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Update on Tequila


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Hi everyone,


Hope you're all well!!


I know I haven't posted in ages...but for the life of me I just couldn't remember my password. I also wasn't getting any of the "password reset" emails :/ But anyway it's all sorted now.


Just thought I'd share an update on my baby grey Tequila.


He is now 1 year 3 months and has grown into such a beautiful little boy. But damn does he have a big mouth lol, he said his first words at 4 months and has never kept quiet since then ;)


We have had some issues with him pulling out his red feathers, turns out he just doesn't like the colour. But he is leaving them to grow now.


Here's a few pics....


Hope I posted this in the right place :)






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Happy Hatchday Tequila. I love the pictures.




Soap box time: On another note, I shutter at the fact that Tequila is not harnessed. All it takes is one time that your grey is startled and flies off in fright or because of fear. Hawks and other predators are just waiting or a grey that is so trustworthy. Off the soap box.

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Glad you are back, and I hope you continue to post and let us in on all the news with your Grey. I am happy to know that what appeared to be "outside" was a patio--great place for sunshine but safe! Sometimes we on the forum may get on a "soapbox" as Luvparrots mentioned, but it is never meant as a judgment or criticism--we just love parrots so much and need to speak if we see anything that may appear to be a hazard. On sad occasions there have been tragedies with forum members, and it's always better to say something when in doubt. Tequila is a gem. Can't wait to hear and see more.

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