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Can anyone help find a cat rescue in DFW area


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I am making a trip with a friend from Atlanta to Dallas with a rental truck and car to move her daughter to a seminary school. We are flying home Wednesday August 20. In a traffic snarl on a bridge in Shreveport LA this morning we saw a small cat in severe distress running beneath a tractor trailer. He made it to the inside median and I was able to jump out and run back to snatch him up while my friend kept crawling along in stop and go traffic. We got on our way again and called a vet in Dallas and got him to treatment and he is not injured. He is young, about 3 pounds. He has an upper respiratory infection and conjunctivitis. He is on antibiotics, a gel nutritional supplement and has been given tests for all the big bad stuff and passed his tests. The vet gave him meds for fleas, ticks and parasites. My time is short and tomorrow we will be unloading the rental truck all day and getting it returned. If anyone can direct me to a shelter or home for this kitten, I will pay for neutering and shots. I will have only Monday and Tuesday. I have no car during the day but will get a rental if I need to in order to secure him a safe haven. He is so affectionate and grateful. His eye looks better already with the antibiotics. He isn't eating and is skin and bones from the stress. He has fought hard for a chance in life. If I wasn't here without a car and flight plans on Wed. I would take him home. Any leads I could call about on Mon and Tuesday would be greatly appreciated.

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In just one day of antibiotics, oral and injections, the kitty is looking better already. We have two leads for possible homes and a sheet of paper from the vet with every rescue organization in the area. My goal is to find a home for him or arrange a rental car to drive him back to Atlanta. He has been a little fighter and is exceptionally charming once he has started to feel better.

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My kids are telling me this cat is already mine and working overtime to find a way to get him home. Unfortunately I'm thinking through the difficulties it will cause for Miss Gilbert and Java as well as making me miserable with allergies. It's a back up plan but a better one is to find him a family. I have two offers for foster families and if they have not placed him in two weeks, my kids will meet me half way and fate will have her fickle way. I am getting the suspicion he may be partially blind. He knows when the door is open to his quarantine room and can get through in a flash. When he is eating or up close, he has trouble locating the food or water and "misses" the bowl. The vet care here has been exceptional. I am willing to be his sponsor and give him a good chance. It will all work out.

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I hope you find a home for the kitty. I know how an injured soul can pull at your heart strings. A baby kitten has been visiting a friends back door for the past few days & I've been very tempted to try to catch her and bring her home. She's wild, though. I don't think my flock, Jac the cat and Dorian, would be very pleased, and I know it would be a stretch to an already tight budget. Just try to remember how awful you allergies can make you feel and try to be strong! There's a home for her out there. You've done a good thing.

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My niece felt horrible because two pregnant momma cats started hanging around so she started feeding them. Now there are eight babies on my porch. I know how it is. Your common sense says no but your heart can't help but to help them. I will try to find homes for the babies and get the mommy's spayed and continue to feed them.

You will find a place for your kitten whether it be with you or someone else.

Edited by 2birds
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Thanks for caring and offering advice. The vet where I took him initially gave me leads and one "Texas Pawprints" is a rescue for special needs. On Monday a foster home contact met with me and took over care for the little guy until he is well enough for rehoming. She is committed to at least a month while she arranges and transports him for immunizations, micro chip procedure and neutering. if he doesn't have a home in a month, I will drive back to get him.

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I had a moment of wickedness when the seasoned cat rescue lady accompanying the newly christened lovely lady helping with this one asked me "How many cats do you have now?" Before I had enough sense to realize I was being interviewed I quipped "None, I don't really like cats very much, I'm a parrot person". The gasp and look on her face made me feel quite devilish. Hahahaha. I'm no angel, Ray. I do sincerely believe we are tested and this little soul was sent my way for a purpose. My kids have had cats since they were old enough to ask, and I really do like cats. Bwahahaha.

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If that's the worst you get...you're not too bad :)


I once thought I was a cat person. All we've ever done is take in strays. I guess they usually turn out to be the worst cats. All the cats I've ever been around are selfish, useless beings. The one we have now takes the cake - shows up at 5:30-6:00am and 4:00-5:00pm for meal times and the rest of the time doesn't want to have anything to do with us. He hangs out behind the TV hidden all day - lazy baztard. My wife swears up and down they had good cats, mostly Persians, when she was little and they actually like being petted and attention.


Once this guy is gone, unless a Raggamuffin shows up at my door, I'm done with cats. These birds are keeping us flat-out just taking care of the three of them.

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My youngest daughter coincidentally found the best cat ever at the public shelter in Fort Worth Texas when she was nine. KittKatt was a Siamese cat and the breeder discarded her because she was "ugly" with a face that was not symmetrical and she had a half mask, vertically on her face. She followed my little girl around like a puppy and was with us until a couple years ago. This little cat I met in Texas has the most wonderful and affectionate behavior and has captured my heart. I would love for him to find his own family and will follow him to be any assistance. I have met all kinds of cats including the kind that have shown up at your house. The same can be said for people.

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My dad used to watch Peoples Court.(stay with me, I promise this is on topic). At the end of any case involving animals the commentator Harvey Levin urges people to get their pets at an animal shelter. He believes that they remember being rescued and that they make better pets because they're grateful for the rescue

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Funny thing is, I have absolutely no problem picturing you being the person who spotted this poor lil bit & chasing around in traffic until you got him safe & secure. I also have no problem picturing you giving the rescue lady a little tweak. lol


What I am having a hard time imagining is how you actually got home w/o him. Isn't it one of those Zen/karma/Cosmic type thingies that once you risk getting run over on the freeway perhaps even multiple times for them, you belong to that critter forever?? Just askin, cuz if you don't go w/the flow on that kind of stuff, it has a way of coming back at you big time you know. lol

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It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings and I'm humming and warming up. Hahahaha. Gilbert will tell you that her idea of Zen is LuLu in the kitchen and no energetic cat looking to capture her off the top of her cage. There is a young couple already inquiring to make a home for Pete. Interestly enough this adventure could be completing the circle. In Dubai a little cat about the same size and markings scaled the wall and came to my window after being battered in the crusher. I tried to take him to animal control but it was too horrible to comprehend what I learned. We made a trade to keep a dog for the summer in exchange for the family to adopt Hank. They were relocating to Oman. Getting Pete from Dallas to Atlanta will be a luxury vacation compared to relocating Hank from Dubai to Oman. Hank went on to live in Jakarta and ended up... In Dallas. Since we cared for him and know he was neutered, this couldn't be his offspring, but somewhere in the Karma and Cosmic world, Hank had a paw in it. It's not over yet, the humming is getting louder, or is that purring I hear?

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