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This is What I See When I Come Home


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Brutus waits for me on top of the door next to the door from the garage. This is what I see when I walk in the door after being gone.:)


Wow. Megan does that, only with big BITES out of the door. >.< What a good birdie you have there. And pretty handsome, too!

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Yes, I have many "sampled" doors and window frames all over the house. He is redecorating.


Customizing - making everything uniquely his own.


I can't help it, that pose always reminds me of a vulture. lol Even so, it's still extra special to see him back where he belongs!!!

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I got to laughing at that picture. Can you imagine an intruder coming in to be greeted by the sentinel? When he hears "Come on Brutus" he will be sure you have a big dog in the house and high tail it right out of there. What an adorable greeting for you though.

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Sophie " samples" as well! LOL! Working on replacing her sampling stations....not sure why I should bother, but, thinking of selling as house is too big for me. Nancy

Nancy, just tell the Real Estate Agent that damaged trim will be replaced after a deal is signed. Do it any sooner and you're bailing water out of the Titanic! :P

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Lately Brutus learned what, "Good Job" means and he has been saying it in an encouraging fashion when i need it most! Last night he had been silent for a couple of hours and I think when he sensed I had gotten to particular dicey part of preparing a recipe I hear, "Good Job!" Thanks honey I needed that! I am always amazed about what comes out of his mouth. I always tell him "good job" when he takes a good shower or flies well. He also asked me, "Are you okay?".

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