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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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It's actually too bad that the conure's gone because they would likely have been BFFs. Now, you've got a giant sized parrot personality in a pocket sized parrot. Charm always gravitates to the largest critter in the room. Starting w/the dogs who she's obsessed with. And I have to say, they love her back.


The big birds on the other hand, not always so much. Phenix just wants to kill her. The Patagonian Conure we fostered for a while adored her. The ekkie generally ignores her. So it runs the gambit & good luck w/your giants & Scout.


The more you can keep Scout busy, the better. Charm loves to start trouble. I've often said, "If I'd have known then..." I'd have named her Loki. Which is why Phenix wants her dead. She loves to tease him & doesn't seem to acknowledge the potential blow back at all.


Charm is in a 27"x19"x45" cage which she uses top to bottom. Loves anything that's 2 sizes too big. Thoroughly enjoys bashing heavy plastic things. Is the best at knots that ever was.


Bad ass for sure!! But she can be the most vulnerable fid in the room, too. Sometimes she surprises me. Also, she's a totally different bird away from her cage. She's the very definition of cage aggression. But wait for it...


she can be a real sweetie pie when she's away from it. ")


Except, she's so damned high energy it may only lasts until you blink. Then she's off on the next great adventure. What can I say, she's a party animal through & through.


Loud, oh my goodness yes!! If Charm were Scout, she'd be on max volume all day being new to your house. Charm at least will quiet down if I acknowledge whatever she's trying to say. Backwards from the usual advice, I know. But she's unique in so many ways. I really do enjoy her tremendously! And I hope Scout makes you as happy once he calms down.

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Another Quaker here sharing a cage with a rather small yellow parakeet, Tanner was also found and turned in at a Vet Clinic. He is living with us until other arrangement can be made. Loves to get attention and does cosmetic surgery to remove and hang nails, freckles, scabs and moles. He will throw an absolute hissy fit if you walk by his cage and do not acknowledge his little imperious self.

Quakers are fearless and seem to think they are the size and ferocity of a Tyrannosaurus Rex packaged in a Tinkerbell sized suitably green body.

Edited by Greywings
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OMG...I go on hiatus while my Mother is in town and come back to find several members are conspiring to stuff my house full of more birds.....hrrmmppffff.


I'm not sure a bird that can give a group of cockatoos a run for their money in the noise department would do well here. We have a cockatiel that gets pretty damn loud and he's nearly ended up on the chopping board a few times. If Quakers are aggressive that's also a no-no. We have one highly aggressive bird, our Caique, and he's a damn handful. He's convinced he'd look good wearing conure and cockatiel scalps. He tried to wear a African Grey scalp but she beat the living tar out of him and he's learned his lesson.

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He is wonderful outside of his cage. Just cage aggressive and i am starting to believe that human skin is his nemesis and he feels he must remove it all! Other than that ONE little hiccup, he is a sweetie. Come one, give it a go! ;-)

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blah blah. blah blah...The big birds on the other hand, not always so much. Phenix just wants to kill her.blah blah. blah blah...


blah blah. blah blah...The more you can keep Scout busy, the better. Charm loves to start trouble. I've often said, "If I'd have known then..." I'd have named her Loki. Which is why Phenix wants her dead. She loves to tease him & doesn't seem to acknowledge the potential blow back at all. blah blah. blah blah...


Just checking. For a minute there I thought it was that oldtimer's thing again. But, okay, I did mention something about something, didn't I? lol


That said, a Quaker might actually think it's quite nice on your planet though. Nice enough to actually learn to fly w/a flock that's all rough & tumble & full of daily adventure. Maybe if they get enough stimulus & exercise, they can actually overcome "that ONE little hiccup". idk [just spit balling here]


Greywings, how did your Quaker come to be living in the same cage w/a non-Quaker? Especially a smaller one?

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Birdhouse my answer is "magic". No really the Quaker was young enough to still have the feed me response and at the time we had two elderly cockatiels in there as well (large cage). The Tiels died quietly over the next few months both were very old (early 20's). That left the little yellow keet and the Quaker who don't interact much but share the space nicely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it looks like we will be taking in two more birds today. Another blue and gold and a green wing. There are also 4 budgies, cockatiels, green cheeks and parolets. The smaller guys I have already found homes for but the big guys, one has nerve damage in his feet and only has about 40% use and the other (gw) has been with him his entire life and no one wants to split them up so there ya go lol. Back up to 20 again and removing a piece of furniture so everyone has space. So much for my bigger house and everyone, including us, having their own space. lol Wouldn't do it any differently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Snake away only works when you can smell it and my gosh it stinks... YUCK!

Now we are fighting mice. I have lost count on our catch and release program, but have had to add snap traps. We both hate those but it is out of control now. Yesterday I was cleaning out a closet and four babies were there. Each female mouse can give birth to 6-10, so I am missing 2-6 babies in just one closet. I hate to say I would rather have snakes.

I also need to get my eyes checked very soon. I dump the bird left overs outside for the bunnies, I have Fufu and her friends out there. Last night I was delivering their dinner, chatting away to them telling them what was on the menu when Fufu's friend jumped in the air did a little flip and started running. It was an armadillo, not a bunny!!

I will get some pictures of Tamale and Gilly soon. Pat took the pictures so they are on his phone. :-(

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LOL Seriously!?! It didn't register it was an armadillo...? Too funny.


No excuses on the pics & kind of thinking there should be a boat load of all kinds of pics by now.


I live in the woods, too. I didn't want to say anything after your first post. But more often than not, where there's one mouse, there are many, many more. Fresh Cab is actually pretty good for the kitchen cupboards & smells nice. There are DIY recipes if you look, too. They figure out to avoid the traps very quickly, btw.


It has rained for so long here that I honestly can't remember when we had 3 whole sunny days in a row. Forget warm! Unfortunately, that's apparently a banner year for bugs & mice. I'd just gotten the damned fleas under control. I never get ants, but I've got em this year. W/all the lush vegetation, the spiders & mice are horrible, just horrible.


So I just ordered this




From what I can tell, the makers don't know one way or the other about fids whenever they're advertising the pet safe-ness of their product. Specifically asked, they just said don't put near the cage to be on the safe side. But, sonic doesn't go thru walls. So I'm going to put these everywhere else, especially the crawl space. I'll let you know what happens whenever they come in.


Meanwhile, thought you might want to look into this for yourself. Like you said, the little varmints are merrily multiplying even as we speak. While I was researching I remember reading some of these claim to repel snakes as well.

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We're having a serious rat and mouse problem. I finally decided to take a stand a couple weeks ago when I kicked a box and 10-15 half sized immature rats came pouring out of it like a horror show flick. Now they're in our wood pile near my aviary and I've found evidence of them in the aviary and also on our back porch. So I had to take the nuclear option on them. Now there are a few left running around that I need to eradicate.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there! It has been a while since I have been able to write. I keep coming on to check on Timbersmom but then right back to work. We have started to build a deck in the back yard at the back door. It is approximately 35' x 10' at the moment but will go out another 10' on one end for the bird flight. It has to be double wired so the critters with the long arms can not reach them. We did take in 2 more, a green wing and a blue and gold. Both are just so sweet.

I ended up taking in 2 kittens with high hopes they would be good mousers, their names are Annie (Oakley) and (Calamity) Jane. Yea, no luck there with the mice. They do like to get into the bird water bowls and play and those bright tail feathers are a teasing toy. Having to be extra careful and when we are not home, they are locked in the bedroom.

All the birds are doing really good, they just want out more and I don't blame them! We are working hard to get that resolved!!

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Good to hear from you again, I know you are staying very busy but can you tell us names of the new birds. Cute names for the kittens. I picked up a young black catten very thin very long tail just politley sitting on a discarded mattress beside the road. There were some Pit bull crosses roaming about so I just couldn't leave her there. Very sweet my son says she looks just like a cartoon witches cat.

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The 2 new ones actually came to us through Dee's (Mardens Ark) outreach program. I don't know exactly what she calls it but she reached out about a woman who lives around here who needed help with her birds. First it was just toe nails and meeting but she (the bird owner) reached out and asked if I could take these two and I also found homes for her little ones. This leaves her with 6 or 8, I can't remember. Tamales is the green wing. Gilly is the b&g. Gilly only has 40% usage of his feet but he gets along pretty good.

Yea for you Greywings helping a stray! Because Lord knows we don't have enough things to do to fill the hours in our day. I am back up to 20 parrots, 5 dogs and 3 cats inside our house now. Lol

Edited by murfchck
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I was wondering if the birds finally had a successful mutiny over there in Parrotdise.


Let me know how those cats work out. I was considering getting a mean ol barn cat to round up the rats around here and march them into the next world but I was reading some homesteading forum thread that they were kind of hit-or-miss. Some cats will go after rats, some will just set up rummy nights and get real chummy with them. Everytime I wipe out the population here, another one springs up within a few weeks.

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To young right now, they just started exploring the house. Yesterday however I was checking the traps and one was running around the shelf in a closet. I ran and got Annie and put her up there to catch it. She was very interest but it had left already. Did catch 2 yesterday. One in middle of floor (not sure if dog or cat got it) and one in a trap. My closets are empty so they have no where to hide in them! I am not winning this war and just can not bring myself to use glue traps.

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