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Would it be mean?


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Poet is driving me crazy!!! I really do mean that in a lighthearted way. She has this thing where she wants to fly to the windowsill when I'm in the kitchen. There is a play stand in there by the way but she prefers the windowsill. Anyway, after she gets there she will then fly and land on these chimes that I have hanging on the back door. Problem #1 is I really don't want her to be there. Problem #2 is once she gets there she can't figure out how to leave from there. I keep going to get her and she keeps doing it. My thinking is she keeps doing it because I go over to get her. Would it be mean to just let her hang on there until she figures out how to undo what she did? I'm thinking that would end it, but it's pretty uncomfortable for her there and it makes me feel mean to leave her there. What would you do?

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LOL the problem is she doesn't seem to be skittish of anything. I give her new toys and she just runs up and grabs them. New food? Chomp Chomp! New places? Looks around with curiosity. New people? Hey! What's up? Maybe she's another species of parrot in grey clothes.

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As long as she can't tangle herself in chimes and hang herself... I would take my sweet time getting there to release her. LOL! In reality, your bird will never give up and you will never win! Make sure this is not a safety issue. Once I came home to find Sophie tangled in the cord of my custom made blinds, about to hang herself. Boys weren't watching her as closely as they should. Hence... there went my investment of custom made blinds. All gone! Come to think of it.... there went all my window treatments that I slaved to make! Good thing I love natural light.... Good thing I LOVE my pain in the ass girl Sophie! Nancy

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We had an accident today. I put the harness on her and went for a walk outside. She was a little nervous so I kept it short (about 10 minutes). When we got back into the house and I was taking the harness off she got one of her legs caught up in it and then took a leap and fell strait to the floor. I have wood floors so it was not a soft landing. It happened so fast I don't know if she landed on her side or her back. Anyway, she is not acting herself. Nothing drastic just not quite as before. I'm a little worried about her slightly off behavior because I don't know if it is from being traumatized and scared or if she's hurt physically. I don't see her favoring any part of her body but you know how birds are. I had already made an appointment for the vet tomorrow for her check up so I'll tell the vet what happened and she'll check her out. I'm hoping that she will be fine.

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Poet is a little off still but nothing to drastic. I think the trust in me came down a couple of notches. She's eating and moving around fine though. The vet checked her and didn't see anything out of sorts as far as from the fall. I felt so bad when she fell, it must have hurt.

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Thanks Nancy, today she has already decided that I'm ok again. I certainly won't let that happen again if I can help it. It might not be so easy next time. I'm surprised she was so forgiving, I guess that's the baby in her.

As far as landing on those chimes, I think I will just let her stay in the discomfort and figure out how to get out of it on her own.

Edited by 2birds
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What I love the most about Sophie, is she is SUCH a DIVA...LOVES herself so much... but can "stepup" and be the best leader of our flock! I was very " surprised", when my dog Max, chose her to lead our flock. He had already trained two new pups at the age of 18. I was sure, he was training one of the new pups to be the leader.When he chose Sophie, I actually questioned his decision. I guess he knew what he was doing. Sophie has been awesome leading the gang. Nancy

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LOL the problem is she doesn't seem to be skittish of anything. I give her new toys and she just runs up and grabs them. New food? Chomp Chomp! New places? Looks around with curiosity. New people? Hey! What's up? Maybe she's another species of parrot in grey clothes.


Marden was exactly like that until he encountered "the thing" - a small wire shelf we installed on the big playstand to hold plates and big bowls of water for bathing and to hook food crocks to. It's wire, just like a cage, and smaller, about big enough to hold an average dinner plate, but for some reason he was hysterically afraid of it. He wouldn't even go on the playstand for a while. Strangest thing I ever saw.

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Muse... NOT the THING! Its amazing how confident they can be, then encounter the one true thing that freaks them out. Its usually something simple, that we humans get confused why they are afraid! Sophie does that, and I just offer her my support, she usually prevails. Many times, I just remove what she is afraid of, and she gives me her cluck of approval! I also give her " my cluck of disapproval", and let her know she should have given what she was afraid of, a chance. Of course, her feeling of safety, is MOST important, so she knows I will get rid of anything she fears. Nancy

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