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Could it be diet,


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Hi Friends just wondering if there is anything i can do to help Sako to get her feathers under her neck back to normal,hopeful you can see that they are not smooth,this is how they were when I got her,as when she stress she picks at them.My vet said its not bad but if there is anyone out here that can suggest any maybe creams or supplant that I might be able to use.I can try to get a better picture if needed. Thanks if any one might be able to help.

Edited by furley
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It's difficult to say whether or not it's related to diet? What does he eat?


Did the vet do any blood work? Have you changed anything within her environment that could lead towards her feeling stressed? Is she clipped? I know that some greys become stressed if they aren't able to freely get from point A to point B, which could lead to frustration and plucking.

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No blood work,previous owner said she has always done the picking there,she is clipped,I am a vegetation so besides her pellets and seeds I try to get her to eat what I eat.Previous owner never gave her much real food so it is taking some time to try to get her to eat veggies,as she is almost 4 now and I have only had her for about 5 months,I take her out in the sun all the time and I am misting with oloe vera,so kinda sounds that I am in the right direction.I am going to buy a harness for her and I would like to let her grow her wings back so she can fly a bit inside,starting to get colder here now so she wont be out side as much,not sure how cold they can handle?,and ideas where to by harness I live on Vancouver Island.Thank so for for the input.

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You can sprout for her, sprouts have some wonderful nutrients that can promote good health. I am not a pellet fan and it may help to know that Greys are sight feeders meaning they eat what they are used to seeing as food. You have to introduce new foods over and over agin before they look familiar. You can eat them in front of her making those yummy lip smacking sounds and she may be more willing to try what you enjoy.

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Zupreems or Harrisons are great! Both work. I added freeze dryed just as a precaution in case Sophie didnt accept fresh fruits and veggies. She likes both, but it was a battle in the beginning to get her to try new things. My walls got painted with Sophie's refusal. That was a decade ago! Be strong and persistent to introduce new things, and try try again! Nancy

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I use this Higgins seed: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=23423 There may be better ones, but I'm satisfied with this and Timber is picky even about his seed! I also sprout seed for him. I get that from sproutpeople.org. They have a good mix especially for birds and they will stay together in the sprouting process. I haven't found another sprout mix I am happy with.

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