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I feel as though he's still with me :-(


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Yesterday, my 5 1/2 month old Jardine's parrot, Bogart, died suddenly. The day before he showed early signs of labored breathing, so we immediately took him in to the vets. Unfortunately they couldn't save him. A necropsy was performed, but all they could see was a lot of mucous in his airway. Everything else was completely normal. Needless to say I'm devastated.


Maalik's and Bogart's cages were next to each other by the window. Bogart loved to look outside and make the most darling sing songy chirpy sounds that were so endearing. He loved his little window spot, and he was extremely happy there.


Yesterday morning, before I'd found out that Bogart had passed, Maalik, out of the blue, began to sing Bogart's song to me. It was so spot on that I actually looked over towards Bogart's empty cage, half expecting to see him there. Maalik had never before mimicked Bogart's song, which was so eerie.


I received the news at work that Bogart had passed. Tried to keep it together all day long, which was extremely difficult to do. But somehow I made it through the day.


As soon as I walked in the door last night, Maalik immediately started to sing Bogart's beautiful song. That's when I lost it. Looking back, I wonder if Bogart had passed around the time that Maalik began singing to me. Even this morning Maalik periodically chirps exactly like Bogart.


Maalik is comforting me in ways I can't even express. My Bogart is truly here in spirit, and Maalik is giving him a voice for me to embrace.

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I am so sorry for your loss. That must have been terrible to find out while you were at work. That is the very sad thing about the way society views "pets" - as "just a (bird/dog/cat/etc)." We bond to them as our babies and the loss is every bit as painful as losing a human child. Yet we don't get the bereavement leave or any consideration. My husband had to go through that as he had just left on a business trip the day Marden died.


Regarding Maalik mimicking Bogart's song, I had a similar experience. Mar, who went to bed early with daddy, would make a soft cooing sound when I came to bed. After he died Megan, who was always hateful with me at bedtime, began making this same sound when I came to bed. It wasn't as immediate. She took a while after he died to start doing this but it is comforting and a tender reminder of my baby boy at the same time.


I pray for comfort for you at this difficult time.

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As others have expressed, a parrot is so much more than a pet or companion. They are such complex, emotional creatures their life and loss are deeply and profoundly moving. I am so sorry you lost Bogart. It is such a painful devastating time. I promise as time goes on you will smile more at happy memories than to cry for the loss. Bogart's life may be far too short counted in days, but he was happy and loved, living a charmed life for his entire lifetime. I'm glad you shared the wonder of his life with you.

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At times like these, I have an abundance of deep feelings, and am at a loss for words. Such very, very, sad news. Bless Maalik for singing Bogart's song. Perhaps Maalik is responding to Bogart's flock call from the other side, letting Maalik know that all is well across the Rainbow Bridge. My heart just breaks for you.

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Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. Maalik continues to sing Bogart's song off and on throughout each day. So significant to me that he's doing so, especially since he's never imitated Bogart before his death.


It is my belief that Bogart may have passed around the time that Maalik began singing his song. It's a thought that helps bring me a little peace.

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From experience Ray, I know that if you "rescue" a parrot from a "not to informative parront", the rescue can ease a lot of pain from losing a beloved pet. Just be on the look out for a "needy" parrot needing a caring owner. They are there Ray, all you have to do is look.

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I'm so sorry! It sounds like even though Bogart was w/you for such a short while, he'll be remembered by you & Maalik for a long time. Even though it hurts now, it will eventually be something so much sweeter. But that's a kind of magic only time can make happen.

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