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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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It is so official, Frito-ta has chosen me!


Hahahaha I'd demote your tail in a heartbeat if you kept calling me those kind of names. What happened to Freda?



Re: Grey love being the best love...



I read where someone said, "You haven't really been loved until you've been loved by a redhead." The author was a man who was shamelessly, head over heels in love w/a female Vosmaeri Eclectus.



Bearing in mind that this is a Grey forum & so this is pretty treasonous stuff, I have to say I agree. The day Kura crawled onto my arm, it was magical. Unlike any other bird I've known or even known of. She's incredibly loving & she radiates a kind of joy & trust that is distinctly un-birdlike. As an added bonus, I can even breath her in, unlike the rest of the fids, unfortunately. She smells like honey, too.

Edited by birdhouse
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We went back to just Frito, she knows and says it very well so I am not going to confuse her any more than she is :-)

She is just such a doll. She has a bell and well, like most greys, this bell must die. I heard it banging around so I went to look and she was giving it a stink eye like nothing I have ever seen before. Okay, well I have seen it before from Gabby when I was her mortal enemy.

Bongo now is mad at me big time. He won't even step up for me. If I just open his cage to let him come out on his own, he will run straight to the top where he knows I can not reach him and make raspberry sounds. Arggg!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our appointment has been made, she goes in on the 6th for testing (calcium) and or x-rays to see if she has brittle bone or not. This girl just wants to be a bird. I had her in my arms so Pat could clean her cage and she took off flying. I was able to hold her under her belly as she flew but Lord, she wanted to fly. I just don't see how, if she has this, she would be able to fly let alone want to fly. She is such a sweet little girl this is breaking my heart. Gilly, who only had 40% usage of his feet is improving. He gets around his cage very well without incident. Using his feet again and stepping up for me like a regular bird. I just don't get it. How can two birds that were so bad off be doing so damn well? :-/

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Sounded correct to me, lol. The previous care-taker of these guys really did love them and was doing what she knew or what she was told to do. I just know I let the birds lead in what they want, I may be wrong doing that in Frito's case, I guess I will know in a few weeks. Until then, she is free to be a bird!

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So now I have a Quaker issue, go figure huh? So we took this little guy in thinking he would be quick to find a home for (his mom moved and couldn't take him). Seems he isn't easy to find a home for, lol. Now he is just so adorable but seems really lonely. He has started talking to me, hello, kisses, but when he does this, he has his foot at his neck rubbing himself. I catch him hard up against the side of his swing, like he is leaning on a friend. Not sure what I need to do for the little guy. He is my only small bird so he doesn't get to get out very much and is also very cage aggressive.

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I have a rescued Quaker here you could add Tanner to your lone Quaker as they are social birds after an intro. He likes head scratches is currently;y sharing a large cage with a little yellow Parakeet who does not enjoy being set to swinging by having her tail pulled. He? literally pulls and pushes her to make the swing go.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, it has been a bit since I have been able to write. Things have been blown up here to say the least. Our elderly friend had to move in with us, we hoped it would be through the holidays but there is no way. He led us to believe he was in better condition than he really is, he can not be here alone during the week while we work. Pat has missed a whole week already.

Took Frito to the doctor, they did the blood work and xrays her to see about condition. Her bone density is good, all labs were within normal range. She does have several old fractures in her feet and was told it was metabolic bone disease from when she was a baby, poor nutrition. Her legs can not be fixed even though she is only 6 years old but at least I know when I hold her and hug her, I am not hurting her.


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I didn't think she had brittle bone and very pleased you can feel safe giving her little hugs. So sorry your friend is so frail it takes a very dedicated person to care for those who are needing so much help, birds are simpler to assist. Hugs to you both and hope you find some help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am hoping things are getting back to normal again. (well as close to normal as our life can be anyway).

I am really not sure if I have written what has been really going on. It has been a very tough few months. A week before our friend moved in, our beautiful niece killed herself. It made us understand why, after the long struggle to buy this home and despite all the odds against us we got. It was so we could be here for Pats brother and wife when they needed us. We got a call on Oct 2nd asking for that help. It has been a whirlwind ever since. All the kids on the rodeo team were and still are just incredible. The did a tribute for Olivia at the last rodeo where her boyfriend rode her horse out during the opening and then when barrel racing started, her best friend walked her horse out and walked the barrels in her honor. This is how they retire a horse and show respect to the fallen rider. Most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

As for the birdies, they have been less than happy with us gone so much. They may rethink those feelings one day when I do get back to the full swing of being here for them and annoying them with my constant attention. lol

Bongo is back in the main rooms with us again so he has gotten a little bit less mad at me. Not much but I will take a little. Frito is still an angel, except the biting. We had a great thing going but then with the mayhem around us, she has gotten nippy with me. This too shall pass  

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Thank you all, it has been a rough year but is getting better. I am still unpacking boxes if you can believe it, lol. I found the Christmas box with all the stockings. Wow, do I have to get some more this year. Gilly, Tamale, Frito, Scout (who, by the way, is now Kiwi. Poor bird (quaker) started talking and keeps saying Kiwi so I can only guess that is his real name) Jake and Annie and Jane. I am pretty sure we had Athena last Christmas, I will know when I start putting up the decorations. Holy cow, 7 new ones in less than a year. We are insane!

I need for the bird show to come to town soon. I need 21 new boings, lol!


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