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Advice Needed for Step Training


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I hope you won't get tired of my questions. I have used the search function to read the posts related to this question, including the sticky. I have tried the method related in that post. My problem is that Gizmo has only recently allowed me to pet him. I have been working slowly and patiently, spending time just standing by his perch, inching my hand slowly closer when he is in a relaxed state, but not so fast as to alarm him. This week, he finally has been allowing me to scratch his head and chin on a daily basis. Sometimes, he will allow an under the wing scratch, but it is rare, and I don't push when he says he's had enough. No matter what state he is in, if I attempt to place my hand near his belly for step up training, he tries to bite. It isn't a testing nip, it is a "take some flesh" attempt. I tried a perch, but he was terrified of it, even though I left it on the table beside his cage for several days before attempting to use it. At first, I thought that I needed to work on the step up concurrently with the trust issue, then decided I was a goof and concentrated instead on gaining his trust. Can someone give me some idea as to what I am doing wrong? I need to take him to the vet for a well bird check, and it seems as though there are so many things that could make him hate me forever just getting him there. He's such an intelligent, vulnerable, funny little guy!

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We won't hate you, we love seeing new members asking questions because it means they are searching out the best for their birds. As for stepping up, is there a reason you have to do the check up right away? I share your worries about breaking your fragile trust. I don't think you're doing anything wrong, I think you just have a bird who is slow to warm up to people. My Dorian was the same way. As a matter of fact it took over a year before he would step up onto my hand. Does Gizmo wander around on the outside of his cage? If you HAVE to get him to the vet, try mounting a perch onto the outside of the cage. Hopefully he won't be too frightened by it and will come out to investigate. Then you can scoop him off the end of the perch and into the travel cage. Expect to get bit though with this tactic.

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  • 4 months later...

You can also step up from behind, sometimes that is easier less threatening and keep your hand an wrist low do not approach from above. Just reward any positive movement even if it is little rock forward or backwards which ever angle you are working with. If he bites every time and you cannot help but react that will just reinforce the bite. So step back and give him some space for a while you might want to join the Yahoo clicker training group they are a helpful lot. Meanwhile if he needs a vet visit just towel him as smoothly and with as little uproar as possible. He will pout for a while but he will get that visit.

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