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Heeerrrres Albert!


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Albert moved in yesterday. His real name is Chucho (we think), but he likes to say Albert's freaking out so we call him that, I was told he will say "My name is not Albert" but so far he hasn't, eh, we have only had him here since 2 yesterday so I guess he will tell us sooner or later. He is missing his feathers around his neck area but it looks like he is a yellow nape.

When we went out to the sanctuary, the owner told us he took a good chunk out of her hand and had chased her down to attack her. He was going wild in the cage flinging himself around. Pat said when we got in the car that it would take a long time of working with him and I should expect it to not be all peaches and cream. I was in it for the long haul, he needed a good home. We had to make a stop on the way home (Whataburger, lol, I had to use the bathroom and so I couldn't just go in for that so I got some fries too.) Albert smelled them and his whole personality changed. I broke a small bit off for him and he took it so gently, I gave him some water from our bottle we had brought, I squeezed it to the top and he drank happily away! Now we are home, we put him in the cage in our kitchen, not ready to put him with the others just yet and also it was last minute so the cage we intended for him wasn't set up yet. After he was in the cage for about an hour my hubby said he looked sad and opened the door for him. It took a few minutes and Pat leaving the room before he came out. He ran to the side of the cage where I was and lowered his head, I put my hand up and he pushed his little head into my hand for loving. That was it, that was all it took. He ran to my shoulder and groomed my hair, gave me kisses and won my heart even more than he already had. He doesn't let Pat near him yet but like Pat said, our birds don't like to fly so he will soon learn to like Pat if he wants to go somewhere else in our house. lol Although, someone stopped by and I set him down to answer the door and he flew for me through the kitchen and living room. He is a mama's boy!


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Not so relaxed, when he went to my shoulder i cowarded out and Pat just laughed at me and said that Albert trusts me i should him. Then i got braver. Lol He has totally won me over. The coo he does, i don't know if all amazons make it but goodness is it heart tugging. Where has this guy been all my life?

Holy smokes, i just thought about all the new Christmas stockings i will need this year. Koko and Cotay and Albert!

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Welcome Albert to the grey forums

When an Amazon loves you they really love you and they can be the most gentle and sweet companion ever.

And yes I know the sounds you are talking about as Cricket always made them when se was with me. It melts your heart.

I am adding your Albert to the honored Amazons of the grey forum along with you as care giver.

Enjoy him as he will become the love of your life and you to his.

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Oh is he a ham! He took off flying yesterday and when I went to pick him up, he started talking so loud to me and laughing. He laughed harder than I did!

His cage is in the kitchen area right now. We were not ready to put him in the big room but now we are second thinking that. He loves where he is at, but it is the kitchen area so cooking and burning food (which I do a lot of both) would have me on edge all the time. And he is also a piggy boy like my Bongo, will eat anything you offer him!

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For the past few weeks Bongo has been snubbing me. Wouldn't come out of his cage, he would run to the top. I don't chase him around when he does this, I just walk away and wait until he is ready. But Pat would come right behind me and Bongo would step up eagerly for him. HA, that has changed now that Albert is here. Bongo wants to be very sure that he knows I am his. Tonight when I went by Bongos cage to shut the curtain, he ran over and was making kissing noises and sticking his beak out the bars for his kisses. Normally he will only give kisses on the other side. I assume it is because Albert moved in the room tonight and is closest to Bongo's cage. Albert just was looking around his new cage and beaking everything saying Bert, but very drawn out like, Beeerrrttt, I wish you could do music scales when you type cuz it is very Spanish arriba style. lol And the you tube video of the zon saying he "dropped his biscuit in his brew", the brew being high pitched and drawn out is exactly how Albert sounds when he says cracker. I just love this boy!

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Albert is going to bring a new dimension into your life unlike any other companion that you have ever had.

They will give back more than you give them and forever be in your heart and a part of your life.

Three parrots that have made me who I am are cockatiels, African greys and Amazons.

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Oh my gosh, tonight was something else with Albert (Chacho, short for muchacho is his real name I found out today, Spanish for boy) Anyway, he puffed up his head while on my shoulder and shoved it against my face rubbing it on my cheek, I melted. I spoke with his previous owner, our friend, and asked for some history. This is the gentleman who we went to for the surrender and ended up caring much for him and help him out every Saturday he is up for it with the 6 he kept and him! Albert is approximately 10 years old and has a ruff personality. I was told to keep a close eye on him around the greys or he will break my heart. Seems he was pretty jealous and I am waiting to hear back on the story of what happened. He said he isn't good with change, that he was crying one day and Albert "freaked" out on him because he didn't understand. He seems to have accepted the changes here pretty well but my guard is up now a bit more. We are still going to let him stay in the bird room during the day so it doesn't look like we are playing favorites but he will eat in the kitchen in that cage for a while. :-)

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Seeing as you have been told he doesn't like greys..be careful. Nilah is very jealous of my greys...she does understand that Rikki my cag is the highest in the flock..but I still belong to Nilah, she will be careful and watch Rikki when it comes to stealing food off my plate, but she has no problem being a bully to Talon...but they do play chase on occasion..Nilah seems to enjoy being a bully to Talon..I have to watch carefully...but that's easy because Nilah is attached to me most of the time she is out.

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He has no fear of other birds. He will land on the macaws playstand and of course they charge at him, cockatoos he has only landed on Lily's cage and she really didn't care. He did fly and land on Bongo's cage once and Bongo just fluffed up and crouched down, once on Cotays cage and Cotay went full bad ass on him. He isn't flying on their stuff to bother them, just to get closer to me, whatever I may be doing. The day he landed on Bongo's cage we were getting the birds out after work and had to adjust a perch in a cage, he just wanted to know what was going on. lol. We have not let them on the same stand or left them alone in a room when they are out together. He does stare at them with his head cocked and I just can't read those golden eyes yet.

Last night I had to mix up some seed mix. I started mixing my own instead of buying pre mixed since I am sprouting now and that is what they eat 2x's a day, buying in bulk saves so much money also I know they are getting only what they like and need. Albert was such a huge help, so was Gabby. I had my stuff in the sink soaking and rinsing, had 3 - 5 gal buckets in the living room along with a large mixing container. I walked away to get the dried fruit chips for the mix and found Gabby in the sink eating the seeds that were soaking, made it back to the living room and Albert was in the seed mix chowing down. When I cook dinner, Bongo is on me like flys on poo waiting for his samples so why not have these guys on me when making other treats? lol

I have found out I will need to do some re arranging on the space over my cabinets, Albert has flown up there twice now and I have antique dishware up there. Last night he went up there and I was standing underneath, hands out waiting to catch stuff he was knocking over. Yikes, my others have never bothered that area so I didn't give it any thought. He has a mind like none of my others. He is getting better with Pat, he has let Pat hold him twice now without a fuss. Not for long but the trust will come.

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^^^ ...but it seems like it's mutual. Sometimes you just click, but other times you fall hard. Think we all know which one this is, don't we. And that's actually a beautiful thing. Just you may have to keep reminding yourself every so often. ")


Oh & Congrats btw!!! He is quite a fine looking fellow & it sounds like he's going to turn out to be big personality. Just what you needed, right?

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Poor hubby, I think he has met his match! Albert and I were singing his song, you are my sunshine, to all the birds yesterday. (who all were out at the same time) He only sings the "you" words and sings that word loud, and Koko starts her Broccoli and cheese song, Lily is screaming and the macaws were grunting and swaying. Pat walked in to see what was going on and just stared at me. I kindly told him if you can't beat them, join them, so he started singing with us, and we really were all being loud. Gus then decided to fly around, which made Cotay fly and then Bongo and Gabby followed. Took Cotay a little time but then she took off landing on top of the cabinets, so the fun had to end before dished got broken. I put Albert back on his cage stand in the kitchen and went about the evening chore of feeding the dogs. The dry food is kept in the laundry room (through the kitchen and living room down a hall a bit and the turn into the room) As I was standing back up from scooping the food, Albert was coming after me. He was coming through the living room, turned down the hall, hovered when he flew to far then adjusted and flew right on my shoulder. I loved it, I don't get to do anything alone anymore, lol! After they all went to their rooms for dinner, I was going to get Bongo out to play. I went in and he ran to the top and started to regurg for me, so we just played there for a bit. When I went in to put them to sleep about 30 minutes later, as I was loving on Albert he did the regurg thing. He is my little monkey! Monkey see, monkey do! I don't have any children, but now I can say I understand the "favorite kid" thing. It isn't that he is my favorite, he is just a different personality so he gets different attention than Bongo does. I love them each the same, but differently.

Albert was on my shoulder and Bongo wanted him off so he was doing flybys, he finally landed on my arm. This is the first time they have been on me at the same time, it didn't go bad but will take a lot of time for them to be okay with sharing, if ever. You could see the struggle in both of their eyes to remain calm and with my head and ears between them, I thought better of it. If a fight did take place it would have me that got hurt, not them, so I put them both down. lol Baby steps.

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Had company over last night and Albert was not thrilled about it. He actually bit the guy. Our friend was loving on Lily and she did a quick snap at him breaking the skin just a little. He loves birds so it wasn't a big deal with him but then he approached Albert who was on my shoulder and Albert got him on the finger. Much smaller bite than the Too's but he said it was way more painful. I told him in my mother mocking voice, I warned you not to stick your fingers where they do not belong! To which Albert gave him a good loud laugh. Going to visit the previous owner today, maybe get Alberts back ground in more detail.

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So, lol, a lot of the reason we do not understand what Albert is saying is because his previous owner was a French teacher. He says the lords prayer in French every night and apparently in the morning too. He was just talking away this morning and me and Pat were hiding around the corner just listening and trying to figure it out. I am glad I gave up because I never would have gotten it! He mate that died, had a heart attack. He didn't hurt him as my mind led me to believe. Other than that, he has a typical back ground and other than a not bad or good diet and his jealousy, he is normal, French and healthy! No wonder he wanted those French fries so bad!

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Because of Bongo's plucking, I am trying to divide my time up. After work until their dinner, Albert stays in his cage which is in the kitchen area with us. Then after everyone goes to their cages, Albert comes out and has his time with me. Last night we got on the couch and just got better acquainted with his likes and dislikes and the limits I can go to with him. Which is pretty much anything, lol. I tried the over head, both hand pick up off my shoulder and he got a little skittish so I just let him walk down to my chest where he lost his footing and rolled a few times onto my lap. It was too funny not to giggle but maybe that is something we can work on him doing, rolling over. It sure seemed to be a natural thing for him, it didn't bother him at all. He is having some hearing issues though, I ask him to step up and he immediately starts to throw up. I tried explaining to him the difference between the two but nothing. lol He is a typical bird child though, tell him no and he sees that as a challenge. I have to move my cookoo clock this weekend quickly! I tried to give him a full fledged bath yesterday but he wanted nothing to do with it, so I just showed him around the bathroom, showed him the bath stand the shower head etc so he would be familiar next time and everything wouldn't be scary and new.

I worry about Bongo's plucking but hindsight, we did do a lot of changing in the last few weeks and his dumb ass mom (me) only put the minimum toys back in his cage due to time and kept telling herself, tomorrow. When the plucking started, I looked in his cage and there was nothing but his metal bell and quick links. He had destroyed the other stuff and I never noticed. Such a bad mom! I hope now that he is loaded down again with toys, I am not to late to stop the plucking but who knows. I am sure this isn't medical, just stress and boredom. Not only did we give him a new cage, but moved it from one room to another and then back all within a few days, then added Albert to the mix. Heck, I am stressing!

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