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Alfie's new bath!


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Alfie is a funny one. He sometimes lets me mist him with water, other times he gets in a right grump about it and tries to get away. So if he's in one of those moods, I don't force the issue and try again later. Most of the time though, he tries to bath in his water bowl. Which is all very well and good, except he doesn't fit in it and ends up throwing more on the floor than he does himself. I also noticed that the wooden floor underneath his cage is starting to warp a bit because of the amount of water he tips on it. Generally he does this whilst I'm out at work too, so it's left sitting there all day.


I was browsing round the Northern Parrots website and saw this: http://www.northernparrots.com/savic-splash-extra-large-parrot-bath-prod476055/

It's a big bird bath which fits inside or outside the cage and is plenty big enough for African Greys! Fantastic!


So I waited until I had some spare money and ordered on earlier this month. I wasn't sure what Alfie would make of it. Thankfully, he's not normally too change adverse, so long as I give him plenty of time to check the new object(s) out. So I got it home, unpacked it in front of him and made a big fuss about it whilst I put it together, telling him it was a bath and that it would be great fun once he got used to it. I left it on the table next to his cage and I tried hanging it on the outside of his cage a few times. No freak outs or awful reactions... great start! I was then able to put it in his cage, with some water in it. He kept his distance but was not showing signs of fear or agression to it. Great! I did this a few times- leaving it in there for half an hour and building it up. I then left it in his cage all day whilst I was at home. It took about a week before he actually touched it. The rest of the time was spent watching it and moving around it- but not touching it.

On Tuesday this week I came home and found water all over the floor from his water bowl... even though the bath was in there too. I had to laugh, as obviously he hadn't figured it out yet. I came home Wednesday, and I saw that there were splash marks inside the bath- he'd actually thrown some water about inside it! I have no idea if he actually stood in it (though there was some dander in there) but he had at least thrown the water about. Great stuff! Since then he's been very interested in it, checking it out all over (and standing on top of it). Testing all the screws (which I have to keep tightening) and flicking some more water about.


I'm really happy I decided to purchase the bird bath. I'm sure once he gets brave enough he'll step right into it (if he hasn't done already) and have a proper bath. But it's a fantastic start already... and just in time for the little heatwave we're having at the moment!

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Alfie is doing great! Now get to Walmart.... buy the plastic that is waterproof, in the paint section. Around 9.99.Spread the plastic by at least 10 by 10 under the cage. This plastic is my best friend! " Throw food, splash away!" I'm not going to go crazy. My hardwood floors are protected, and my floors and I have survived many a temper tantrum. Nancy

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Thanks Nancy. I'll have to have a look out when I next go to a hardware shop. Food isn't too much of an issue as it's easy to sweep/clean up. It's just that the water sits there for so long.


Alfie has been busy exploring the whole bath. He's been throwing water around in it but I don't think he's gotten his feet wet yet. He mostly leans in and throws some water around. But he's very interested in it- which is good. Hopefully he'll get the idea soon and maybe he'll even dip a toe in!

  • Haha 1
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I've used office chair mats under the cages. They work well until they crack up from the weight of the cages. Now, I have waterproof kitchen mats that fit between the legs. I like them much better. They're prettier. lol They're cheaper & I can replace them one at a time as needed (which come to think about it, I haven't had to in about 3 yrs!). I can take them up to clean, wash & dry & also tuck them out of the way when I like.

Edited by birdhouse
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My guys are sooo messy! I am home on vacation this week. Plan is to clean a room a day. I'm on target. Sophie is sooo darn messy, I can't believe it! Scrubbing walls of fruits and veggies. She wants to help, so I gave her a dry sponge, and she thinks she is helping! I know she understands the plan. She is too darn cute watching her think she is actually helping! LOL! Watching Sophie, makes all her messes, no big deal! Nancy

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