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Is Poet talking already?


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I was trying to get Poet off of the top of her cage to put her to sleep for the night and she didn't want to come down. I kept on insisting and she kept on resisting. And then, I could have swore that I heard her say in a really croaky voice "I don't want to". That seems to be a bit much for a 5 month old. Maybe I imagined it

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Well you never know. Is the phrase "I don't want to", something she has heard said in a context where the meaning is clear? In general five months is early for a CAG to speak (less so for TAGs), but you could have a genius on your hands. When Gracie first stared talking at 8 months, I wasn't sure if I heard her correctly. I was still in guessing mode. But what I found is that what I thought I heard became clear and understandable to all within a few weeks. My guess is that if Poet said "I don't want to", you will hear it again soon more and more clearly.

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Well you never know. Is the phrase "I don't want to", something she has heard said in a context where the meaning is clear? In general five months is early for a CAG to speak (less so for TAGs), but you could have a genius on your hands. When Gracie first stared talking at 8 months, I wasn't sure if I heard her correctly. I was still in guessing mode. But what I found is that what I thought I heard became clear and understandable to all within a few weeks. My guess is that if Poet said "I don't want to", you will hear it again soon more and more clearly.

I don't think that is something that I say but I don't know how the lady who bred her spoke to her. She might have gotten this phrase from her.

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Time will tell. You are at a very fun stage with Poet. I spent months trying to decipher what Gracie might be saying. I even posted videos of Gracie in the forum to get members to comment on what they thought she might be trying to say. They go through a "babble stage" where they make sounds that are clearly not natural bird sounds but are attempts to imitate human language. If what you heard sounded like words, it is very likely that Poet is listening and processing language and will soon come out with words that are clear and understandable. Gracie said her first clear words at 8 months, but it wasn't until 14 months that she started blossoming linguistically. It seemed to happen overnight, but really it comes as a result of months of listening, processing, calibrating, and practicing.

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If that is indeed what she was saying then I will certainly try to promote it. I would much rather she learn to tell me "I don't want to" than to just haul off and bite me. That is a lot cuter too. After I thought she said that I left her alone and came back three minutes later and she just stepped up on my hand.

Edited by 2birds
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It is indeed, possible, that Poet said " I don't want to". I am partially deaf in my right ear, and thats a good thing when it comes to birds! LOL! Being partially deaf, I have heard things at an early age, that I just suspected! IF... Poet said " I don't want to", that would mean, Poet understands what the wording means.You don't need to test a second time... you just have to be " taller" the next time! I am only 5'3. My birds take " height" seriously! Many do not. Next time you want Poet to come down, be on a step stool and be taller. THEN say come down. See if there is a difference. Nancy

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How cool, and very exciting! It's amazing how these brilliant creatures can just come out with whole language. Their brains are scrillions of years older than ours, so no big surprise there. This evening, HRH Inara just piped out with: "Oh my god, what now?!" Stopped both Joe and I dead in our tracks because while I do say either of those phrases separately, I really can't recall ever using them together in a sentence. Apparently, after a huge thunderclap Inara thought the combination was appropriate.


Poet, appears to be living up to the perfect name for an early talker! :)

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