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What Kind of Grey Do YOU Have?


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I am interested because I only have one Grey, but when I see videos of Greys like Biscotti, I see a very different personality then Brutus has. My guy is calm and kind of relaxed. He talks a lot at times and is a little hyper every so often. He never climbs fast and neurotically and repetitively like I have seen other greys do. Sometimes he flies back and forth and makes pterodactyl noises of joy, but most of the time he is pretty kick back. He just loves to chill next to Mama. He does love to fly and competes with the Quaker for arriving fastest to my call. I am glad Jimmy is around to make him a little more active. What kind of grey do YOU have? What is he or she like on a daily basis?

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HRH Inara is three years old and very active about twice a day for acouple of hours each time. She just now finished her morning routine: breakfast, chatting with me, flying, shower, and climbing up high atop a wood and vine screen near her cage. She is now in her cage contentedly grinding her beak. It is usual for her to now preen, then roost quietly for a couple of hourrs. After that, she will forage around for her nuts and nutriberries that are in foraging toys. She will chew on her three favorite toys: wooden shoes, birdie bagels, and a block and knot toy. Then she will snooze a bit and by that time it is supper time. Her evening routine after supper is the same as her morning routine, only without the shower.


She is busy when she is active, but her personality is very laid back. No drama, no biting, and funny and fun loving as all get out. She is very talkative, and asks for what she wants like, "I want to go out there with you," or "I want to get a shower."


She appears to thrive with her routine and the rhythm of our home. Her cage for the spring and summer is placed near a floor to ceiling bank of windows that face a meadow and woods, so she has lots of visual entertainment all day watching the other birds and wildlife.


Good thread. Personality and temperament are such individual things, aren't they?

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Greycie goes through the gamut. She has periods where she's calm and preening but she also has those times (a lot lately) where she's sitting there making all the most annoying screeches, ear piercing shrills, caw-caws etc. We really want to get our aviary setup so we can throw her out there to give us some relief. She also has a fun behavior that seems to be getting less and less these days where she will play with stuff and sit there and go through her few words/noises that she knows. Last night she found the stainless salad bowl and was in that playing peek-a-boo on top of the fridge. It was very cute. One thing she has always done is gets ROWDY! She will get into modes where she will do her pterrordactyl flights complete with the 'rawwrrrsss' and then hit the end of her play chain and continue flapping going round and round and round. She loves that toy. Also wrestling off the back of my chair is one of her favorites too. She will come over and try to get me to wrestly by grabbing hold of the material with one talon, then laying on her side and lifting the other in a sort of fist hoping she'll get a response out of me.

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My grey Corky is a CAG. She will be 14 on December 5 and has been with us all her life.

About twice a day she is very active and if she is out of her cage she gets into anything and everything.

She has a mind of her own and at times is very stubborn. She is for the most part very loveable and sociable.

All our friends love her and interact with her.

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Babalu is 7, I've had him for 5 years. He is really calm and isn't to active. He does play with bells and he love waffle wafers from Mother Pluckin Bird Toys. He talks but he loves to whistle more. He isn't a lover, he will step up when he wants to but I cat pet him during the day. In the evenings he gets nice for some reason and he will let me rub his head, sometimes his back and chest. He does and will still bite me, I have to try and read him. He only flies when he gets spooked or really really wants to be so where else. I can leave him unattended if I need to run out to the store real fast, he will stay on his atom. He seems to be a good bird compared to other greys I have seen or watched in videos. I just wish he was a lover and didn't bite lol. He is very independent.

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My girl, Beautiful, is a 15 months old CAG. She is very active and climbs all over her cage while talking and making funny noises. She loves to play rough and loves to be chased. She's never bitten me hard, only play-bites. She does have quiet times where she prefers a face massage and head scratches. I'm sure she will change as she gets older, but I hope not too much. She loves to snuggle.

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Dorian is also pretty laid back. Honestly, he's the perfect bird for me because I'm limited in my level of activity due to Fibromyalgia and bi-polar 2 mood disorder. I don't know if I could give a more demanding fid what it needs to be happy. We just hang out together. He's very tuned into me. If I need to lay down during the day he quiets right down until I'm up and around again. He's chatty in the morning and night, mostly if I'm out of the room. This isn't closet talking, he just tends to talk when he wants me to come to him, so once I'm there he doesn't need to talk any more. He usually only plays hard when he's ticked off at me. For example, if I don't come sit with him when he thinks I should he'll attack one of his bells and beat the stuffing out of it. Believe me, I'm grateful that he takes it out on a toy and not on my body! I've never heard him do the pterodactyl scream. He only flies when he's startled by something, although there have been a few times when I suspect he's taken off on purpose to try to get to me when I'm not respecting his orders for me to come to him. He's very lovey first thing in the morning and at bed time, liking a little scritch and some kisses. He is, unfortunately, a bit of a perch potato. From what I know of the first three years of his life, he didn't have a very enriching environment and never had any out of cage time. I've never been able to get him engaged in any foraging activities, he hates having the tv on, he doesn't destroy toys or chew wood, but give him a roll of adding machine paper, a toy made of pieces of cardboard or, the very best, a brand new cereal box, and he really goes to town, so I've gotten good at making toys out of those materials. I worry about him not getting enough stimulation and keep trying to introduce him to new types of toys, but honestly, he seems perfectly content. Lots of tail wagging, beak grinding, and kisses every day.

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My girl, Beautiful, is a 15 months old CAG. She is very active and climbs all over her cage while talking and making funny noises. She loves to play rough and loves to be chased. She's never bitten me hard, only play-bites. She does have quiet times where she prefers a face massage and head scratches. I'm sure she will change as she gets older, but I hope not too much. She loves to snuggle.


I keep forgetting about this with Greycie...she absolutely loves being chased. We have this game we play. My chair in the living room is just around the corner out of sight from the kitchen. Greycie will throw a stainless measuring cup off the counter and crash and bang it and wait for me to come tearing around the corner to get her. She hunkers and runs around the sink while I chase her. She reminds of a little buzzard when she does that. I need to bust out the camera and film it.

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Isaac is a sweet-hearted rascal. He is most like a child. Insistent on what he wants, but such a cuddle bug when he clams down. He has both to power to make me want to pinch his little butt, and in the next moment can rub his little head up the side of my face...or look at me and say, "Heeeyyyy boooyeee" and erase anything that may be bothering me. He is a member of the family. He has the whole gamut of moods. He has jungle mode like you say too...gets to playing and then gets that loud pterodactyl sound going on. Or he can make the sounds of the quietest things.....the faint little chirps of distant birds has gotta be the cutest. Or the almost inaudible sounds of the Harmony Remote for my TV. It can be hard to tell where sounds are coming from. In a nutshell, he's my best friend.

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LOVED all the posts! Sophie is a lover, loves to snuggle. Accepts many people in her life. I LOVED the chase game, as Sophie does that too, but hides in plain sight with her beak buried in the carpet, and her butt in the air! LOL We are hunting for her, but can see her." Of course", we can't find her. She is wagging her tail. Her owners are not very smart! Nancy

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Gracie is pretty chill most of the time. She loves to climb and play and attack toys, but she is never manic. The thing about Gracie that I love most is our verbal interaction. We love to chat and sing together. Lately she has started this game where she begins a song and then stops...She waits for me to sing the next verse and stop, and then she continues. Her favorite song is "Respect" by Aretha Franklin. She beings with "R-E-S-P-E-C-T...find out what it means to me...." She stops and waits. Then I respond with "R-E-S=P=E=C=T Respect just a little bit. Hey baby just a little bit." Then we both sing "Sock it to me. Sock it to me. Sock it to me...Respect" at the top of our lungs. She also does this with "You are My Sunshine" and "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean".

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I now have two CAG's. My latest buddy just joined our little flock yesterday. I don't know the sex but I guess it's a female because it got along with me instead of my wife. Our new buddy is just around 3.5-4 months old - black cute eyes. I'm very excited can't wait to go to home (now I'm in the office) to play with him.

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I was searching on the Internet and I saw a post on a site (just entered 44 minutes before I opened) on Sunday. I called the guy, he explained the situation. The guy has a jewellery shop in Grand Bazaar (one of the oldest shopping mall's in the world - located in Istanbul- very famous and crowded-touristic place) and a friend of his brought him a baby CAG on Friday from Bulgaria. He told me that his wife and his small kids couldn't get along with him /(or her), think about it: From Friday to Sunday the little buddy didn't have even a cage:/// So I got the baby from him. He/she has very dark grey eyes-nearly black- and a very dynamic CAG, likes to swinging. I placed him in the old cage of our family's old CAG (which died a few years ago, we spent 23 years with him) temporarily. After some six months, I'll try to place them into same cage. I have a big cage which my adult CAG only uses the top floor (I located perches like a triplex villa:)) Cage also has 4 feeders so I don't think space will be a problem. I know they should like each other first, and sometimes it works/sometimes it doesnt't but I'll give it a try. He/She's a lucky buddy because here in Turkey we can't find any quality pellet but one of my friends just brought me a package of Harrison's high coarse yesterday which I ordered for my other CAG (who eats nothing but seeds for months-we tried everything but starving - he's very stubborn) . Unfortunately I forgot the package at the office (due to excitement). Today I'll try to feed them both with Harrison's. I'm very curious if they'll eat or not. But the new buddy is curious and likes to (at least trying) new food. I gave him some peaches, some pear and he tried! I was very happy. That's the story. I'll update with some pics today:D

I'm open to any advises with the little buddy because I have no experience with a baby CAG. Especially changing their diet to Harrison's pellet.

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