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My Dear Dorian


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I realized I left a few things out of my previous post to you. I need to tell you more about what I love about our journey together.


When you came into my life you were in the pet store of a friend as her personal bird and sort of store mascot. I was immediately drawn to you and would visit the store obstensivly to visit my friend but really to interact with you. I was curious, having never been close to any type of parrot, so I found a wonderful place called greyforums.net and started learning about you. Unfortunately the more I learned the more I realized you were not in an optimal circumstance in the store for you to thrive.


Long story short, my friend got sick and you ended up coming home with me. I was determined to improve your life and to expand your universe. Unfortunately, you weren't going with the program. You viewed everything new as a potential parrot killing device. Having your cage door left open turned you into a shaking mess : forget about actually coming outside! I bought you all the enrichment toys I read about here and they sat around collecting dust and birdy dander.


Well, it's been a long road, but how far we've come. You step up virtually every time I ask and accompany me around the house. You even climb out of your cage on your own sometimes to go on a 'walkabout'. You immediately check out new toys when I introduce them, even if only to beat the snot out of them. You talk up a storm even when I'm in the room with you, and sometimes in front of other people! You chill with one foot up, beak grinding, content as long as we're together.


My one big hope for you is that you learn what your wings are for and truly become the birdy you were meant to be. We have had a few occasions where I suspected your flights were on purpose, rather than in response to something startling you off your perch. I've even thought about buying you a little birdy brother or sister to model flying for you, but don't want to upset the delicate balance you me and the kitty have going here. I love you buddy and I'm glad you're in my life. <3

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No wonder you were a calming voice patient voice in the creation of a safe haven for Miss Gilbert. Her disposition and world view is much like Dorian's. Dear Dorian, You're okay. Don't worry be happy now. I believe you and Miss Gilbert are going to find your wings. Be brave, try new things a little at a time. Trust your mama, she has wonderful things to share with you. With love from your friend Dee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Phenix has a foot fetish, too. He loves to sit under the sofa & cause mischief. Sometimes he likes to untie shoe laces. Sometimes he just appears & startles people. But more often he likes to attack feet. Bare feet & floppy slippers seem to bring out the worst in him!

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  • 4 weeks later...

My dear Dorian. Please stop chewing my iPad cover. I think people are laughing at mommy's iPad 'cause of the beak size bites that have been taken out of it. And while we're talking . . .


You're about to be forbidden from mom's desk. You're getting too aggressive and defensive when you're on it. Being on the desk with catalogues to destroy is a privilege not a right. Mom's arm didn't appreciate the bite you gave it when I tried to use my computer mouse. It's been sooo long since you bit mom that I'm thinking maybe you just can't handle being on the desk. Since you don't fly you have to depend on me to put you on the desk. Think about it dude.

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My dearest Sophie I am so happy you learned to climb the stairs over the summer. Sean said it took you hours! You learned quickly, it was easier to fly and took you twenty seconds or less! Now on the weekend, if I am not up by seven, you fly to my room and climb in bed. I am okay with that, but I am NOT getting up before 8 am.You come in bed and do anything you can to get me up! Ollie licks my face off, you preen me, keep telling me " morning".

I am sorry I was mean this last Saturday and closed my room so I could sleep a little later!I could hear you and Ollie outside my room. Ollie scratching the door and you yelling " ROM.... MORNING!"

When I opened my room, Ollie climbed in bed and licked my face off, and you climbed in bed to give me kisses and preen me! What a great way to wake up! ( but I got an extra hour of sleep!) P.S. I know the sound of Ollie scratching.... I also recognize when you are using your beak to knock! LOL Nancy

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My dear little grey monkey. I have an apology to make. I'm sorry I let you get hold of a Skittles. I agree they taste yummy. However, they're not exactly good for either of us. I've never seen you move as fast as you did when I dropped one on the floor. Thank you for not biting momma when I had to take it away from you. I promise I won't eat them again, at least not in front of you.

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  • 2 months later...

Dear baby boy. I'm sorry momma has been late getting home some nights lately. I'm helping out with a thing human's do called a 'play' and it doesn't end till after 10:00, which I know is 2 hours past your bedtime. Thank you for being a sweet boy when our neighbour Brenda came over to put you to bed. She was thrilled when you said 'hi' to her. Also, thank you for not holding a grudge the next mornings. The next play nights aren't until next weekend so we'll have a few normal nights now. I love you.

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Sweetie, I know you didn't want momma to leave to go to "play" tonight, but did you have to bite momma? I'm sorry but I couldn't leave you on the desk for hours while I was away. You wouldn't want to anyway, there' s no food or water on the desk. Play is almost over sweetheart. Bear with me a few more nights, k? Love U.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dorian, Dorian, Dorian, why do you hate the very sight of my phone sitting in its charger? Why do you have to first throw the phone on the floor then spend some quality time beating the crap out of the base? Why are you such a weirdo? Why, why, why?

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Dorian... Sophie here! I have to type fast before ROM comes back! I am DYING to chew off these keys... I could do it in 20 seconds flat, but she would know. GREAT job!You are a youngster but I appreciate your attempts of destruction! Hang tight, learn to hide the evidence!!!! We have GOT to see what our other friends are going thru!

I'm inviting all other greys, or other friends, to tell us what they have to do to be sneaky! Sophie

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  • 1 month later...

I'll join in!


Dear Echo, while you are 99.9 % of the time the most FABULOUS parrot a person could ever hope for, I would really like to eat a cheese and cracker by myself JUST ONCE. I think I was able to do it BEFORE you realized how good they were! But now? As soon as you see a plate with cheese and crackers on it, you become a bit psychotic!


And how mean is it of me to put a big piece of cauliflower right beside it? I know big chunks of cauliflower are scary, you prefer the much smaller pieces ... but too much cheese is not good for greys!

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  • 6 months later...

My sweetie. I'm getting used to typing without a w key but it does slow me down. Please don't eat any more of mommies computer keyboard keys. I'm sorry about last weekend. I was working for Elections Canada manning the advance polls. I'm also going to be away all day tomorrow, election day, from 7:30 in the morning to about 11:00 at night, so you'll be late going to bed. We'll have a good day on Tuesday 'cause I'll be spending it on the couch. Also, I'm going to ask if I can have the voting screens from all 6 polls at my location. They're made of the perfect cardboard for parrot toys! I can spend the rest of the week recovering from my long day and making toys for my baby.

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