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Just a cute story

Brat Birds

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I was trying to wipe Peanut's nose, but, I was sitting in the wrong chair. Yes, I have to be on the computer chair to wipe his nose, at least he thinks so. Anyways, I try again and again and he will not let me. Finally I say to him, "Peanut, why won't you let me wipe your nose. I always wipe your nose, why won't you let me wipe you nose now." I repeated this a few times as he looked puzzled and was listening very hard. Finally he leaned in and pressed his beak against my nose! This is our 'kiss', but I never said kiss just nose.

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Our greys never miss anything. Sometimes I am just thinking about something and Gracie makes a comment about my thoughts. Maybe my body language in a subtle way gives my intentions away. Your little guy knows that your nose is the "kiss" spot. You never taught that to him, but he is an amazing sentient intelligent feathered being. He knows so much--more that we can even explain. This morning my Gracie was acting out of sorts. I had been off work the previous week for school break (I am a teacher). I was home all day with her for the past week and gave her extra attention. Well today was my first day back on my normal schedule. Somehow Gracie knew. I don't know how. But from the moment I woke up to feed her she started saying "Daddy go to work." "Daddy go bye bye in car." "Stay home with Gracie." "Bye Bye I'll be back" over and over. She even kept flying to me and landing on my head. She only does this when she thinks I am leaving. How our greys know what is going on--I don't know. But they KNOW. I couldn't fool her if I tried. Your little guy knows the score and your nose=kiss. Aren't they just fantastic?

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