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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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Thank you everyone. Cocabas passing was a blessing for him as he is now with his buddy again. At 66 years old they were all probably asking him what the heck took him so long. But really, I do not think anyone is going to believe this but I got a message today from a friend asking me if I saw Nextdoor, the neighbor website. I hadn't and she said that there was a post about a found bird and some one gave my street and said we would take it in until the owner was found if they could catch him. They did and of course I did. 19 birds sure jumped back to 20 quickly. He is a sweet little conure who has a nasty cut on the top of his head, it has scabbed already, they said they have seen him for a few day now. He nursed on my ear so will be trying some formula later on once he settles in some. Also an escape artist, he was in the carrier as we set up his cage and I went to check on him and there he was sitting on the top of it. Just what I need huh, another one to chase around. Have posted on Parrots 911 and will call vets tomorrow but for tonight and until his human is found, he is safe and sound. I use to call Cocaba "Buddy", the lady who caught this one told me she has been calling him "Buddy", really??????

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I have only found one missing ad and that is from Dallas area. Not very close but I sent an email to them for anything to identify him. I wish more people would pay attention to the leg band #'s, including myself. That is pretty much all I have to go on, they all look the same!!!

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Well got a lead and sent an email to them. In the mean time he took flight to meet the cockatoo's. Not the best idea he figured out, so off he flew to the macaw room. Even a worse idea. All is good though, he landed on Nati's cage and Nati could care less. Note to husband, if Buddy who is small and light and somewhat unnoticable when compared to our big guys, do not walk through the house! I think hubby really likes him though, he said it would be okay if no one claims him, his feelings wouldn't be hurt. Lol

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Oh my, I picked up Cocaba yesterday, boy did all the tears start up again. He was cremated and we selected a box that would hold his picture. I didn't know it would come with a footprint cast and a few of his feathers. I don't know how they did the cast but it was his little feet. He only had one toe with a talon and the other toes were all different lengths. He came beautifully wrapped also with a card, a poem and a pin. Wow this place out did itself!


No one has claimed Buddy, I keep checking for any reports but nothing. He has healed very nicely and we are pretty sure his head feathers will return. Right now he looks like he has a bad comb over going on. He also must be getting more secure with his surrounding, he is getting nippy. His hard bite though is like a macaw's nail on your arm and I feel bad when I giggle at him when he does bite me. I want him to feel like he is the bad ass he is acting like, but mosquitoes hurt worse than he does!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since aka, Buddy, aka Peewee, aka not sure since he turned out to be a she, we have had 2 more that needed to find a home. A sun conure and cockatiel, and both came to our home on Saturday morning and their new mom was waiting to take them home!

All has been holding its own here. We are still trying to get our new land in the country but getting closer and closer. This has been going on for over a year now and we finally tracked the house down between its trips to the bank and to hud we finally caught a break and located it at the bank where we could make an offer. That was late last week and we are still waiting to hear back. We called and they said either the bank or the lawyer would contact us. Basically they said stop bugging us, we have your info and will take it from here... I am not good at waiting. On the bright side, to keep busy I have been making a lot of bird toys. I now have 2 bins of cut and dyed wood just waiting to be strung!

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Just remember, the loudest bird gets whatever the hell they want. That banker would be getting sick of me, I don't care how many times they told me not to call. I tell my birds to shut it all the time, they don't listen and get what they want. See how that works?



Everyone in the house is having a very hard time getting used to calling the new conure a 'SHE'. However, I do believe we have nailed down a name: Amber. Wife came up with it, I kind of like it and it has sort of stuck. I think it matches her nice little red apron that she wears. Plus when she goes full on conure shrill scream mode, well, that's an Amber Alert!



We're having trouble with the biting. She really hates my hands. They make her step up. They make her go to bed. They make her do everything she doesn't want to do. Therefore they are sworn enemies right now and get the business end of the conure. Typical conure behavior, gonna have to see how I can get her to calm down about it all. Good things come to those birdys who don't give the Daddy a hard time.



Here's her latest video. I unfortunately wasn't very good at keeping the camera on view of my intended subject. Trying not to lose a fingertip took precedence.




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Charlotte would like to say hello to her foster Mommy! Hope you don't mind me posting her here, she was officially part of the Murphy Flock!


Fortunately (or unfortunately I'm not sure which) she's a very early riser. The minute she hears anything, she starts screeching to come get her. So she gets about an hour of Daddy time before the big Grey Goose gets up and demands her Royal Court is in order, which means her competition, Charlotte, must remain locked away in the dungeons.



Edited by SterlingSL
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Conures are little spit fires, that is for sure. My grey has never been allowed to interact with our conures, either. It's not him I am worried about! We have a Sun that is quite the little instigator and not very tolerant of any bird other than the two she shares a cage with. I have no doubt that she would attack Kya, and I don't think it would end well.

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Aww, she is looking so cute with a full head of feathers!


Had to take Gabby to the vet Saturday. She has that bum leg and has been laying flatter and flatter instead of perching. We are blaming this on her leg but had them do blood tests to be sure. She is about 30 years old now so it is scary to think she could be sick. Will find out in a few days.

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Results are in and in the vets words, her blood work is perfect! We are going to modify her cage with cushions on the perches and starting her on low dose of pain meds for 2 weeks to see if that helps her any. If it doesn't we will gets exrays on her leg and see just what is up with it. Thank you for the prayers!

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Gabby is the one that has the bum leg, they grey. Last night was a mess though. The covered, padded perches scared her and she just clung to the side of the cage at bed time. I checked on her after a little bit and she was still on the side so I decided to remove the wrap on her sleeping perch. When I turned the light on, her face was covered in blood. Made daddy come get her and see what was up. 4 broken blood feathers on her tail end. I am afraid it may be nearing cone time. She has taken to plucking but she totally concentrates on the tail blood feathers. What a mess, there has to be a reason and we are just missing it.

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Shouldn't comfort & sisal rope perches do as well as wrapping for easier perching? Might try experimenting w/over & under sized, too. Also could help her to have a ton of branches on natural wood for stability. That w/ladders & platforms can work well for the unstable birds. Heated perches just feel good to them sometimes, too.



Her going after blood feathers like that must be a horror. Hope you can find some way to avoid a cone, though. Always feel bad when anyone's wearing one. But worse somehow for a bird.

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So to my surprise, and me without my phone to capture this, Gabby was back on the bottom of her cage. This time however she had a reason, she has figured out how to move the paper on the bottom and push it out because she just enjoys watching it float to the floor. If that is why she has been on the bottom of the cage and not because she wasn't feeling good, I may have to shoot myself! $400.00 plus the stress and worry for her just to be playing??? Because the pain meds could cause renal failure, we did one dose and decided not to continue it for now (this was decided before said paper incident so now I am happy with our decision).

And because I just don't have enough to do around here, we rescued a dog yesterday. Yea, not just a dog but a big dog. 6 month old German Shepard mix. She sees poor Chacho as a game and she plays it this way, stick nose in and pull it out before he bites. :-( He is the only one that has peaked her interest.

I had to laugh though when I brought her though the door, she tucked tail and wouldn't enter the house. I had to pick up this 60lb puppy and carry her inside. Also sleeping was a challenge, Pat, our 2 Chihuahuas and Betty our Chihuahua mix, myself and Athena all in a queen size bed. When Athena spread out she went from my neck to the footboard. OH and the poop difference, good heavens, that alone will be a huge adjustment for me. At least when there is an accident in the house and I ask "who did it", I will actually know before I even ask.

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