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Showers? When do you start?


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Just wondering .....when do you start showering your baby? Is there an adjustment time you should wait when you bring them home? Can I start the first day? I would like to start a schedule as soon as she comes home and I plan on showering being part of that.

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I've showered my baby already. She seemed to have a look on her face like she didn't know what was going on but not afraid. In just a few short minutes she seemed to start liking it. What I had falling on her was a very light mist for about 10 minutes. Well, that's the extent of my minimal experience and two cents on showering baby greys.

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Well, I wheel the birds cages outside and hose the cages down with them in it. At the time of cleaning they really don't get a shower because the water pressure would be too much for them. After the cages are clean I put the sprayer on mist and hang it over their cages. That's when they start to flap their wings, scream and yell, and sing. At first the baby just sat there but in a few minutes she was ruffling her feathers and trying to get wet all over. My baby grey is almost 20 weeks. My other two birds are a goffins too, and an alexandrine parakeet.

Edited by 2birds
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2birds--Oh I see you are from Florida so that that makes sense. NJ weather isn't as kind to us as long as it is in FL. I can try that tho for sure in the summer months.

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Shower from the start. Warm temp and inviting! Sophie HATES the shower. but I got her at age two. She still hates the shower, says " no thank you!" She gets showered, and warned. She understands that I HAVE to do it, for health reasons! She doesnt know what that means, but it is important, and she needs to " bite the bullet!" I shower her, Sean is on the other side to receive her.She trusts us and knows we do this for a reason! ( still hates us what we are doing!) Nancy

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The breeder misted Gracie from the start. I have to admit that I was not that regular with baths until she started picking her tummy feathers a few weeks back. Now I bathe her twice a day with water and aloe and she loves it. In fact she asks for baths now. Twice a day at 8 am and 6pm she says "Wanna Bath". I love to see her close her eyes and bask in the mist. I wish I had been better about it before. She used to scratch herself a lot, but since the water and aloe--she rarely scratches or seems uncomfortable.

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I would say breakfast first then shower or she'll be too busy grooming to eat. You don't have to shower every day but it's up to you what kind of daily schedule you want to employ.


p.s. Some birds like warm water some prefer ice old. Dorian, loves cold water. If I want to get him I the mood for a shower I put cold water with a few ice cubes in his water dish, then, when he stars splashing around I get out the sprayer and get him soaked.

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