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True Calling


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At 49 I am going back to school full time in Sept. to get a bachelors in medical technology and then wildlife biology. Still I continue to design and build websites for my own business "bluedawg Design" and also work 4 hours a night at a local printing company. However, these days I find my true calling to be building parrot foot toys...



Edited by bluedawg
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Making parrot toys really can be addictive. Assuming that your fid actually like what you make, of course! My grey is let's just say slow to accept whatever percentage of new things he does accept & it to tends to take a lot of the fun out of it. Fortunately, everyone else, but especially my ekkie is very happy w/pretty much anything new & exciting.


Given your schedule, toy making is a really nice distraction, too. Maybe you can post some pics in the Homemade Toys forum...?

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Timbersmom... GREAT idea! I know I would check it out! Sophie has always been toy resistent as she matured. She did enjoy kids toys when younger. She loves to shred! It makes me sound boring, but I ask the birdstore people to shop for her and sunny. I wish she was more interested in birdtoys than my checkbook, kitchen and contents of my purse! Nancy

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Timbersmom... GREAT idea! I know I would check it out! Sophie has always been toy resistent as she matured. She did enjoy kids toys when younger. She loves to shred! It makes me sound boring, but I ask the birdstore people to shop for her and sunny. I wish she was more interested in birdtoys than my checkbook, kitchen and contents of my purse! Nancy


Sounds like she needs her own purse with a checkbook in it. Of course you will have to make out like it's your new purse with a checkbook. Our birds are infatuated with the laptop. I've contemplated getting them one to tear up but too many dangers there.

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Sophie DOES have her own checkbook! When I do bills and pay by check... Sophie sits on the opposite side and pays her bills. She has her own registrar. She talks out loud, and tries to balance. She doesn't do a good job! Nancy


I would love to see this! Sophie sounds so adorable!

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Sounds like she needs her own purse with a checkbook in it. Of course you will have to make out like it's your new purse with a checkbook. Our birds are infatuated with the laptop. I've contemplated getting them one to tear up but too many dangers there.

My baby has her own phone, gutted of course. It's just the shell but she loves it.

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I know what you mean Kins 2321... That's why I don't think I could successfully make toys for someone els's parrot. Dayo doesn't like so many of the toys I buy that when I find one she likes I looked at it and saw what she likes about it and bought toy parts to make her toys that incorporate that particular thing that she likes... So my true calling is really only to make toys especially for miss Dayo :)

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