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Goodbye Cocoa, Hello Kilaya


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It has been 5 months since Cocoa passed away. I was left without a companion. It was so hard to accept Cocoa was gone.

My wife didn't want to have another companion parrot again. She couldn't take the pain anymore. My heart was so empty without Cocoa. I thought of giving my wife some time before I talk to her about getting another grey.


This morning, Kilaya came home with us. He (gender not determined yet) was hatched on Jun18, 2014. He is exactly one month old today.




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Welcome home Kilaya, you may be small but I bet you already know your new home is special. It's always too soon to say goodbye so your first love, Cocoa. As you pick up the pieces of your broken hearts, you will find your smiles, laughter and joy again with Kilaya. Thank you for staying with us and sharing this delightful news.

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There is a story behind Kilaya. There were 3 hatchlings from this brood, code named SK1, SK2 and SK3. The breeder wanted to keep SK1 for himself because SK1 (which is Kilaya) was hatched from a cracked egg. The breeder used wax from candle to patch up the crack and SK1 was safely hatched. The breeder had sentimental feeling for SK1.

SK2 was booked by me and SK3 was booked too. Someone wanted SK1 badly and the breeder asked me if I could take SK1 because he knew the way I cared for Cocoa. That how SK1 ended up with me. The breeder would have SK1 clipped. I guess Kilaya (SK1) is lucky to have come to me because he will get to keep all his flight feathers.

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Kilaya is so beautiful, and looking very alert and ready for a life of mischief. I really enjoyed reading the story of how he came to be with you. Beautiful name, by the way, does it have a particular meaning? I'm always interested in how humans come to name our companions.

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Kilaya is so beautiful, and looking very alert and ready for a life of mischief. I really enjoyed reading the story of how he came to be with you. Beautiful name, by the way, does it have a particular meaning? I'm always interested in how humans come to name our companions.


Kilaya means dagger in Sanskrit.


Kilaya has many harnesses to choose from. He inherited these harnesses from Cocoa.


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It has been 5 months since Cocoa passed away. I was left without a companion. It was so hard to accept Cocoa was gone.

My wife didn't want to have another companion parrot again. She couldn't take the pain anymore. My heart was so empty without Cocoa. I thought of giving my wife some time before I talk to her about getting another grey.


This morning, Kilaya came home with us. He (gender not determined yet) was hatched on Jun18, 2014. He is exactly one month old today.


I remember Cocoa well. I am so glad to see that you are starting a new adventure. Have fun with your new little friend.

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