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My altruistic Grey


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A couple of incidents happened yesterday evening that really shed some light on the nature of these Grey birds.


The first incident was barely worth mentioning but since what happened later occurred I'll add it.


- GreycieMae was eating apple chunks with almond butter, one of her favorite treats. She flew from the kitchen to my chair with a chunk and was about to devour it. I looked at her and asked if I could have it. I could tell she thought about it for a moment then walked over to me, pinned her eyes, stretched her neck and put the apple chunk in my lips and released it. She's done this before but it's super sweet whenever she does it, which is not often.


- Later my wife and I got into a squabble, with raised voices and high tension to go around. Greycie started caw-caw-caw'ing extremely loudly at one point when I was getting a good tongue lashing (she was sitting on my shoulder at the time). This didn't go on for long but 'mommy' was clearly upset and began brooding. Greycie's usual evening routine is to hang with daddy and ignore mommy UNLESS mommy is banging around in the kitchen. What Grey can resist bangings in the kitchen? Last night was different. After the squabble and mommy started brooding, Greycie flew over to my wife and kept trying to sit on her. My wife being super-pissed at me, and associates these birds with me, was not interested in my damn birds at the time. She had already flipped the Jardines off of her and I was about to 'bird room' them all to keep them away from her. It wasn't long and Greycie let out the sweetest 'tickle-tickle-tickle' followed by her giggle. Then she started going through her kookaburra, drunk chicken and all the silliness that she does that always gets a laugh out of everyone. She was doing all this completely focused on my wife. Occasionally she would peer around my wife's head to see if I was still where she left me. She was clearly trying to normalize things for her mommy. I would really love to know what exactly was going through her mind but I have to think she was trying to fix things. Next thing I know Greycie is being told how compassionate she is and how she has more compassion than a human (clearly another dagger thrown my way but I had my dagger deflecting cloak on at the time).



It's highly unusual for Greycie to hang with mommy once I'm home. The fact that a stressful event occurred and Greycie was trying hard to normalize the situation was very telling of her emotional capabilities. She's a super sweety even though she can be a real pill at times. I just love my GreycieMae.

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I love your GracieMae too! You give me yet another good idea to draw Miss Gilbert out a little. She has decided she likes David better than me for the time being. She is a little off her game and quiet right now after the noisy machines outside and contractors coming to the door. Today is the last day of it, so once she is happy again we'll see how she reacts to a mock "argument". GracieMae is a peacemaker. Who could resist her charms?

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How awesome and great food for thought. Pat has had a very rough week, from a large tree falling to getting stiches in his finger (not related) and getting bit on his other hand badly by a bird who didn't like the stitches to have his trucks catalytic converter stolen right off. Last night Gabby only wanted him. He isn't allowed to handle her right now but she held on to me last night until I took her to him. She loved on him, kissed him and "guarded" him. She even fed him a noodle. We thought it was just cute, but after reading your story, I think it may have been a little more than that! Dang these birds are incredible!

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GreyT post on GracieMae's consideration of your request for some of that cherished Apple and ultimately handing it over to you. Her empathic Grey gift certainly "Lightened" the atmosphere and slowly removed the darkness and cold chilling the atmosphere. I love hearing stories of the true cognitive abilities our grey's possess and use constantly. Many people never notice most times. Thanks for sharing this. :)

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