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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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Here is the Saturday progress. Roof almost wired, turns out that it is about 14' high which when it was just poles was okay. Trying to find a way to secure the wire to the poles is a whole different story. One side he did just fine, well that was because the wire wasn't on the other side blocking access to the center pole. On the bright side, we now know it will support 200lbs. What is also kind of funny is that we are both in the construction industry and neither of us noticed in our excitement of our building that #1, we did not add the cross supports on the ceiling and #2 we did put the cross support around the walls. Putting the cross support on the walls should have waiting a wee bit as we had the sheets of the roof wire inside and also the ladders. Plus by the end of the day, ducking under the supports was getting to hard to do. We must have been really tired because it wasn't until we sat to have a beer (we also forgot to take the table and chairs from the inside) that we took one of the side supports off so we could just walk right in without ducking!



But do they really care about the all the hard work we are putting into this? No, they just want dinner and can't even wait until it is in their cage.


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We have so many holes in our fingers and shins and ankles i am afraid if we drink to much at once we could be the fountain water feature! Cutting that thick wire is not fun at all! We did get the ceiling wired and 1/2 the walls are done. 2 more full weekends and it should be ready! Getting excited and i know they are ready to get out there too. With all the metal shards flying, we couldn't put them outside or in the house out of the cages unattended so they are really ready to go outside again!

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I buy band aids in bulk from Sams!

What timing, bird mart is here on Saturday! Time to stock up on boings and rope perches for the gangs outdoor time. Centurion Cage guys are the go to for that kind of stuff. Last show, we bought every large branch they had, even the green ones, spent just at 600 and we are totally out again. There was a lady who said she drove 2 hours to get some branches so I let her pick from my pile and get some for herself. This time I will be needing all I can get, lol.

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This is all we get??? Really. Don't think so!!


Also, please don't say the house blew up again. Okay? I realized right after the adrenaline jolt that it was just a figure of speech. But given the tone of the news coming from your neck of the woods recently, I guess I couldn't help thinking the worst for a split second.

Edited by birdhouse
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Lol. Hubby had to remove all his tools from his truck for the transport so it is all over the house, lol. It is a mess and since it was so late when we were called Sunny and Honey had to double up. So Nati could use one of theirs for tonight. Múneca is in a spare cage in between Cotay and Marley poor girl. Nati is a blue and gold, from our friend who had to give up Sunny, Honey and Ixta and Chacho. They were his last two and he could no longer give them the care because of his health. Múneca, pronounced men-ye-ka, is a hawk head parrot. Ixta has always said her name, that is the only way i knew how to say it. Lol. I will get pictures tomorrow for you! Our limit has now been reached... well except for Snowbird, that is still in the air.

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Here is Muneca. She is the one who flew at me for blood making me fall and smack my head into a wall. lol


So there is a loose Blue and Gold in my area. Not ours. Saw the post Friday about it, someone sent me a message yesterday that he/she is still loose. We are going to go look this morning where it was last seen and you know our luck right? We will find it and bring it home until the owners can be found. lol We have some more bad weather coming today so I hope we do find it so I am not worried about it being outside...

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The man we look after, his health took a turn. He is in the hospital now and last Friday called and asked us to come get his 2 remaining birds. One blue and gold, and this little girl. We went that night and picked them up. Muneca always flipped that head piece up at me when she would see me and has chased me around more than once. I would have to hide behind Pat when we were at his house to clean cages until she could be put up. Yesterday, after enough wine, I decided to take the chance. Pat set her on my knee and up she ran toward my face, I was in in frozen panic. She went to my shoulder though so all was okay. Later Pat was holding her and I just put my hand out and asked for a step up, she did! This is still the honeymoon phase but I will take what I can get. Nati, b&g, will not come out of her cage, she hangs upside down. Letting her adjust as well right now.

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Nati came out of her cage yesterday all by herself. Yea for her, but getting her back in when it was time to eat was a whole new challenge which brought a wee bit o blood. lol.


I tried my hand at dehydrating bananas, I think I shall call them tiny buttons, what the heck? Followed all the directions and my finger nails are bigger than they are now. Still not even done and I put them in about 9pm last night. I have 5 more bunches to do too so I guess practice makes better, won't say perfect.

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Funny how they all find the full house to land in. Hawkheads are beautiful and have unpredictable temperaments they can be a real challenge. I know you are a blessing for your sick friend caring for his flock and him. Sorry to hear his health is failing further.

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Okay, well maybe it isn't. lol Could have just been a bad day. Here we are after a bath and Pat tried to get her off my shoulder and she didn't want to. She gets her way and it didn't bother me one bit!



Worked on the flights again yesterday. or general population as I like to call it, and will be back at it again today. So close to being done with the wire. I am ready to start the waterfall fountain and get some shrubs planted. :-) I am sure the birds are looking out the windows at us saying, just get us out there, we don't care if it is pretty!!

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I just want to meet a Hawkhead some day (then I'll want to bring one home, of course). But for now, they're on that list of birds I really, really want to see in person. I'm glad you look like you're managing to stay in her good graces. Hope you end up being her favorite ...but don't tell Pat I said so. lol

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Oh and is she smart. You guys are welcome over anytime to visit, my neighbors say we should charge a cover charge but I tell them, if you wanna see the birds that is great and it only cost one cage cleaning! hahaha! Funny, we don't get many visitors, hmmm. She does actually like my shoulder better than Pats and yesterday I told Pat when he was asking why she faces the back when she is on the shoulder that I don't know why but am fine with that, I fear she will just get this urge to rip my face off. Later that night, Ixta decided my bottom lip was not fat enough and she decided to grab hold and rip. Yea, fun way to start a vacation. It wouldn't stop bleeding, anyone ever use quick stop on their self? Well I did, man oh man does that burn. Poor birdies when we use that on them. It is just a few minutes of pure burning pain but then it is done and sealed up.


Flight is coming along very nicely. Not as quickly as I would like but we are now framed and ready to wire the walk ways and get it 100% safe and secure. We have changed our minds again about who will be going where but I think we finally have it figured out. All the macaws will go into the big one but Kane, she has her own flight because she is a snot and would go to the very top and hang and not come down unless she fell. Cocaba also will not go in there because he is to old to put up with the youngsters and doesn't perch. All the greys will have their own cage as well. With a bit of wire moving on the existing flights right off the house we will have the cockatoo, Gus and Koko together and Lily will have her own. On the other side of them will be the little ones, Muneca, Vincent and Chacho. Ahh, 20 birds and all have their own space!

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Ouch! lol


On vacation this week, almost have the walkway wired now, just one more wall with a door and a small section of the roof to cover and they can come out and play! I went plant shopping yesterday, found 2 large grapevines, with grapes on them, and couldn't pass it up. First greenery, I feel progress! Today and tomorrow, rain.


I am amazed, we are watching our neighbors dog for 2 1/2 weeks and she is terrified of thunder, so much so she only has half a storm door left in her back yard and the door knob has been chewed to crap. With the impending storm, we brought her to our house last night, we are on high alert with the birds. She could care less about the birds or our 3 dogs who really also could care less about her. Too bad she has a home, finding a large dog that can be in the same room with the birds is a dream of mine. I want a big dog to watch over them when they are outside so I don't have to worry about anyone jumping the fence.

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You need an Anatolian Shepard we love ours as the sanctuary watchdog. They protect the birds from predators and influence people with "unwise ideas" to change plans. GG (135#)was a rescue that served as our safety guard for several years, now she has passed (bone cancer) and our new girl is learning the ropes.


Anatolian Shepherd Dog Breed Information and Pictures





All about the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, info, pictures, breeders, rescues, care, temperament, health, puppy pictures and much more.

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That sounds like just the right dog. Unfortunately, the one we are babysitting, although docile in the house became a little too excited when the birds were out. She was jumping up trying to get their tails. We took Bubba and Oliver out to the flight and she was going nuts. Bubba was nearest her and kind of froze just watching her. Oliver wasn't having any of that and stepped around Bubba to put himself between them. I was so proud. ( the cage wire was between the dog and them and only one branch in the flight as of now so there was no chance of anything happening but wow is Oliver the protector!)

Taking Bongo and Bubba to doctor this morning, then a slow breakfast a little shopping and back to building the flights!! Last day of vacation, boooo.

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