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He's talking!!!


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Ok...I thought my Greybie was being slow about talking. Yours is taking longer. I'm thinking about looking into training techniques to see if I can kick start her talking ability a little more. Mine gives me blank stares when I tell her what things are. Maybe I need to stop reading her mind and giving her what I know she wants based on her behavior.


I also have another theory that Greys that are caged more talk more out of sheer boredom. Just a theory though. Does your baby get a lot of out-of-cage time? I'm talking about caged only 1-2 hours per day if at all.

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He is out for about 2/3 hours in the morning. Sometimes out in the afternoon and for about 3 hours at night. There are days that it's a little shorter or longer. I usually say night time around 10 but we've been known to hang out til much later sometimes. I just purchased the Feathered Phonics CD. I will give it a try.

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I also have another theory that Greys that are caged more talk more out of sheer boredom.


Talking is a bit of a mystery. It seems most greys will talk, but it is hard to know when they will start and how much they will use human language. My CAG said a few words at 10 months, but didn't really start talking a lot until 14 months. Your cage theory might be true in some cases, but in the case of my grey, she is only in her cage when she sleeps. Otherwise she is out of the cage 14-16 hours a day, yet she is a prolific talker. I am sure your Greycie will start when she is ready, but I'm sure she is a joy regardless.

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I've been meaning to post about this but since I've mentioned it here: along with the cage time, I meant to mention also that clipped Greys seem to talk more. This is just from a random smattering of watching videos from people on this and other FB/Forums where I'm able to also see how 'mobile' their bird is. I'm just noticing that the Greys who are more immobile, for whatever reason whether it's caged or clipped just seem to talk more and maybe it's because that's how they find to fill their time without going bonkers. My GreycieMae fills her time patrolling her sovereign skies within our house and wrestling with me, her hanging chain and just plain playing all the time. She has no real need to talk our language as she can just about get what she wants without it.

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I've been meaning to post about this but since I've mentioned it here: along with the cage time, I meant to mention also that clipped Greys seem to talk more. This is just from a random smattering of watching videos from people on this and other FB/Forums where I'm able to also see how 'mobile' their bird is. I'm just noticing that the Greys who are more immobile, for whatever reason whether it's caged or clipped just seem to talk more and maybe it's because that's how they find to fill their time without going bonkers. My GreycieMae fills her time patrolling her sovereign skies within our house and wrestling with me, her hanging chain and just plain playing all the time. She has no real need to talk our language as she can just about get what she wants without it.


I think our forum would be a great place do some research. It would be interesting to collect some data about factors that may or may not impact talking, aggression, plucking, etc.... As for the clipping and talking...again I don't know. My CAG is fully flighted as are many of the other more talkative greys here. It would very interesting to look into these things as a forum and see if we can contribute to what is known about companion greys.


Your Greycie sounds like she is having a ball in life. She is clearly a very happy bird!

Edited by JeffNOK
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Phoenix is not clipped but it's funny because for right now he isn't really isn't interested in flying anywhere other than from the top of the cage to me or his stand. Once he lands he pretty much hangs out. I am always talking to him and he hangs out with me when I do things around the house.

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YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!! You are going to have even more fun than ever. Can't wait to hear all about Phoenix' chatter as he continues to explore his 2nd language. :)


PS - Sterling, I think a survey thread would be great.

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