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Spiders----a study


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I was so taking that video serious for a while, especially with the narrator's voice.



Speaking of spiders, I love to tell this one:


We have a Garden Spider that lives around our house catching bugs over my wife's flower garden. One day she set up her web at the entrance to our covered porch which is on the way to the entry door we use. I walked right through her web and she ended up on my left shoulder. I could see her sitting there. I asked my wife to get a stick and get her off of me. Now, I'm not one to get squeamish about spiders. I will actually play with tarantulas or those cute little fuzzy spicers with 8 eyes ( I have no idea what they're called). Roaches are what gross me out. But this 4-inch spider sitting on my shoulder about to bolt up my neck was nearly too much. My wife grabbed a stick and was trying to flip it off of me and the spider did exactly what I didn't want - ran up my neck and across my cheek into my hair. I. FLIPPED. OUT. I always get chills thinking of that day....



This is a garden spider similar to what ran across my face with someone's hand for perspective on it's size:



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LOLOL That was funny Dave! We have a spider similar to your Garden spider Sterling. One of the nightmares of my childhood was running carelessly into their webs. The webs were huge and the spiders were too. I always just knew if I didn't find the spider it was lurking inside my clothes somewhere...

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Great video, LOL. I love peoples imaginations. What a beautiful spider Sterling, I have one of those living on my gazebo in the yard, or at least one that looks like that. I think they're Orb Weavers. I keep on moving her to some bushes and she keeps coming back.

Edited by 2birds
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Now I can add "because we don't have terrifying, big as your hand, spiders" to my list of reasons I'm grateful I live where I live. Yikes. I would not handle that well.


You get used to it. They will bite if threatened but for most part they leave you alone. They get on me all of the time when I ride the horses in the woods. I carry a stick so I can take down the web across the trails but sometimes I miss them before it's too late or the horse doesn't stop in time. I prefer them to not be on me but it doesn't freak me out.

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That was too funny. I may be the caffeine spider. Loved the humor with that serious documentary voice. My spider story was in Oklahoma where the tarantulas would swarm to the warmth of the roadway near dusk. My mother in law was visiting so I hopped out, scooped one up and took it home. I had my kids go get her and was letting it climb up my bare arm and the reaction was priceless. Then, it served me right when that tarantula went right up my sleeve and crawled under my sift and I had to calmly wait for it to exit. I took it back to the same spot where I found it and released it.

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That was too funny. I may be the caffeine spider. Loved the humor with that serious documentary voice. My spider story was in Oklahoma where the tarantulas would swarm to the warmth of the roadway near dusk. My mother in law was visiting so I hopped out, scooped one up and took it home. I had my kids go get her and was letting it climb up my bare arm and the reaction was priceless. Then, it served me right when that tarantula went right up my sleeve and crawled under my sift and I had to calmly wait for it to exit. I took it back to the same spot where I found it and released it.


Yes, I did get goose bumps reading this, and a shiver to go with it.

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