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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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Spoke with dr. There are some elevated levels but they want to talk with the lab before going over it with me. He still had some fluids under his skin so they didn't want to do more today. He is sucking down oranges so is getting some fluids, and he took them out of my hand. As i reached in to touch his feet to see if they were still ice cold, he struck at me so i will take that as a good sign. Definitely not out of any woods but i see a light in his eyes again.

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This morning he was struggling. Seemed to be stiff and weak. Not as good as yesterday. We go back today at 4:20. He did try and strike at me and bless his heart it was in slow motion. I left my fingers there for him to bite just so he would be proud he could still do it but he didn't, just looked at my hand like, well crap, that didn't scare her.

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Both liver and kidneys numbers were extremely off. She said his back air sacs sounded like a thunder storm moving in. Still dehydrated so now going in daily for fluids. Starting him on a antibiotic, 2 x's a day. She is having a compound made for him for the airsac issue and milk thistle for the liver. And now down another 25 grams in weight. After his first dose last night, and i mean right after, he drank 1/3 of his bowl of water. That must have tasted really bad! Going back at 9:30 this morning for more fluids.

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Up at 4am to get the bird in the oven. Amazing how the ones that can see what i am doing are so quiet but the ones in the living are screaming (Vincent) and talking. Lol

Ollie is now in seclusion in the medical room. He finally ate yesterday, all day. Has not thrown up for 2 days. He had gained a little weight back when at the vet Tuesday for more fluids. We go back again Friday. I hope we can be done with that. His poor legs have to be sore. Pat weighed him last night and he was at 810. Granted he had just eaten but huge difference from 730. We have positive hope for him!


During all of these trips to the dr, we met and friended the vet tech. She mentioned her dream is to adopt an umbrella cockatoo who needs her help. Neither me or Pat hesitated in telling her about Lily. Because Lily attacks the other 2, it has been very difficult letting any of them out and Lily was starting to get testy. She is my sweetest bird and it wasn't fair to her. Lily went home last Saturday with her new family and is ruling the roost. Although my heart hurts, it is a selfish hurt. That is what rescue means, sometimes there will be pain. She has befriended their dog and steals his toys. Lol she also has 2 cats, one black and one white. She hates the white one, i guess Lily hates the color white, lol.


Silent Bob Marley got his wing caught in a toy last night, that was tramatic to say the least, Pat saw him struggling and yelled for me. At first i was impressed that Pat was "going in" to help him since Silent Bob hates him so much, but then i realized he was just opening the door for me. Lol i took a good bite on my arm, elbow area, but as i was reaching in for him i did say "okay, i will take the bite this time for you boy!" And that i did.

Edited by murfchck
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Wonderful news about Ollie! I'm so glad for all of you. Hope he's back to his old self by this time next week and you have a whole holiday season w/no more vet visits needed. Just a whole flock of happy healthy fids to drive you crazy. Wait, wait, that was supposed to be a good thing! Honest. lol


Can't be surprised if you feel a little blue about losing Lily. I remember when you fell in love w/her & expect she'll always have a special place in your heart. But it is happy news, also. Maybe you'll be able to see her sometimes?

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We will be able to see her no and then. Our avian vet tech is who adopted her and said Lily will eventually get to come to the office!


Oliver is still eating and got to come out of his solitude for dinner yesterday and eat with his flock, but after dinner went back to his warm cozy room.

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So we went through every emotion possible, or so we thought, this 4 day holiday. Then last night i had to face the reality that Oliver may not pull through. His little feet are are starting to curl up. If he by chance does pull through, he will not be our same boy. More special of course, but not the mischief, chaos causing macaw he was. My heart is breaking. We go back to the vet this afternoon.

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