growing things so the plants you see, in a month won't be there. The birds will have something to do with it but mostly it will be me and my brown thumb.

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lol To put this in perspective, those nasturtium "jumped the fence". That's a pic of them growing wild albeit in the Pacific NW. W/the misters & all, they could have more than a fighting chance even w/you. And since they're annuals, they're supposed to die after a couple of months anyway. ")

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So we had 7 of the 9 going in the big flight yesterday. lol That was just nerve wrecking. One full on fight between 2 of the flightless birds, Bubba and Mary Ann. No damage that was visible, Mary Ann had Bubba's wing in her beak though and wouldn't let go. Sunny, well he claimed an area and heaven help any who tried to enter. Chulo, who has no friends, made a friend. He and Marley beaked some but it was more playing. Bubba and Oliver are just flat out bullys and will NOT be able to play in the big flight. They could be on one side of the flight and scale that wire to the other side faster than then the ones who can fly could get there. So today we will be making yet another smaller flight for Kane since Bubba and Ollie will be moving into her area. ( I am not sad about that though, I was really worried about the height of hers and how she falls all the time so may be a blessing) Due to the heat and just being tired yesterday we opted to just use the bamboo screening for the roof area right now and we only put it on one side since that is where the sun was, lol. Not sure what we will do today since the sun will be on the other side that isn't covered until evening time.

Here is my favorite picture from yesterday, Chulo



And I just loved this one of Chulo and Marley. Marley is a foot bird and talks with her feet, in this picture she just set her foot on Chulos beak.



Mary Ann




This is Chulo with Sunny and Honey in the back ground.



Nati wouldn't come out of her room so she didn't come outside and I didn't get pictures of Bubba and Ollie while they were out there because I was on guard duty, Pat has some though and I will get them soon to share.


Chacho was the only other one outside yesterday and he was out all day!! But his flight isn't new so all was good! Today the Too's and the greys will make their way out!!

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I am going to have to make name plates for the flights. We don't know who goes where any more, keep changing our minds, lol. Had to make the extra flight yesterday and every where that sold the hardware we needed for the door was closed, :-( Ended up taking the hinges and handle off of the back entry door (by the hose) and using that for the flight door. Wired the back one up to keep the area bird safe until we can get what we need. We decided to use the new one for Muneca since she is the smallest. Kane will go back into the one we first made for her, Bubba and Ollie will get the big one right off the house. Thought that would be better for them since they struggle with feathers and this sun would give them sunburns. Added perches for the greys now so they can come out and fixed up the Too's cages so they have their favorite toys in cages that are all their own. Kane and Muneca are still perch-less but hopefully we can get that done quickly.

We need to go and install a door for a friend today who is selling her house, someone actually came and stole their front door, didn't go in the house, just took the door. People are just weird. They are closing on the 2nd and it is on hold until this gets fixed and they live out of state.

Our friend who has been ill has now moved into assisted living with hopes of getting back home at least a few days a week. I don't know how that would happen but if it gives him hope, then okay!

Our neighbors dog was back here last night, lol. Thunderstorms until next weekend. This poor lady is going to get home and we will have to tell her we broke her dog. Hubby threw a bone over to the dog last year and she asked we not give her dog "human" food. It will make her weak.?. Haha, okay. This girl who just paced the yard now chases Pat and vise-versa, she jumps around and is being a happy dog.

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Video tour. Sorry for the quickness, walking on a sprained ankle and navigating the stepping stones while videoing was a bit scary lol.



The macaws in the big cage were Nati, Chulo, Honey and Sunny. We had Mary Ann and Marley in there but they did not play well with others at all. Kane got to hot and so did 3 of the 4 greys. They don't have shade screens on the roof area yet so they just got short time out there. Looks like at the back area of the big flight we will have to make 2 more areas for the trouble makers. Marley chased these guys around, challenging them every step of the way. She would even rush to the food bowls if someone was trying to eat and jump in them so they couldn't. Mary Ann who can't fly was set on a perch stand which we made so she couldn't travel around but had plenty of walking space, somehow managed to get to the other side where Honey and Sunny should have been set when they came out. We still don't know how she did that. Cocaba's area we still need to work on. He needs to be in the grass, not on any stand. I put a cage tray on top of a small cage for him, low perches and even a little wooden house. He hung on the edge and I caught him on his way down to the ground. Need to figure out how to elevate a grass area for him that isn't to high but high enough to keep the ants away. I am thinking of something like a large dog crate that the top opens up so he can't hang on the edge of it.

At this rate we should be done by next summer.

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Wow!! Love what you've done w/the place. lol That is absolutely glorious!! I love the way you guys make top to bottom attraction because so many people don't get that when they design a bird space. I know it will always be a work in process. But it looks worth all the effort from here.


And not for nothing, but I can't get over how quite everyone was.

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Thanks, Other than the cockatoo's, they are quiet. A loud squawk every once and a while but no one would ever know they were there.


On the inside of the house yesterday Marley was into everything. She destroyed a toy, leaving the chain which she promptly wrapped around her neck, twice. The first time I couldn't undo the link and though, of she wouldn't be that stupid and I waited for Pat to help. Yup, she was that stupid. Pat had to get pliers and get that link undone and get the chain out. Not much later, she popped a wire off the cage, not all the way off just enough where she could get her silly little head stuck trying to squeeze out. Got a white wood 2x4 and screwed that sucker on to keep her from the bar.


Lots of family drama going to which I do not see a good outcome.

Our friend Bill had emergency surgery Sunday. Doing good but his head is fuzzy.

Our dog started limping Friday night and she had to go in last night since she wasn't walking. Turns out she is okay after 3 xrays but totally unrelated, they found 3 large stones in her bladder that will need to be removed if with a change in diet they don't break down on their own.


Good days ahead!

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What a wonderful tour that was! Such a lovely place, and it's so apparent how happy everyone is to be there. I honestly felt very relaxed after watching the video. The beautiful colors of the fids, the plants, the sunshine... you've made such a wonderful habitat. Hugs to you and many karma points for all that you do!

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Excellent work, no wonder you are tired and a little beaten up. At the zoo I learned that ants do not cross water so make a ant proof barrier by standing any perches or food bowls in a water moat. Does not have to be deep just water around all sides.

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