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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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Wow is that going to be awesome whenever Mother Nature finishes messing w/you! lol


I have a question. Please be gentle if it's completely stupid & I'm missing the obvious. But aren't the fids all out together in the house? So how come they couldn't just be all together in a ginormous jungle enclosure or two when they're outside?

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What kind of wire are you using? Wondering if you can get closeup photos of the joints and wire connections. I'm thinking about extending GreycieMae's aviary into a 'L' shape since we have an extra enclosure just sitting in a box. I need to create the portion in the middle out of scratch though.


P.S. did you see the hail damage in our area yesterday? New roofs and windows on a lot of the houses in our area including ours.

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It isn't a silly question at all about them not being together outside. The dynamics change when outside, they are "free" and get territorial. The majority are out together, but they are mostly the non flyers. The greys all fly but have "areas" in the kitchen and stay to them. But Chacho can only come out when they are in the cages, he attacks the greys and is afraid of the macaws. Honey and Sonny pick on the other macaws so they are out of their cages in the master bedroom when the rest are in the living room. The Too's rotate days out of their cages, Lily can not be out when any others are out. Gus and Koko can be out at the same time but then they form a pack and taunt Lily so... Cocaba is slow and old so he is out all the time in his room but it is gated with a door we can close or the Too's will eat him.


The wire is a 14 gauge welded with 1 inch squares. Parrot safe (picture of a parrot on the label, lol) I will get a picture for you, since we are having this wonderful weather, it is still intact in the roll. It isn't easy to work with at all, I like the panels so much better, we used those on the roof. Also, we do use scrap in the center area where it is just our walk way and they are not able to get to it unless they fly off before they get to their cage.


I am sorry you got that hail damage, I have never seen hail that big before! Our roof and gutters were totaled with the wimpy hail last month but we are holding off replacing until this season is over, why pay a deductible twice.

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That was impressive hail, was watching the storm chasers live in North Texas during the storm. Thought about all of you up there hoping all was ok. Scary storm that one.

Epic hail pounds Texas, upping damage to nearly $2 billion this month



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Close up of the wire. This is the thicker gauge that comes in panels. It is exactly the same as the rolled though that is only 14 gauge.


Here is the rolled and the label was, of course, is mostly on the bottom so I couldn't get a good picture of it.



Here is the picture that won the contest!


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Birdhouse~ We were discussing our plan of attack for today on the flights. I mentioned your question about one big one verses all the smaller ones we are creating. Pats initial response was the same as mine, they would be attacking for territory. Maybe 30 minutes later, Pat said "but, if we do it this way...yadda yadda", lol. 2 hours later he convinced me and our design has changed and one big one will there instead.


Our non flighted birds and killer birds will be in the existing covered area where they will be safe from harm or harming. And by killer that would be Chacho who attacks the greys any chance he gets, Vincent who also attacks the greys and Lily who attacks Gus and Koko. Pat thinks Lily might be fine with the other birds since she is out when the big guys are out and has never flown and attacked them, she has however, flown into a mirror to attack that other Too she saw and had to fly through the macaws to get to her(self). Kane and Cocaba will also be separate for now. Gus and Koko will take over the one large cage where they will still be able to get flight if they wanted. We will also still be able to make the separate flights if this doesn't work out.

It isn't going to be hard to change it to this, basically we just need to remove the walls we had set up and put them up top as roof support. It is actually going to be easier since we don't have all those double walls and doors to build and wire.

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Well good ...I hope. That was a long way & a quick turn around so I hope this ends well ...for everybody's sake. lol


I've wanted an aviary forEVER. But I can't really have one w/the hawks & the trees & the mosquitoes "( West Nile Virus - the down side of living on a pond). It's gotten so now, every time you all start planning, I get to daydreaming. After all this time I have some pre-tty grandiose ideas. Let me tell you the rest of the "vision" your pics gave me.


I did edit my original post to say one or two sections because I assume there's always random love/hate issues as well as day to day mini dramas. But the bones of what I dreamed up was actually wheeled panels, potted plants & great big suspended branches. Everything inside the outer walls was basically movable.


Oh... & there may also have been a couple of bird baths. At least one w/a fountain. But maybe I should save that part til later. ")

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The roof structure is now up. A little over 10' tall, I am guess it is approximately 14' long and 12' wide. All the inside walls are now gone (but we kept the bottom structure for the walls just in case we have an issues and need to separate them). I actually have a fountain we had in the very beginning we talked about putting in there but are still undecided, they never used it and it was pretty for us to look at but keeping it filled and clean was a pain in the behind. Our friend who had several flights used shower heads for a bath feature hooked into her misting system we are going to look into that. We tried beating the rain yesterday and worked as fast as we could and when we finally stopped about 6pm, we got a glass of wine and started talking decorating, lol. He is more excited than I am about it, even went to our perch supply and started laying them out. lol We will be keeping the center area as open as we can for training and working with some that should fly but can"t, or won't). By will be getting some large pole fencing for swings (the fence is called something but for the life of me I don't know what) Feeding areas will also be a new challenge for us because before they all had their own bowls, now we will just be using a few large ones. lol


Ahh, the plants and bushes and trees to decide on. Pat is talking a grapevine, which I would love also, but they get invasive and can damage the wire if not kept up with. I want this to be low maintenance so that is pending, lol. Our neighbor has bamboo, which is also invasive, but we thought about making something like a raised planting bed along the sides so it can't spread. I would love hanging ferns but last year I bought two for the inside area of the flights and ended up with a mess after Bubba and Oliver had lunch of it.


The birds didn't get to get out yesterday because we were outside building but funny, they could see us through the windows and didn't complain. Like they knew what was going on. We are scheduled for rain until next Thursday so anything more we will be doing is just planning. Once I can get a picture of the changes, I will get it posted!


We have a tropical thing going on in our yard with the palm trees, yuccas and our pond so any thoughts on types of greenery for the aviaries would be appreciated!

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I'm so sorry the weather is being so rotten to you. But at the rate things have been going, as long as it's not extreme weather, I guess that's something at least.


I keep some types of invasive plants in my gardens (see my albums http://www.greyforums.net/forums/album.php?albumid=689). The ones that invade by runner roots, are planted in the ground in pots that bind & retard the roots. It limits where they can spread & what resources they have once they're pot bound. They're so tough & hardy that they survive quite well anyway.


Another trick is to keep those specimens in their own planters. I like self watering planters like this. You can also custom make something for yourself pretty easily.




If you want a grape arbor, you can make a planter. You could start one in two pots w/a climbing net between. Or a bench w/an overhead trellis. Or one pot w/a trellis. A friend of mine had one in a big long planter pot for years. Again, it depends on the species. Did you want the grapes or just the vine? The non-fruit bearing might be easier to keep this way & you'd have edible grape leaves for cooking.


If you do a little research you'll find some bamboo that is not invasive. I have some but it was a gift & I don't know the name. I've hardly found where it replanted itself in over 15 yrs. It apparently spread by seed in very extreme winter storm conditions.


Anything you hang or plant is apt to get shredded. So, if you want ferns, how about growing pots of carrots? If you want ground plants, how about germinating seed mix & propagating the "prettiest". Starting w/sun flowers of every size & color & there are a ton of varieties now. Maybe a few corn stalks?


You really burst my bubble about the fountain. lol I do not understand why our domesticated birds are so water phobic when the wild birds bath in muddle puddles w/such joy. But so, okay then, what about a small in-ground water feature, fish(less) pond? It could take care of itself. If the fids won't enjoy it, at least you guys could sit by it w/a beverage & enjoy the fruits of your labors.

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We already have a pond, it is big and full of fish with a waterfall! (I can hand feed the koi watermelon, they love it!)

Don't worry about the fountain in there, yours may like it. What we are smiling about is that we are building this big area for them to fly in and have found that our birds don't actually like to fly. lol They will call to me to pick them up and with Bongo, he will play the hot cold game clicking at me until I figure out where it is he is wanting to go. I don't know how many times I have told him that he has wings and would get there quicker if he just did it himself!

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What we are smiling about is that we are building this big area for them to fly in and have found that our birds don't actually like to fly. lol They will call to me to pick them up and with Bongo, he will play the hot cold game clicking at me until I figure out where it is he is wanting to go. I don't know how many times I have told him that he has wings and would get there quicker if he just did it himself!


Wouldn't it be wonderful if this new enclosure gives them the whatever to finally figure it out? Getting one bird to fly again is precious. Giving it to so many in your flock - priceless! And letting the ones who legitimately can't fly sit "up in the trees" seems like a pretty sweet thing, too.

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We have two mallard ducks that have taken up residency on our back acre if that's any indication of the conditions here. At this point, any significant rainfall results in flooding as the clay here is completely saturated and won't absorb anything.


Anyone know what size floaties fit a CAG?

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And my frogs were seen with luggage. Couldn't tell if they were moving out or bringing more relatives!


Greywings, are you okay? Houson area getting hit hard.

I am checking on my friend who lived in Weatherford today. News said her area is being told to evacuate. Her kids are still there.

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Had to make a quick trip to the vet this week with Cocaba. His bottom beak chipped again and when the poor guy looked at me with a pistachio stuck on it I knew it was time, whether I felt comfortable about it or not. He did just great, I was more stressed than he was and he had a fan club by the time we were ready to leave. I had him on the counter while I paid for the visit and the people in the waiting room took out their phones and started taking pictures of him, lol. It was too cute. He weighs 409g, not bad for his age but I have to start weighing in weekly to make sure he is maintaining on his own. He is almost blind but he thinks can see shadows with one eye still. 65+ years with a strong heart and clear lungs!



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Should have gotten a quick shot of him with the pistachio on his beak. Happy to hear he is doing so well! On our side of town we only got about 6-7 inches on Monday when the NE side of town got 15-18". Sanctuary is a little muddy but that happens when ever it rains, no rescues required this time. So many birds got their food dishes soaked so out went the wet food. Hate to waste food but it stays so humid and warm it would mildew too quickly. Sigh the food budget took a little hit there. Daughter got a little water in her house and was unable to get to work due to underwater roads and bridges for a few days. She can make it now just takes a long way around. Her dogs are not happy about having to go outside when they are ankle or knee deep depending on the dog, all 3 are rescues and they vary from Irish Wolfhound to a smallish elderly Lab/Shar pei cross.

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Here comes the rain again. I wish it would do this in the summer time when it is to hot to get outside and water the grass but no... It has to do it when the temp is in the low 80's and prime time to have the flock outside. Just can't win sometimes, lol.

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No joke! It is supposed to be here until Saturday, hoohumm. No flight work again. Bright side, Cocaba is doing really good and eating well. We have be discussing bringing in an elder friend for him. He needs someone to play with who plays as slow and also can not fly. Her name is Snowbird and may be here by the end of May or beginning of June.

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I'm sorry. I just laughed when I read that your flock "needs" another bird. But I will look forward to meeting Snowbird & very probably whoever else comes along. lol


I think it sounds like you're very lucky compared to so many on the reports. At least you & yours are apparently safe & sound. Hoping it stays that way.

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