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My African grey parrot Roxy is 14. Last year she had aspergillosis but after a lot of treatment she recovered. Unfortunately it has now returned and she is back in the vets. does anyone know if it gets worse if they have had it before. I am so worried about her. He has put her back on vfend and lamisol which is what she had last year and although she isn't as poorly yet as she was last year I just don't know whether its harder to recover a second time. I hope I've put this question on the right link I have never been on a forum before.



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It's easier to recover after the second bout because the vets know ahead of time what meds were successful the first time. Quicker remission is possible but in the future your bird may contract the problem because that disease creates a weaker immune system. Compare it to a person who's gone into remission from cancer. There's always a chance that it'll resurface. It's best to stay in close contact with your vet on a regular basis and even schedule more visits then most people do. For that disease, 4 times a year is a good start but ask your vet about time lines.

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Thanks for reply. It has made me feel a bit better. She did have a full blood count 7 weeks ago, but everything was ok then, it must have come back very quickly. Just hope he can get her better again. Will ask him about more regular checks. thanks

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Rang the vet this morning and Roxy very lively and eating after her endoscopy. I'm going to see her tomorrow. If all goes well will get her back on Monday. It will be several months of medication and nebulising but I can cope with that so long as I can keep her well. thanks for all the kind words xx

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Holding good thoughts for you and Roxy that she will get to be home on Monday and will continue to do well. Such a scary thing when someone we love so much becomes so ill. Sounds like you have a really good vet, but even better, Roxy has a great mom!!

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Hi Susan,

I wish you the best possible outcome. Does your vet know the cause of the aspergillosis? If not, try to do everything in your power to increase your bird's immunity. Have her on the best fresh food diet and give her regular sunshine. Roxy is not without options and help, there is stuff you can do to prevent future infection. Is there good air flow in your house? Please keep me informed.

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It has been lovely to read all the kind comments about Roxy. I fetched her home this afternoon and am pleased to say that she seems so much better. She is eating and whistling and has put some weight back on. The vet says that when she first got aspergillosis last year it was probably down to some seed that had some mould on it. I felt so dreadful to think that I had bought something that wasn't good for her. I tried to get her onto pellets but it was a struggle and eventually compromised with nutri berries. My vet said they were the next best thing to pellets. I know if it hadn't been for Craig at chine house in

Sileby she wouldn't be here now. I am so lucky to have such a good vet only 20 minutes away. He put her on Lamisal first of all last year but after a week there wasn't any improvement so she went on to vfend for a month and it was marvellous to see the improvement. She also gets nebulised 3 times daily with f10 disinfectant. She is now on vfend and lamisol together along with an antibiotic. Most days in the summer weather permitting we take her in the garden in her cage (she isn't clipped). There is plenty of airflow for her but I am going to get a hepafilter next week, my vet recommended one. Just doing some research to see which is the best. I just feel so lucky to get her back I will do anything to keep her well. Once again many thanks and I will keep in touch with her progress xx

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Glad to hear the good news of Roxy's homecoming! I've tried every pellet I could find and nothing worked, so Timber is a nutriberry bird as well. He has lots of other stuff including a good seed mix to pick from. I strive for a good variety more than anything.

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Hi everyone

Another update on Roxy. I brought her back from the vets on Monday and you would never know she had been so poorly. She is eating well, whistling and talking away. She is only a small grey and is always about 400g. when I brought her home on Monday she was 368g and now she is up to 391g.

I would just like to say to anyone whose parrot has gone very quiet for a few days to get them to a vet ASAP. Especially if there voice sounds different. Roxy started making a funny clucking noise that I had never heard before. Soon as I heard that I just knew something was wrong.

with early diagnosis a good vet and the right meds Aspergillosis need not be a death sentence. The medicine is so good now at attacking the fungus. She will be tested again in 6 weeks time to see that everything is going on ok. I feel so blessed to have a vet like Craig Hunt at Chine house Sileby looking after her. Without him I would have lost her last year. Thank goodness this time I noticed the symptoms straight away and it hadn't got such a big hold on her. It's still early days but things are looking more positive and thank you all for your concern. Will write again soon. Susan xx

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Hi everyone.

Another update on Roxy. I tried to put update on this morning but I think I must have done it wrong as I can't see it anywhere. Hope this one goes ok. She has now been back since Monday and gets stronger and brighter each day. Eating really well, and whistling and talking, you wouldn't know there was anything wrong with her. She is not a big grey and normally weighs about 400g, when I fetched her home on Monday she weighed 368g, last night she was 391g. She will be on meds for several weeks and will be tested again in 6 weeks. Luckily this time I saw the signs before it had really got hold of her. Plus having Craig at Chine house Sileby as her vet helped a lot, if it wasn't for him I would have lost her last year. If anyone has a grey who goes quiet and whose voice changes, especially if they start making clucking noises they need to get to the vet ASAP. Caught early and with the right meds Aspergillosis needn't be a death sentence any more.

Thanks to everyone for your concern, will write again soon

Susan xx

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Hi everyone

I have been having trouble leaving an update on Roxy. This is my 4th attempt.

I brought her home from the vets last Monday and she gets stronger every day. she is only a small grey, about 400g. when I brought her home she was 368g and she is now 391g. She will be on meds for several weeks and constant nebulising and will have more tests in 6 weeks, but at the moment you wouldn't know anything was wrong with her, she is very lively, flying about, whistling, talking and eating well.

Luckily this time I noticed the signs a lot sooner and got her straight to Craig Hunt at Chine house Sileby who saved her life last year.

If anyone does have a bird that goes quiet for several days and whose voice changes (Roxy started making little clucking noises) then just get them to a vet ASAP. The meds are so much better now for this dreadful disease that caught early it needn't be a death sentence any more.

Once again thanks to all you lovely people who sent good wishes to us, will write again soon

Susan xx

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  • 4 weeks later...

The hepa filters are great. I bought one for the bird room and absolutely love it. It cut down on a lot of dust in the whole house. Now I'm going to buy two more. One for my room and a bigger one for the kitchen, dining, and living room. No more dusting every other day. Yay!!

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You really have gone the extra mile with Roxy. It's good news how she is perking up with treatment. Hoping you get this behind you and just enjoy your happy, healthy friend. Thanks for coming to our forum. It was my first and only forum too and it took a while to find my way around but everyone is like an extended family and we care about everyone else's parrots too.

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