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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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You, me & some little grey birds, huh? lol BUT there is something to be said for new & exciting too. You're trading all the the things you didn't like for some stuff you're really going to love.


So any time you're about to have a panic attack, laser-focus on a thing you've said 400 times you couldn't stand, but couldn't get rid of for some reason & flip it off. Or rather wave good bye to it ")


You've been too long having to deal w/the worst parts of moving. But pretty soon, you're gonna be in Paradise! :cool:

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I get my mood now. An alert popped up on my calendar. Today is my Ollie boys birthday. No wonder i am crying at the srop of the hat. I miss my boy. And to top it off, i am at work and just realized my jeans have holes in the legs and my boot is broke. Hahaha! I need to go home and start this day over!

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We are officially sold! Now we are renters of our home of 28 years. We will close on our new home next Thursday or Friday. We had our first decent nights sleep since Thanksgiving day, wow. The birds know somethings up also. Our stress has apparently been noticed by them because when we got home after the signing, they were all singing and whistling. This morning they wanted up early and while still dark, the bells were ringing from their cages, clangers were clanging and either Koko or Gus were saying "lemme out". Peace is in the air. Other than the daily walk-abouts these poor guys have been stuck in their cages and they are ready! We have 3 weeks to get packed and moved! Woo-hoo!

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I had showed him the picture i took with the big flight down. It was the first time he saw the big palm tree and was sooo excited. Lol. I guess you really couldn't see it the the cages in front of it. He asked if her could come over yesterday and really look. Since he is our landlord, little hard to tell him no. Plus he is letting is use his trailer to move all the wire. We couldn't have asked for a better buyer!


I looked back on my phone to find when i first saw this house. It was 12-31-2015. Over a year and next week it is finally mine! Me, Pat and our realtor stood in my kitchen last night all crying with relief that it is finally over. My new mortgage company dropped the ball so many times that last week, Wednesday, we drove to Plano and did a sit in until they got the paperwork going. I still wasn't clear to close until 1:30 Friday. We were supposed to close at 9am that morning but couldn't becauae of this. As soon as the title company got the word we were good our buyer was there within the hour to sign his papers. This has been a total nightmare but it is almost over!

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The start of the big move begins today. Signed on the dotted line yesterday and all we managed to move in was a 12 pack of beer, champaign and 2 glasses. Oh well, its a start anyway!

Yes, birds are freaking out now with all the fast pace motions happening. I wish i could ease their minds but all i can do is work faster to get them moved and settled in.

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  Greywings said:
Have their favorite music playing and give them all some chamomile tea.


Funny you mention tea. My daughter works at a coffee house in Dallas. She brought home some raw tea bags they package themselves and seal up. I made one last night to try and kept getting a talon in the face when I was trying to drink it. Apparently I made GreycieMae a tea and didn't make one for myself. Who knew?

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^^^ Because Everything is GreycieMae's . Get it? Got it? Good. lol


I use chamomile tea for showers/spritzing when we're "excitable". It seems to be pretty good aromatherapy for them & I think it makes them smell lovely. I throw whole buds into their feed dishes. I do keep the buds limited to a healthy pinch a day for no more than a week. Not because I've never found a recommended dose or limit or anything (& I've looked!). Just because that's a limit that feels good to me for whatever reason & so far (knock on wood) l haven't had any problems.


So this was an exciting weekend, I'm guessing. Any surprises, good or bad...?

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I guess we moved so country that we have no Internet or cell service. Lol Had to wait until i came into work. We are moved and swimming in boxes. Birds were moved, took a full day and 2 trips with a 16' box truck. Pat took the cages, i took the birds. Last trip was 3 macaws, 2 cockatoos and 3 dogs. Last bird went into their cage at 4:30 am Wednesday and this started at 9am Tuesday. We were all worn out but guess what! When the sun came up, the birds all woke up! We moved the last of the boxed items inside last night at 7pm. Not much has been done on the new place, the boxes are growing on me and i think i may just leave them there for a while. Sad part was that coming back to work this morning, our office moved so i am still swimming in even more boxes. Lol first thing this morning i am unpacking more boxes to find my stuff! Lol

Edited by murfchck
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  murfchck said:
As for unpacking, a hamper made it into the bathroom yesterday and that was about it!


And well you were entitled! Moving, moving w/an entire menagerie, moving house, menagerie & office at the same time. And you're still conversing in full sentences...? You're my hero!!!!

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And today Vincent get to go into town with me. Not sure whats up but he may not be a he. When i was putting them to bed last night his butt was dripping blood and oozing yellow mucus like liquid. Think it may have been an egg. There was white paper like pieces at the bottom of the cage but he had no toys like that in his cage for it to be that. I heard him in there this morning saying goodnight big man so i feel better knowing he is okay but if it was an egg that broke, gotta get him or should I say her into the dr.

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