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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ahhh, internet again. It has taken me a while to get back on but not from lack of trying. There is something that blocks me from entering the grey forums. I have figured out to pull up a thread then I get around on here but I can not go anywhere near the home page. I tried several times to log in at work, and it said I was logged in but then when I would post, it said I didn't have permission to post. Hopefully this will work this time. All is well and everyone is settling into a the new routines. Pick up a stray yesterday, part Husky part Catahoula. Has the husky eyes, I thought he was missing an eye which is why I stopped ( he was dragging a dead carcass down the road which had been dead for some time by the smell of them both.) If he was hurt, I couldn't leave him out there. Well he wasn't hurt, stunk to high heaven, jumped in car after I coaxed the tail out of his mouth (as luck would have it I was coming home from the grocery store so had just stocked up on dog treats) Let horse out to meet him and that's all she wrote. Pete is his name because of his unaltered state. lol Loves the little dogs and doesn't give a darn about the birds at all. He is just actually a little confused because he hears talking but doesn't see the humans speaking. Quite funny!!

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What a bad mom I am. Yesterday when I got home, my brother in law was getting a new couch from his neighbor and hubby was helping to move it. We were taking their old couch. It has been some time since I have had furniture so I was pretty excited. Turns out the neighbor also had a loveseat that he gave Pat to give to me. I went from zero furniture to a full living room and a full second living room! I started decorating, moving them here and there for the perfect "look" which is hard to do considering all the bird cages. Before I knew it, it was after 9 and I had not fed the birds and it was past their bedtime. I made my rounds with a "I am sorry" cracker, Pat followed with the "I know mom sucks" almonds and to bed they went.


The trees are starting to bud now and I saw that my grapevines that I dug up and brought with me are also budding, little excited about that. I have several trees in the yard and by that I mean 100's, only to put one and one together and realize they are all post oaks which the birds can't have. Trying to figure out where to start building their new bird-a-minium is tuff. There is a friend who's parents just bought some where that use to be a peacock rescue and they said they would donate what was there if we could use it, checking that out soon!

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The birds absolutely love it here. With all the moving around we had to do to them, we have finally found their happy places. And I mean, this bird in this room on this wall, nope, not happy. We move them again to a different spot or a different room, little chattering starting up. Move them again and happiness is back. Full on talking and whistling again. Last night we switched Chaco and Menyeca and today for the first time I was greeted with little "Hi's" and Chacho's boisterous "Hello Alfrair". It was music to my ears. (my spelling is really bad on some words so sound them out with hooked on phonics please, I am not French or what ever language Menyecas name came from. (I copy and paste it from her originals owners email. It has a funky doodle over one of the letters in her name and I don't even know where to find it on a lap top, lol) Bongo has already destroyed an entire boing, Vincent, other than her egg, has been so mellow, the Too's don't even scream, they chatter and play but no blood curdling screaming. The blue and golds seem very content, but moving them 2 times in a short span of time has got to be concerning to them. Kane is still a spoiled brat. Ixta and Cotay are silly and mean to me as ever. Gabby is still plucking. Mary Anne will be moved again this evening I hope. We did not realize how hard the sun comes in by the window she is near until it heated up our trash can one afternoon when we were home. She has no feathers, I don't want her baking! Bubba had a hard time at first but I think it had more to do with Ollie than moving. "Silent Bob" Marley is still a ham bone and now gets to watch deer running around the yard and him and Bubba scream at them like little girls. lol

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Same problem here w/all the scrub oaks. I remember seeing tons of acorns that first fall only to be thoroughly disappointed whenever I eventually found out they were toxic. It took a while of course. Remember, no internet 30 yrs ago. "(


So now that you're all in & sort of sorted, I was hoping to find out about that newest addition that was/is in quarantine? Or did I miss something?

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No, there was a woman who had one she needed to rehome but she wanted to take him for his yearly and make sure all was good before turning him over. I was 2 weeks out to be able to welcome him in and when I called her that we were ready, she would never return my calls. I only hope she changed her mind and is keeping him.

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The birds are a big hit here in Paradise. Word is out and neighborhood kids are just stopping by with their friends to "see the birds". It is nice that the birds are getting visitors but there is no warnings, just a knock on the door, lol. Today we are going to be installing a gate at the end of the driveway, I don't have the warm fuzzies that so many people know we have birds and can just drive right to the house. I don't think anything bad would happen but why chance it? Bubba and Bongo are the hams with the kids, who can out shine the other time. Bubba talks away to them, Mary Ann also. There was a little boy talking to her saying "hello" over and over until Mary Ann yelled (and I mean yelled as in annoyed) "hello" back to him. Scared the poor kid so bad he was on the floor behind his sister in shock. Bongo will let them hold him on their arm so they really get a kick out of that and Bubba talks to them with his "lalala's" he clucks like a chicken and Pat will flip him on his back and blow bubbles on his belly getting him to laugh. The kids are in awe. I have heard that there are or were breeders here, so there are actually many family's who have birds, Scarlett's. I have already been told about 4 that a woman has who "wants them gone". They are suggesting we go to the schools and talk to the kids about birds which we would love to do but I need to get my life in order, or at least in somewhat of an order, before I take any more on. lol

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I think going to schools would be a great idea, just not sure how I would feel about people knocking on my door and asking to see mine. I'm not sure how impressed my cantankerous greys would be, either.


I so admire what you are doing there, if I had the space for the cages without giving up my guest room, I would probably be doing the same thing. However, we have a grandson who stays with us often and family from Ontario who come in, and as tempting as it is to turn that room into a bird room, it's really not a good idea. Guess I'll stick with my entertainment crew in our main living area!

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I can't imagine. Maybe the one random time just because. But up here, you just do not knock on strangers' doors for oh so many reasons. I could envy you on some levels. Not so much on some others.


But if that's what the people want maybe you could give it to them 2 Saturdays a month. Say idk $7 a head. Just spit balling here. lol


The school thing would be super fun. I took Kura to college & it was like show & tell for very very tall 8 yo's. And it was so great to be able to introduce birds to people who had never been any kind of up close w/so much as a budgie. I hope you can work something like that out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe I have not posted pictures. Here are our 2 big boys, Jake (white/black/brown one) Athena (brown) These 2 are best buds and can always be found together. Even when they nap, they have to be touching each other.


Chulo out in the kitchen. He has really started talking up a storm since we have moved here.


I will post some more pictures, I just noticed they did not download to Google plus so I will take a bit for that. There are cows, chickens, goats and wild turkey all around here on the property. Turkey season just started so we are dumping corn all over our back pasture to get them safe. Our next door neighbor does this as well so they at least have a safe spot of 17 acres total. :-) I did have a few Toms, beside me as I was trimming some trees.


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Kane and MaryAnne both out by the pond. Since these are the only 2 that can not fly and we know this for sure, they are the only ones that have been allowed to venture outside. MaryAnne acted like a queen, that she was meant to rule this land and poor Kane was so scared, she just kept running after me for me to pick her up. We think she just went into overload with all the room and no fence as a boundary. She did settle down and start to explore. I can not wait to show her the goats and the turkey next door. When the turkey met MaryAnne, neither of them were to sure of each other.


The greys are picking up some of the local birds calls, which gets a little confusing when I think a bird got in the house.We leave the back door open a lot and my head tells me there is always that chance that one got in so even though I am sure it is a grey making their noise, I always have to check, lol.

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Your dogs are beautiful! We have a rescue that is half Australian shepherd, half blue heeler. Talk about high energy! I cannot wear her out, but she can wear me out in 30 minutes and send me straight to the couch!

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